I have a city in another world

Chapter 4945 Chaos in the true spirit world!

Chapter 4945 Chaos in the true spirit world!
After the secret of the dark wolf clan was announced, the magic city became low-key, and even though the outside world was changing, there was still no reaction.

The special envoy of the White Ape Tribe, who acted as the peacemaker, kept sending messages during this period, trying to find out the specific situation.

Compared to the panic of the Dark Wolf Clan and the suspicion among other races, the White Ape Clan has become particularly active.

After such an operation, I don't know what the intention is.

Tang Zhen was too lazy to answer, and kept silent all the time. He didn't want to make any response, but waited quietly for the result.

In this current situation, anything you say is redundant and meaningless.

The key to the matter still depends on how the true spirit race defines this matter.

If the internal negotiations are reconciled, the magic city will become the target of public criticism, and will be subject to intensified retaliation attacks.

The Demon City may not be wiped out, nor can the True Spirit Race, but it will definitely impose various difficulties.

If you want to gain a foothold in the true spirit world, it will definitely become even more difficult.

If you want to solve this matter, you must pay a huge price, and it is definitely not something that some underworld specialties can settle.

If the matter is not settled, that would be the best, but the dark wolf clan must face the collective accountability of other true spirit races, and there is no time to pay attention to the magic city.

Compared to the racial crisis, a group of imprisoned and captured True Spirit monks are actually not worth mentioning at all.

If you can save your life, it doesn't matter if you are temporarily detained.

Not to mention that these captured monks confessed the biggest secret of the race, which put the dark wolf clan into a difficult situation.

Even if he is rescued at this moment, he will be severely punished after returning to the sect.

Even if you want to save your life, you must pay for your crimes and perform meritorious services for the rest of your life.

In a short period of time, the outside world fell into a strange period of calm.

But those who know the inside story know very well in their hearts that a terrifying storm will soon descend.

All the bystanders also fell into silence, waiting for the moment when the answer would be revealed.

The demon city monks who had not been captured, as well as the followers who came from afar, also disappeared at this moment.

Only at the place where the magic city was opened, the people nearby were terrified. They were afraid that they would be affected by the war, so they chose to move away with their families.

Only a handful of people couldn't bear to leave their families and careers behind, so they bit the bullet and stayed.

I kept praying in my heart, hoping that the war would not start.

However, the development of things was beyond everyone's expectations. Only three days later, a shocking news came.

The Dark Wolves launched an attack during the negotiation and killed three monks of the True Spirit race on the spot, and many monks of the True Spirit race escaped with injuries.

Such behavior is simply insane.

Who could have expected that after the plan to dominate was exposed, the Dark Wolf Clan would actually become the enemy of the world.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and thousands of people condemned at the same time.

The true spirit races in all directions condemned the dark wolf clan and assembled their forces to retaliate.

The sects controlled by the True Spirit Race have also received recruitment orders and must send practitioners to follow them on the expedition.

This time, the accident spread to the true spirit world in a short period of time, causing a surge of wind and clouds all of a sudden.

Soon more news came out intermittently.

The sudden turn of events of the dark wolves was actually due to an oracle from the upper realm asking them to act immediately.

When the plan is leaked, it is obviously very irrational to choose to be an enemy of the world.

There must be a special reason for the Dark Wolves to do this.

It didn't take long for more news to come, and the content became more and more exciting.

It turns out that there was also a war in the upper realm of immortals and gods.

The ancestor of the beasts of the dark wolf clan has long been ambitious, trying to launch an attack on other races of beasts.

Due to lack of preparation, there has been no action.

This time, there was an accident in the true spirit world, and all major races reported the news one after another, but in the end, the plan of the dark wolf clan was inadvertently exposed.

Seeing that the matter could not be concealed, the Dark Wolf Clan was almost ready and launched a war directly in the upper realm of the gods.

At the same time, an oracle was issued to let the dark wolves take action, so that one would strike first.

