I have a city in another world

Chapter 4944 The Fear of the Dark Wolf Clan

Chapter 4944 The Fear of the Dark Wolf Clan
For Tang Zhen, the united true spirit race is a tough nut to crack.

No matter who you provoke, you will be met with a collective counterattack by the other party.

They don't know how to reason, they only use their power to bully others, especially outsiders like Mocheng.

If it weren't for the Demon City's ability to compete with the True Spirit Race, it would have been chewed away to the bone.

But if one day, when one of them has a wrong idea and wants to kill all his accomplices, the originally strong camp will inevitably collapse.

Although the dark wolf tribe has not launched any action so far, other races will definitely not let it go.

However, there are priorities, and the key depends on the nature.

The plan of the Dark Wolf Clan has not been implemented, and even if the other True Spirit Races are dissatisfied, they will not act too excessively for the time being.

For Tang Zhen, it can be used to divert the attention of the outside world and temporarily alleviate the predicament of the Demon City.

There is also a possibility that after the news is made public, the Dark Wolves will jump over the wall in a hurry.

If this is the case, they will definitely attack the Demon City crazily.

Other true spirit races may not help each other and just stand by and act as spectators.

The best demon city and the dark wolf tribe are fighting to the death, and they are reaping the benefits.

Compared with the situation at the beginning, the situation in Demon City is much better now. At least it does not have to face the cooperation and oppression of a group of true spirit tribes.

After some deduction, Tang Zhen finally made a choice.

Not long after, a giant stone tablet suddenly appeared with the Demon City's exclusive mark on it.

The stone tablet appeared in mid-air and could be clearly seen from a very distance. The content on it was the Demon City's statement.

Many monks were shocked when they saw it, with incredible expressions on their faces.

"The Dark Wolf Clan wants to dominate the True Spirit World and kill all the True Spirit Races!"

The practitioners of the True Spirit Clan were shocked and angry, their eyes full of doubts.

He looked at the dark wolf monk with vigilance in his eyes.

Several Tribulation Tribulation elders from the Dark Wolf Clan looked extremely gloomy and roared angrily.

"You actually slandered the Dark Wolf clan, I will definitely raze the Demon City to the ground!"

An Elder Du Jie yelled, threatening to take revenge, but he felt a little guilty.

While the dark wolf cultivator felt angry, he also thought of many things, and his expression became cloudy and uncertain.

They are more aware of the situation within the race, and they may have discovered relevant signs long ago.

Being exposed by the magic city at this moment, and then confirming the association with each other, it is natural to understand that this may not be a slander out of thin air.

Although I have some guesses in my heart, I definitely can't admit it. Everyone knows the seriousness of this matter.

Once confirmed, the Dark Wolf tribe will become the target of public criticism and will be attacked by other groups of true spirit races.

The appearance of this stone tablet immediately caused shocking waves.

Compared with the conspiracy of the dark wolf tribe, the capture of its elders is a trivial matter. Even if they are really in danger, what does it have to do with other true spirit races?
If the dark wolves are really planning to attack other true spirit races as Mocheng said, they hope that the dirty blood will be killed by Mocheng.

The death of an elder who transcends the tribulation will inevitably affect the strength of the Dark Wolf Clan, so it is naturally the best thing to do.

From this moment on, suspicions have arisen, and things have become more and more complicated.

The five elders of the Dark Wolf Clan almost had their noses twisted in anger.

While cursing dirty blood secretly, they explained to the monks of other true spirit races that it was a deliberate slander by the magic city.

If the magic city hadn't been closed and there was no way to enter, the elders of the dark wolf tribe would have already proven their innocence.

They knew better in their hearts that such an explanation was useless at all.

The monks from all major races must have sent the news back, letting the higher-ups within the race know to be on guard.

Whether it is true or false, it must not be taken lightly.

According to this clue, targeted investigation should be able to find clues soon.

At that time, no matter how much you deny it, it will be useless.

After the matter is confirmed, the major races will inevitably report the news to the ancestors of the various races in the upper realm of the fairy gods.

At that point, things will get even worse.

Thinking of the possible consequences, the elders of the dark wolf clan became more and more annoyed, and while they kept explaining, they also sent the news back to the race.

Call an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter.

Regarding the specifics of the incident, the upper realm must also be informed, so that the ancestors of the dark wolf clan can prepare.

The order was issued by the upper realm, but the Dark Wolf Clan has never been able to complete the task, and now the news has been leaked.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely be punished by the upper world, and the cultivation resources that are regularly decentralized will no longer be provided.

For the true spirit race, the various cultivation resources decentralized from the upper world are the most important source of income.

The true spirit race is powerful and has countless strong men, relying on the support of resources from the upper world.

If it is cut off, it will definitely have a great impact.

At this moment, the elder of the dark wolf clan had a gloomy complexion, and his heart was filled with deep anger.

But apart from anger, there is also a trace of unwillingness and guilt.

The development of the matter to the present is actually related to their decision-making. If they were not so aggressive at the beginning, Mocheng might not have made this choice.

These five elders of the dark wolf tribe accepted the task of saving the dirty blood and had the right to make temporary decisions.

But they were too conceited, thinking that as long as they exerted pressure, the Demon City would obediently hand over the prisoners.

As a result, things turned out completely different from what they expected.

The Demon City is tougher than expected and is not afraid of their threats at all. The dirty blood is even more useless and actually revealed the top secret of the Dark Wolf Clan.

This series of events has made the situation uncontrollable, and no one knows what will happen next.

The only thing the Dark Wolf Clan can do is to hunt down the demon city monks to vent their anger.

However, such behavior will not help solve the crisis at all, but will deepen the conflicts between them.

The enraged Demon City might do even more troublesome things.

The five elders knew this and did not dare to act rashly at this moment. Compared with the arrogance and domineering they had before, they now became restrained.

In the following time, there was a strange calm.

The Demon City never appeared, thus avoiding further intensification of the conflict. Otherwise, anything could happen during the confrontation between the two sides.

The Dark Wolf clan monks are extremely anxious and are currently looking for a solution to the problem, waiting for the sect to make a decision.

In other words, just wait for the ancestors from the upper world to make the final decision, and they will be responsible for executing it.

The same is true for other true spirit monks, waiting for the decision of the race.

If something like this happens, all major races will definitely pay great attention to it and communicate with the Dark Wolf clan.

Find out the specific situation, and then make further decisions.

If this kind of brother-in-law fight cannot be properly resolved, it will definitely lead to greater chaos.

Compared with it, the things in the magic city became nothing worth mentioning.

As long as the prisoner is not dead, it doesn't matter, as long as he can be rescued in the end.

There are also some true spirit monks who wish that the dirty blood will be killed, so that the demon city and the dark wolf clan will form a deadly feud.

The two sides fought to the death, and then they sat on the mountain and watched the fight between tigers and tigers.

The reputation of the dark wolf tribe is not good. After this incident broke out, the impression of all tribes on it has dropped to freezing point.

Facing an ally who is deliberately trying to kill him, no one will have a good impression.

The True Spirit Clan also had no favorable impressions of the outsiders in Demon City. It would be the best thing if they could die together with the Dark Wolf Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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