I have a city in another world

Chapter 4949 The Shock of the Patriarch of the White Ape

Chapter 4949 The Shock of the Patriarch of the White Ape

In the northern part of the true spirit world, there is a dangerous place that outsiders dare not enter easily.

There are countless skeletons piled up outside, filled with horrible poisonous gas all the year round, which is called the Valley of No Return by the locals.

In the early years, a large number of sect monks entered this place to explore and hunt for treasures, but none of them were able to return alive.

It gained a bad reputation, and few monks dared to enter it again.

At this moment, there are thousands of practitioners gathered in a certain cave in the Valley of No Return, and most of them are seriously injured.

Looking at their equipment decorations, it is obvious that they are the monks of the White Ape Clan who were nearly wiped out.

In the previous breakout battle, the monks of the White Ape clan fought and retreated. After paying a painful price, they finally got rid of the pursuit of the Changtian League.

At this time, the manpower was counted again, only to find that there were heavy casualties and the scene was extremely miserable.

The patriarch of the White Ape Clan had a broken arm and a blood-dripping spear stuck in his body.

The spear continued to emit black gas, swallowing the life force of the White Ape Clan Leader, but there was no way to pull it away.

Similar tragedies happened to almost every monk, and many of them just managed to save their lives.

If it is not treated in time, there is no possibility of recovery at all, and it is possible to die anytime, anywhere.

To treat these injuries, they must have enough resources, but they have already run out of ammunition and food.

Faced with heart-wrenching pain, now he can only grit his teeth and bear it.

"We can't hesitate any longer, we must find a way to solve the problem, otherwise we will all die here!"

A seriously injured elder of the White Ape clan came to the clan leader to make a request, his eyes full of grief and anger.

Who would have thought that not long ago, he was still incomparably beautiful, but now he has become extremely miserable.

Searched all over the body, but couldn't find even a pill.

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the White Ape also sighed softly.

After successfully breaking through the siege, there were only three Elders of the Tribulation Transcending Period of the White Ape Clan.

Others were either killed, captured and suppressed by the enemy, or separated due to the war.

The monk legion organized by Changtian League can be regarded as strong and strong, and has obtained a lot of war supplies from the upper realm.

The opponent was well prepared, but the White Ape Clan was caught off guard, so it was not surprising that they were defeated.

Even though he knew this, the monks of the White Ape Clan still felt aggrieved and couldn't figure out why the Changtian League attacked him first.

Obviously before this, they were still actively participating in the settlement of the dispute over the Demon City, thinking that they were doing a great thing that benefited the true spirit race.

As a result, kindness was repaid with hatred in the blink of an eye.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt aggrieved, but there was nothing I could do about it, and a nameless anger was always simmering in my heart.

Hate the dark wolf clan, hate the Tianmeng, hate other true spirit races.

It also includes Magic City, which is also on the hate list.

But at this moment, it can only be futile hatred, and nothing else can be done.

The Patriarch of the White Ape pondered for a moment, then summoned the remaining high-ranking monks to discuss a solution to the predicament.

Their current situation can be said to be extremely dangerous, and it is impossible to trust anyone.

Even on ordinary days, the true spirit race, which has a close relationship, is very likely to take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Once this kind of accident happens, the White Ape Clan has no way to fight against it.

When you are down and down, you have to forget the glory of the glory, the wild dog and the real dragon are not in the same rank at all.

It can be said that no one can trust the true spirit race today, for fear of being plotted and retaliated against again.

After some discussion, we finally decided to contact the seed monks and use the cultivation materials they carried.

This batch of precious materials is the capital for the comeback of the White Ape Clan, and it cannot be used until the end of the mountain.

Now is a tough time to activate.

When the leader of the White Ape clan thought of this, he immediately took out a white jade talisman and tried to contact one of the group of seed monks.

But in the next moment, his expression changed, and his face was full of surprise.

The special contact jade talisman did not respond.

