I have a city in another world

4948 - The fear of the true spirit race

4948 - The fear of the true spirit race

The miniature robot sent by Tang Zhen easily locked the position of the fleeing white apes, making them invisible on the map.

Even if you are thousands of miles away, you are doomed to escape.

In the following time, the mutated tree demon continued to attack and captured all the monks of the White Ape Clan.

The White Apes carefully planned and set up these means of escape, but in the end they were completely defeated by the Demon City.

If they had known about today, the White Ape Clan would never have offended the Demon City and did things that were cheap and good-looking one after another.

It’s not that we don’t want to retaliate, the time has not come yet, once the Demon City shows its ferociousness, the true spirit race will not be able to bear it.

Throw the captives into the prison of the magic city, and search all kinds of items they carry, mainly looking for the true treasure of the white ape clan.

It's good to be able to find it, but if you can't find it, these seed monks are also of great value.

The various materials they carry are already valuable, and they are also bargaining chips that can be used for transactions.

When the right opportunity comes, Tang Zhen will release the news that the lives of these prisoners can be exchanged for the True Spirit Secret Treasure.

What choice would the White Apes make at that time?

In order not to exterminate the clan, no matter how high the price is paid, they can only obediently accept the deal in the end.

True Spirit Secret Treasure is more like a totem, which has the effect of inheriting secret techniques to unite people's hearts, but it is not irreplaceable.

The secret techniques inherited by the secret treasure can be recorded in other ways, which will be more convenient.

Everyone has a practice manual, which can be read at any time, and it will be easier to practice.

There is no need to engage in such a shitty sense of ritual as in the past. If you want to learn the exercises, you have to go through complicated procedures.

Every time I see the True Spirit Secret Treasure, I feel like I am meeting my ancestors.

In fact, this true spirit secret treasure has more symbolic meaning.

After this great turmoil, the upper realm of the gods and gods also went into chaos, seriously affecting the majesty of the gods and beasts.

When the mythical image is broken and falls from a high altitude, the depreciation of related items will inevitably happen.

The ancestors of the mythical beasts who were originally worshiped are no longer so respectable, and even make people feel disgusted.

Previously, the major true spirit races, apart from worshiping the ancestors of their own gods and beasts, also treated the ancestors of other true spirit races equally.

Although they don't belong to the same clan, they are as close as one family.

But it's different now. Ever since the Dark Wolf Clan took the lead in betraying and the Sky-Changing Alliance was established, the ancestors of the hostile camp have become targets of contempt.

The ancestors of the beasts in the same camp no longer felt that closeness, and even secretly guarded against them.

I was afraid that if I was not careful, I would be stabbed in the back by my companions.

The occurrence of this accident has completely changed the structure of the true spirit world, and many old rules are no longer valid.

If you have enough ability and means, you can take advantage of the chaotic period to formulate new rules.

Tang Zhen is like this, trying his best to create the rules that belong to the magic city, so that the outside world can abide by them.

But there was one thing that was not what Tang Zhen expected.

Originally thought that manipulating the mutated dryad and descending in a high-profile manner in the real spirit world would inevitably cause quite a stir.

But it turned out that few people knew about the news of the demon god's arrival.

This is a bit unbelievable, how could no one see Tang Zhen making such a big commotion?
He even arranged for a special envoy from the Magic City to publicize and exaggerate this matter, hoping that more people would know about it.

But from the beginning to the end, this matter has not spread, and there are very few people who know about it.

Tang Zhen analyzed the matter, and it must be the actions of the major true spirit races, deliberately suppressing the spread of information.

If it's nothing to do with yourself, just hang it up. A race of true spirits that is close to extermination doesn't need to pay too much attention to it.

But the incident happened in front of his own house. If he didn't take any action, he would inevitably be criticized and slandered.

As long as the spread of news is suppressed and the outside world does not know, the problem will be solved.

These true spirit monks must be very envious of the magic city in their hearts, because the fugitives will inevitably carry a lot of treasures.

If the Demon City captures them, they will definitely find a lot of treasures.

