I have a city in another world

Chapter 4946 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 4946 Mantis Catching Cicadas
However, within a short period of time, the real spirit world was in chaos.

There is a great chaos among the real spirit race, and there is almost no safe state capital.

Such a chaotic situation was not what Tang Zhen expected, and even he was caught off guard.

Originally, he thought that he was going to face a super fortress and had to do his best to enter it.

Wanting to destroy it is pure fantasy.

However, he never dreamed that he just reached out and poked lightly, and this huge monster collapsed.

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will be shocked.

But when you come back to your senses, you will feel a deep ecstasy, feeling that everything is like a dream.

At this moment, Tang Zhen can only say one sentence: God help me.

After the surprise and excitement, Tang Zhen began to observe quietly, slowly waiting for the opportunity to do something.

Such a God-given opportunity must be grasped no matter what.

As the trigger of this turmoil, Mocheng has become more and more low-key, as if afraid of being noticed by others.

The original opening date has been continuously postponed, as if it has completely disappeared.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to protect yourself.

The environment outside is turbulent, and the Changtian League is like a group of mad dogs biting people. If they are targeted by them, they will definitely be in trouble.

Fortunately, the environment of the Demon City is very special. It does not exist in the real spirit world, so there is no need to worry about being invaded by enemies.

Even if you want to launch an attack on the Demon City, you must first locate the specific location.

The enemy knows this, so naturally they won't waste too much time.

Although it is possible to arrest the monks of the Demon City as a coercion condition, it does not have much effect.

The True Spirit races all know very well that the status of mortal ants is humble and they do not take them seriously at all.

Wanting to use this as a threat is definitely a waste of time, and it will even make people feel very ridiculous.

According to the analysis of the true spirit race, Demon City's maintenance of low-level monks is just a deliberate show.

In this way, build your image and reputation.

In this case, trying to blackmail Demon City with mortals is just a waste of time.

Even the dark wolves are now biting everywhere, but temporarily let the magic city go.

It's not that I don't want to do it, but I really can't do it.

In this chaotic situation, Demon City, which has a huge advantage, can make choices more calmly.

Otherwise, the premise of everything is that the enemy has not seen through the disguise of the magic city, and will not find the Loucheng hidden behind the scenes.

Otherwise, as long as a crazy attack is launched against Loucheng, Tang Zhen will definitely be devastated.

It is impossible to be like now, watching the true spirit races fight together as if they are staying out of the situation.

Tang Zhen saw this as an excellent opportunity for the Heavenly Alliance to launch an attack on the White Apes.

Once the White Ape Clan is defeated, the secret treasure of the true spirit may be revealed, and Tang Zhen can take the opportunity to snatch it into his hands.

For the true spirit race, the true spirit secret treasure is indeed extremely precious, and there is a hidden racial inheritance inside.

This kind of inheritance has clear restrictions, it can only be used by the blood of the same family, and outsiders can't even activate it at all.

The true spirit secret treasure of the White Ape Clan is priceless to the Baiyuan Clan, but it is of little value to outsiders.

On the contrary, you can hold this item and trade with the White Apes.

But such a special item, it is impossible to leave the White Ape Clan easily, otherwise it would be tantamount to encountering the catastrophe of extermination.

The White Apes in that state may no longer be able to protect this thing, and it is impossible for them to make any transactions with it.

For Tang Zhen, the real treasure is an upgrade item for Loucheng, and it has no other use.

When the Changtian League launched an attack, he also immediately launched an operation to closely monitor the secret realm of the White Ape Clan.

He clearly saw the war between the two sides.

With the help from the upper realm, the Dark Wolves' performance was indeed ferocious, and they fought fiercely when fighting.

Incarnated as a giant shadow wolf, he ran rampant in the secret realm of the white ape clan, constantly roaring arrogantly.

The practitioners of the White Ape clan are now transformed into white giant apes, wielding iron rods, hammers and other weapons to fight against the enemy.

They acted bravely and defended their homeland to the death.