This piece of jade talisman is not simple, but a special artifact, with one piece of mother jade and nine pieces of child jade.

No matter how far away you are, as long as you activate the mother jade in your hand, you can immediately establish a connection with the holder of the child jade.

The owner of these nine pieces of jade is the leader of the nine seed monks, and he must respond immediately once he receives a reminder.

Mother jade has started, but Ziyu has not responded, which means that something unexpected happened.


The patriarch of the white ape was startled, and unspeakable frustration welled up in his heart, unexpectedly, something went wrong with the last reliance.

"There may be unexpected situations, so there is no need to worry too much."

Silently comforting himself, the White Ape leader continued to contact him, but there was still no response.


At this moment, the leader of the White Ape clan was really confused and wanted to shout to the sky to vent his anger.

But he knew in his heart that he was the backbone of everyone, and he must not show any abnormalities.

Just when he was anxious, a wave suddenly appeared on the jade that had not responded at first.

Then a line of text appeared above the mother jade.

"Zero Nine: Congratulations, Your Excellency, you have escaped from the pursuit of the Changtian League."

Seeing the words on the jade talisman, the expression of the leader of the White Ape clan became more and more gloomy. He knew very well that his clansmen would not reply to him in this tone.

There is a great possibility that Ziyu has fallen into the hands of others and is currently communicating with him through the air.

All he wanted to know now was whether a group of seed monks were in danger, or whether other seed monks were in the same crisis.

Regarding the fate of the race, he must figure it out clearly.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Now that the situation was urgent, the Patriarch of the White Ape was not in the mood to go around at all, but directly asked the other party's identity and purpose.

"Lingjiu: You must want to know why Ziyu is in my hands and what the status of the other seed teams is at the moment."

"Zero Nine: Don't think about it, I will give you a proof right away."

"Zero Eight: It's in my hands."

"Zero Seven: Also in my hand."

"Zero Six: It's also in my hand!"

"Zero Five: How about it, are you surprised?"


The White Ape Clan Leader's body was trembling, and a look of despair flashed in his eyes as he watched Ziyu from Nine to One appear one after another.

Although he had expected such a result, he still found it very difficult to accept it.

Who is it that captured all the seed monks? Is there a traitor in the clan?

The leader of the White Ape clan was filled with grief and anger, and urgently wanted to know the specific situation. Even if he loses, he must lose clearly.

As a result, at this moment, words appeared on the mother jade again.

"Lingjiu: I know that you must have many doubts in your heart, and you are eager to answer them."

"Zero Ba: I can fulfill your wish, and at the same time give you a chance to turn around, so that your white ape clan can have a chance to make a comeback."

"Zero Seven: If you believe me, take out the true spirit secret treasure of the White Ape Clan in exchange for the lives of these seed monks."

"Zero Six: As long as you obey and obey, Brother Seed will be safe. If you are willing to cooperate in depth, I can also help you get revenge."

"Zero Five: Make a decision. You have no choice. I am not patient all the time."

Looking at the constantly refreshing subtitles, the White Ape Clan's leader had a gloomy expression, knowing that the White Ape Clan's lifeline had been controlled by the other party.

There is still a glimmer of hope for cooperation, but if they choose to refuse, the White Apes may have no hope at all.

In the desperate situation, it is not unacceptable to exchange the True Spirit Secret Treasure for a chance to make a comeback.

Because of this incident, the leader of the White Ape Clan was very dissatisfied with the ancestors of the upper world. If he had issued a warning earlier or provided sufficient war support, the White Ape Clan would not have been like this.

At critical moments before, the White Ape Clan once summoned their ancestors to descend, hoping to obtain powerful power to suppress powerful enemies.

However, after summoning several times, there was still no response, which made the monks of the White Ape clan heartbroken.

There is also an inexplicable loathing for the true spirit treasure that was originally regarded as life and a spiritual symbol.

Faced with the life and death of the race, but always indifferent, it is disrespectful to the ancestors of mythical beasts like this.

(End of this chapter)

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