If they knew the news, they would definitely take action without hesitation. Compared with the attractive benefits, hypocritical morals are not worth mentioning at all.

After the operation is successful, it depends on each person's choice whether to kill and silence them or to secretly imprison them.

However, there are few people who give charcoal in the snow, and there are many people who take advantage of the fire to loot. When that moment really comes, it is estimated that most of them will be ruthless and eradicate the weeds.

The expected publicity plan was not achieved, but it did not affect Tang Zhen's actions. Since the outside world did not spread the matter, Tang Zhen took the initiative to contact the remnants of the White Ape Clan.

Tell these guys that if they want to save their own clansmen, they can exchange it with True Spirit Secret Treasure.

You can also announce to the outside world that as long as you hold the True Spirit Secret Treasure, you can exchange for massive resources from the Demon City.

After the news is released, it will inevitably cause even bigger waves.

Practitioners of the White Ape Clan would definitely hate Demon City to the core, but there was nothing they could do about it.

If you want to save the monks of the same family, you must hand over the real treasure, and there is no other way.

When other monks heard about this, they would definitely pay attention to this information in order to gain huge benefits.

When the opportunity arises, he will act without hesitation to snatch the real treasure and trade with the magic city.

But in this way, it is tantamount to showing the camp and standing on the opposite side with the two camps.

Being disgusted by the True Spirit Clan, they may be attacked by a group.

For Tang Zhen, this was a day that would come sooner or later, but now it just came a little earlier than originally planned.

But it doesn't matter. Today is different from the past, and the threat of the true spirit races that fight against each other has been greatly reduced.

If someone really wanted to provoke Demon City, Tang Zhen would definitely let the other party do what he wanted, and experience the fear of what is called a nuclear bomb wash.

After completing the arrest of the White Ape Clan monks, Tang Zhen turned his attention and continued to monitor the Allied Forces of the Heaven-Changing Alliance and the True Spirit Clan.

Look for a suitable opportunity, and plan to snatch the real treasure again until you have all the materials to upgrade the building.

Things outside were developing as he expected.

The White Ape Clan has been expelled, which shocked the world and made other true spirit races extremely angry.

He became even more disgusted with the Changtian Alliance.

The thought of dying lips and teeth shuddering spontaneously arises at this moment, and no one wants to encounter such a thing.

They originally thought of retreating to protect themselves, but what happened to the White Apes sounded the alarm to this group of true spirit races.

If they don't unite, it is impossible to be the opponent of Changtian League, and it won't be long before a second White Ape Clan appears.

When it comes to self-interest, True Spirit is extremely active.

The coalition forces, which existed in name only, were reorganized once again, and each sent a part of monks.

No longer going out with all his strength, but holding back to avoid another sneak attack on his lair.

At the same time, an agreement was made that no matter which race was attacked, the other races must do their best to rescue them.

What happened to the White Ape Clan must not be repeated again.

Although they didn't say it, the destruction of the White Ape clan had already sounded the alarm in their hearts.

Things about the Demon City are also being reported one after another at this moment, including the news of a reward for collecting true spirits.

When they heard that the magic city bought the real treasure and was willing to pay a sky-high price, all the major races cursed.

They now hate the magic city from the bottom of their hearts.He hated the demon city's downfall, not only arrested the practitioners of the White Ape Clan, but even the real treasures.

As for their indifference and deliberate concealment of information, they are selectively forgotten at this moment.

What made them most resentful was that the Demon City actually offered a reward to openly buy the real treasure.

This behavior of Demon City is tantamount to publicly provoking the True Spirit Race and encouraging practitioners to attack the True Spirit Race.

If it was placed before, when faced with this kind of reward, the major races would only laugh sarcastically.

However, with the destruction of the White Ape Clan, the Demon City has become more and more powerful, and now it has become a serious problem.

It seems to be extremely low-key, but it is actually enough to compete with the two camps and become a three-legged party.

How can they not be secretly vigilant against such an existence against the true spirit race.

(End of this chapter)

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