I have a city in another world

Chapter 4947 The mutant tree demon comes again

Chapter 4947 The mutant tree demon comes again

In the depths of a certain valley, a wave of energy flashed, and the hidden teleportation array began to operate.

Not long after, hundreds of practitioners teleported over.

They were all fully armed, with sad and serious faces, and looked around alertly.

Judging from their aura and appearance, they were obviously high-ranking figures, but none of them wore identification.

Such an abnormal behavior was obviously for the purpose of hiding traces, and he did not want to leave any possibility of revealing his identity.

This group of mysterious practitioners are the seed monks of the White Ape Clan, who fled thousands of miles away through the teleportation array.

The teleportation array has a distance limit, and most of them are thousands of miles away.

There is also a super-large teleportation array, which requires a lot of resources to maintain its operation, and there are very few sects capable of building it.

The teleportation array used for emergency must not make too much noise, otherwise it will be noticed by the enemy on the spot.

Once the shot is blocked, the transmission will also be forcibly interrupted.

This hidden valley is the secret hiding place of the White Ape Clan, just to deal with unexpected situations.

The teleportation array has been established for thousands of years, but this is the first time it has been used.

The current situation is very critical, it is impossible for them to scurry around, otherwise they are very likely to be discovered by the enemy.

For the next time, you must keep a low profile before deciding whether to move to a safer location.

In today's true spirit world, every state capital is chaotic and chaotic, and the slightest carelessness will expose the traces.

If the Heaven Changing Alliance finds out, they will inevitably start to hunt him down.

This painful experience made the monks of the White Ape Race realize that other true spirit races are not worthy of trust.

They harbor hatred in their hearts, but they have also become more vigilant.

"If one day I find an opportunity, these bastards will definitely pay the price!"

A young cultivator of the White Ape Clan waved his fists resentfully, his eyes were as red as blood.

The same is true for other monks, their hearts are occupied by hatred, and they wish they could kill their enemies immediately.

The leading practitioner was worried at the moment.

This group of descendants of the White Ape Clan's senior leaders have no idea how difficult the current situation is. The White Ape Clan, which was attacked by the Sky-Changing Alliance, may be in danger of annihilation.

Let alone revenge against the enemy, it is not yet known whether they can survive in the chaotic environment that follows.

"Activate the concealment circle and enter the cave to hide."

Following his command and operation, a rune array was quickly activated to hide the energy fluctuations in the valley.

The descendants of the Zongmen's high-level people entered the cave to practice one after another, hoping to improve their strength as soon as possible to avenge their clansmen.

The valley returned to calm, as if nothing unusual had happened.

However, a few hours later, an aircraft passed by and dropped a box-shaped object.

The box fell to the ground slowly, and unexpectedly deformed at an extremely fast speed, turning into a strangely shaped altar.

Soon the wild beasts in the valley were attracted by the mysterious force, and rushed over in groups.

In the process of approaching, it continued to explode and disintegrate, and the blood was completely absorbed by the altar.

The passage to the abyss of the underworld was slowly opened at this moment.

When monsters come to the world, blood sacrifices are not necessarily required. This is just a program set by the modular altar.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no blood sacrifice process, it will affect the chance of the abyssal demon god descending.

When putting it on Tang Zhen, there is no need to be so troublesome, and his own affairs must be on call.

He is the summoner, and he is also the descendant.

But in the blink of an eye, there was a billowing devilish energy overflowing, and the cold breath seemed to enter the cold winter instantly.

Originally, the sky was clear and cloudy, but now it was covered with dark clouds.

A huge figure condensed at an extremely fast speed, like a strange statue from ancient times.

With a mottled body like bark and three heads with grim expressions, they looked indifferently at the valley ahead.

Strips of rune tree vines danced like streamers, making His image extraordinarily hideous.

The mutated tree demon from the abyss of the underworld once again came to the world of true spirits. When his breath spread, the practitioners hiding in the valley were immediately alarmed.

They rushed out of the cave and looked at the terrifying and ferocious demon god, and they were all dumbfounded for a moment.