Otherwise, when the news from the upper world comes and the major races in the true spirit world cooperate, the dark wolf clan will inevitably encounter a fatal crisis at that time.

With the support of the upper realm, the dark wolf clan no longer had any scruples, and launched an attack without warning when representatives of the major races came to ask their crimes.

In the days that followed, things got worse.

The cloud of war enveloped the real spirit world, and there was chaos everywhere, and the robbers and demon clans also took the opportunity to cause disasters everywhere.

In the eyes of the true spirit race, the demon race is a mixed race, and they have been suppressed and rejected all the time.

In the past, he had always been hiding in Tibet, not daring to be exposed in front of the world, otherwise he would be hunted down by various major sects.

Now he got the opportunity and started to go on a rampage, frantically snatching treasures from heaven, materials and earth, and devouring living beings as blood food.

However, the major sects didn't bother to pay attention to such things, but devoted themselves to the war with the Dark Wolf Clan.

At the very beginning, reinforcements from all major races had the upper hand, and the Dark Wolves were defeated steadily.

Such gratifying results gave the coalition forces full of confidence and they made great progress all the way.

The outside world also generally believes that the Dark Wolf Clan cannot be an opponent of the coalition forces, and it will only be a matter of time before they are defeated.

But what happened next shocked the world once again.

During the battle between the two sides, the dark wolves actually set a trap and launched an ambush in a valley.

The rune circle sealed the four directions and imprisoned the coalition forces of all races. The dark wolf monks who had ambushed them immediately launched an attack.

The cultivator of the dark wolf tribe used the divine weapon bestowed by the upper world, and every shot was a thunderous blow.

Facing the fierce attack, the monks of the coalition army suffered huge casualties, and the corpses littered the field all of a sudden.

The allied monks who were ambushed hurriedly requested support and received a response quickly.

No one expected that the reinforcements would be ambushed again halfway.

The ambushers this time were not dark wolf monks, but several true spirit races in the coalition army.

They didn't know when they colluded with the Dark Wolves and launched a crazy attack on their former allies.

Caught off guard, the True Spirit Clan coalition forces suffered heavy losses and were only a few inches away from being completely annihilated.

Only a small number of monks managed to escape from the battlefield, and the rest were either killed or captured.

The news shocked the world, and this accident completely plunged the true spirit world into chaos.

I thought that the Dark Wolves could not be supported alone, but I didn't expect that there were allies in the dark, and these races still took the initiative to expose.

No one can be sure whether there is a hidden race secretly colluding with the Dark Wolves.

If they are attacked again, they will inevitably pay heavy losses, and the major races simply cannot afford it.

After this incident, although the coalition forces still existed, they could no longer work together.

Before finding all the traitors, the major races must first protect themselves, so as not to be counted again.

The originally fierce war suddenly came to a standstill.

The monks of all major races withdrew and returned to the defense one after another to prevent the sect from being attacked.

In the past, there is no need to worry about this matter. Looking at the whole world, who would dare to attack the true spirit race?
But it was different now. The enemies they encountered were true spirit races of the same level as themselves.

Once an attack is launched, it can definitely cause fatal damage.

However, such defensive behavior is also full of hidden dangers, and it is likely to be jointly attacked by the Dark Wolf Clan and their associates.

Sure enough, not long after, there was another breaking news that the Dark Wolves formed an alliance with several other true spirit races.

Xinmeng is called changing the sky, which means changing the sky and changing the earth.

On the day the Changtian League was established, it immediately launched an attack on the nearest White Ape Clan.

The white ape tribe encountered a crisis and hurriedly asked for help from the outside world. In the end, no race came to help.

It's ridiculous to say that when Demon City captured the dark wolf monks, it was the White Apes who acted as peacemakers.

At the beginning, it was also the special envoys of the White Ape tribe who explored the Demon City and negotiated for benefits for the major races.

Whether it is the Allied Forces of the True Spirit Clan or the Alliance of Changing Heavens, the White Ape Clan actually has some affection.

But when the chaos broke out, no one remembered this, which is really sad.

(End of this chapter)

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