But the enemy they faced was a coalition of several true spirit races, and their overall strength was far beyond what the White Apes could compare to.

From the beginning of the battle, the White Apes were at a disadvantage, and it got worse as time went by.

The defense of the secret realm has been torn apart, and the enemy army has entered the core of the secret realm, and is currently destroying it frantically.

Everything that can be seen must be completely destroyed, leaving no chance for the enemy to stand up.

Thick smoke billowed everywhere, and corpses of war dead could be seen everywhere.

The White Ape Clan has been operating this secret race for many years, and there are giant trees full of fresh melons and fruits everywhere.

Now these trees are all burned by flames, and many white-haired monkey cubs are running around.

The patriarch of the White Ape Clan, with a face full of anger at the moment, directed the clansmen to fight against powerful enemies.

There are more than twenty tribulation-crossing monks of the White Ape Clan, but all of them are entangled by the enemy.

As they fought, the robbery clouds in the sky quickly condensed, and thunder and lightning continued to strike down.

These five-color tribulation thunders were so powerful that the cultivators who crossed the tribulation did not dare to bear them. Other buildings and low-level monks were affected and turned into ashes almost instantly.

Accompanied by the bombardment of the tribulation and thunder, the damage to the secret realm of the White Ape Clan became more and more serious, and there were scorched earth ruins everywhere.

Compared with the destruction of Huantian Union, Jielei's attack was more disorderly and fierce.

If this situation continues, even if the enemy is blown away, the secret realm of the White Ape Clan will be reduced to ruins.

Seeing that the distress message was sent out, but no true spirit race came to rescue, the leader of the White Ape finally let out a helpless sigh.

He really did not expect that at such a critical moment, no one would help the White Ape Clan.

It is actually expected that such a situation will occur. The true spiritual world that seems to be a harmonious world has actually already had hidden dangers.

No matter which true spirit race, it is impossible to put itself in danger in order to help other races.

Not to mention that this time's turmoil has its roots in the upper world of immortals and gods, and no true spirit race can stop it at all.

The true spirit races in the lower realm are just vicious dogs raised in the upper realm. They must carry out orders to bite people when they receive them.

Everyone, including the White Apes, received instructions from the upper world to ensure their own safety as much as possible before launching a fatal blow to the enemy.

If possible, it is best to become the overlord of the real spirit world and wipe out all other races.

Such oracle instructions are almost identical to those of the Dark Wolf Clan, and there may be many other races that have received them.

Such an order also made the senior officials of the White Ape Clan realize how bad the situation in the Immortal God Upper Realm is.

The time for the White Apes to receive the order was too late, they were not fully prepared at all, and they were doomed to be unable to complete the order from the upper realm.

Even if it is difficult to protect itself, it may perish at any time.

Confirming that there is no hope of winning, the Patriarch of the White Ape can only order the seed monks to escape through the teleportation array.

The precious items of the White Apes are also carried to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy.

Activating the escape mechanism means that the race is at a critical moment of life and death. If you are not careful, the race may be exterminated.

The seed cultivator who received the order felt inexplicably sad and indignant, but he had no choice but to obey the order and prepare to leave.

They are very clear that they must not be arrogant at this time because of the special mission they shoulder.

In the chaotic battlefield, no one noticed that many technological robots like dust were flying around.

One of the scouting robots attached to the evacuated monks and directly turned on the stealth mode.

Even the monks who crossed the catastrophe found it difficult to find their existence.

As the teleportation array was activated, these white ape monks were teleported out and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

More than one group of monks teleported away, and the White Apes would not put their eggs in one basket, lest they lose hope after being hit.

After the seed monks withdrew, the Patriarch of the White Ape issued an order to lead the remaining clansmen to fight and retreat.

The secret realm has been destroyed, and there is no need to stay any longer, so it is natural to evacuate and transfer quickly.

Not long after, Tang Zhen received a message prompt, and groups of coordinates appeared in different locations thousands of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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