Obviously, he didn't think about why there would be a demon god appearing in front of his eyes, and it seemed that the visitor was not good.

The white ape monk who led the team was inexplicably sad and angry at this moment, glaring at the mutated tree demon in front of him.

"Why, when the Tianmeng attacked our clan, the other True Spirit clans would not save them, and now even the Demon City is going to make trouble!"

"Can you tell me, what did the White Ape Clan do wrong? Why should the Demon City avenge its kindness?"

His sorrowful and indignant questions represented the voices of other White Ape people.

Tang Zhen manipulated the mutated tree demon. He didn't want to talk to these monks at first, but he couldn't help but sneered when he saw the sad, angry and wronged eyes of the other party.

"Everything you White Apes do is not for yourself, why are you pretending to be good people now!"

The monk who led the team was taken aback when he heard the words, and when he was about to speak up to defend himself, Tang Zhen no longer gave him a chance.

Guys like this would never think they were wrong, let alone reason with them.

They are also unreasonable, and they like to talk with their fists the most.

Since this is the case, why waste time, just do it directly.

Accompanied by the earthquake, countless tree roots broke through the ground and swept towards the monks of the White Ape Clan.

These tree roots are like giant pythons, with countless eyes on the surface, and their posture looks extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, the monks of the White Ape Clan dodged in fright.

However, he forgot that the demon in front of him was a demon from the abyss, and he could suppress the monks in the tribulation stage with one move.

With their strength, how could there be any possibility of escaping, and they were firmly bound in the blink of an eye.

Tang Zhen's attack at this moment was equivalent to killing a chicken with a butcher's knife. It could be said that it was effortless.

But in a short time, the capture task has been successfully completed, and this group of white ape captives will also be sent to the magic city.

The reason for the mutant tree demon to take action was naturally that Demon City lacked suitable manpower, and it was not convenient for Loucheng to participate in this matter.

The Abyssal Demon God can also avoid accidents.

This time the true spirit world was in turmoil, and monks during the tribulation period took action one after another. The situation can be said to be quite severe.

In such a complicated situation, sending the mutated dryad to fight is naturally the most suitable choice.

If you encounter a monk in the Tribulation Stage, you can still deal with it easily.

Through this incident, it can also show the strength of the magic city and deter those enemies with malicious intentions.

The mutated dryad will not attack indiscriminately, but will attack the downcast true spirit race, so that trouble can be minimized.

In times of great chaos, the major true spirit races are too busy to take care of themselves, so how can they have the mood to care about others?

Knowing what Demon City was doing, he could at most give a warning, but that was all.

It is impossible to take a risk and form an enmity with the magic city, just to help a down-and-out race.

Of course, it is also possible that it will arouse the anger of the True Spirit Race, and then be attacked by the other party.

No matter what the result is, Tang Zhen can bear it.

In order to obtain the secret treasure of the true spirit, he must take risks, and it is impossible to keep a low profile like before.

Not long after Tang Zhen left, another group of practitioners arrived.

Be careful all the way, carefully explore in the valley, and soon discover the hidden teleportation array.

Feeling the remaining demonic energy and the traces just collected, the expressions of this group of monks became more solemn.

They were able to confirm that an abyss demon god descended and captured a group of unidentified practitioners.

The unidentified practitioner entered the valley through the concealed teleportation array, and neither side stayed for long.

The appearance of the Abyss Demon God is definitely not a trivial matter.

The investigating monk did not dare to hide it and quickly reported the matter truthfully to the true spirit race that controlled this place.

The preliminary judgment of the true spirit race is related to the white ape race at this time.

The matter of the White Ape Clan can be said to be quite sensitive, and it has become a taboo topic among the major true spirit races.

The same is true for the Demon City. After many incidents, no true spirit race dares to underestimate it.

The true spirit race who knew about this did not make too much noise, but quietly concealed the matter.

In case the news spread, people would say that he would not save himself after death, wouldn't that be asking for trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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