
At this moment, the patriarch of the white ape felt quite depressed, as if he was about to lose his life at any moment.

Obviously full of anger, but there is no way to burst out.

If it was in the past, he would definitely not compromise easily, and would fight to the end with the bastard who threatened him.

Even if it is finally agreed, there must be a bargaining process.

But now, he is short of breath and has no right to be angry.

Looking at a group of miserable clansmen, all looking at him with hopeful eyes, the patriarch of the white ape couldn't help sighing.

That's it.

Even if he is extremely unwilling, he must obey orders.

But before that, he still wanted to inform the remaining members of his clan about the news.

Everyone lives and dies together, and is entitled to participate in the choice to determine their own future destiny.

"Everyone, I have something to tell you..."

The Patriarch of the White Ape spoke with a heavy tone, and whispered to everyone.

Not long after, the cave fell into dead silence, and the monks of the White Ape Clan were dumbfounded.

The faces of many white ape monks were full of despair, and they couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

They are unlucky enough, the sect was destroyed by the enemy, and now even the last hope is controlled by others.

How unfair is this damn destiny to the White Apes?

For the monks of the White Ape Clan, it is simply a huge shame to exchange the True Spirit Secret Treasure for a glimmer of life.

If it were in the past, of course they would not agree, but would have to fight their enemies to the death.

In this way, the glory of the true spirit race is maintained, and the enemy is cruelly punished.

But now, they are powerless.

"Why is this, why is this?"

A monk of the White Ape tribe could not help but raise his head to the sky and let out a silent roar.

At this time, they didn't even dare to shout loudly for fear of being discovered by the enemy.

This deep sadness made the monks of the White Ape Clan even more depressed.

After the silent venting, there was a strange silence, and no one wanted to say another word.

They had resigned themselves to their fate and left everything to the clan leader.

At this time, they can only choose to compromise, even if they have to bear a huge humiliation.

Seeing the reaction of his fellow clan, the White Ape patriarch already knew the answer.

"Okay, I agree to the deal!"

"Exchange the true spirit secret treasure of the White Ape Clan in exchange for the safety of the seed monks, and hope that you can help the White Ape Clan take revenge.

Once the revenge is successful, the White Ape Clan will be grateful! "

A line of text appeared on the jade tablet in his hand.

"Wise choice, I think you won't regret it."

"Be mentally prepared, I will come soon, don't misunderstand!

Otherwise, I am so angry that I can't control my behavior at all, and it is very likely that you will be blasted to pieces. "

Seeing the response on the jade plaque, the leader of the White Ape clan showed a puzzled expression, and was equally surprised.

It turns out that from beginning to end, their hiding location was not a secret and was always under the surveillance of the other party.

But they didn't realize it before.

If the opponent harbors malicious intentions, the consequences will be unimaginable. With their group of old, weak and remnant soldiers, how could they possibly defeat the opponent.

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, and at the same time extremely curious.

Who is this guy? He is so terrifying and insidious. It is definitely a tragedy for the White Ape family to be targeted by such an enemy.

In the days to come, they will inevitably be manipulated by the other party, and even life and death will be in the hands of the other party.

Just as he was secretly sighing, he suddenly felt a strange energy fluctuation, full of terrifying oppression.

He was also a monk in the Tribulation Stage, but when faced with this terrifying aura, he still felt chilled all over his body.

There was a trembling feeling of turning around and running away, not daring to stay any longer.

The leader of the White Ape Clan is no stranger to this weird aura. He has been exposed to it twice.

Only the demon god from the abyss, an existence that makes people tremble with fear, can have such terrifying power.

At this moment in his mind,

It seemed like thunder and lightning appeared, and he couldn't help but tremble.

"The magic city, it's the magic city!"

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect that it was the Demon City who secretly took action and seized the last hope of the White Ape Tribe.

A force that has just risen has such a powerful method, which makes the head of the White Ape Clan creepy.

Before the accident happened this time, he still regarded the magic city as a fat pig, wanting to take the opportunity to gain more benefits.

Could it be because of this incident that the hatred of the Demon City was drawn, and today's unexpected situation happened.

Realizing this possibility, the leader of the White Ape clan was angry and resentful. He really wanted to slap himself hard in the mouth.

If they knew this earlier, why would they make enemies for the White Ape Clan? Even if they didn't get any benefits, they had to stay far away from the Demon City.

But the matter has come to this, there is no way to talk about regrets anymore, I just hope that the magic city will not go too far.

He was even secretly glad that the one he was cooperating with was Demon City. If it had been another true spirit race, who knows what kind of terrible things would have happened.

There is a great possibility that the other party will add insult to injury and squeeze out the last bit of benefit from you.

Magic City is different. There is no conflict of interest between the two sides, and there is no issue of belonging to the camp.

If he was allowed to choose, he would actually choose Demon City, which seemed safer.

Not to mention that at this moment, he had no choice.

Feeling the breath of the Abyss Demon God, the monks of the White Ape Clan were a little stunned. They did not expect that the Demon City would send the Abyss Demon God to make a deal.

In a way, this is also a kind of respect.

Today's White Apes are still trying to find ways to maintain their poor self-esteem.

When they walked out of the cave, they saw a terrifying abyss demon standing on top of countless corpses.

The mutated tree demon controlled by Tang Zhen quietly looked at the white ape monks, waiting for them to make a choice.

The leader of the White Ape clan sighed, opened his storage equipment, and took out a crystal-clear white bone.

This white bone is huge, seven meters long, and it is full of natural runes.

Perhaps because of being touched and wiped by others over time, the bones were completely transformed into jade.

Everyone could feel that a faint slight pressure spread, and the source was this huge white bone.

"Patriarch of the White Ape, I offer you the real treasure, and I hope you can accept it!"

The surrounding white ape monks all showed complicated expressions.

They had all seen this bone in the past, and knew that its owner was a Celestial Ape.

He practiced advanced in the upper realm of immortal gods, and when he was reborn, he specially extracted such a divine bone.

Various inheritances are recorded internally and placed in the White Ape Clan as a treasure of inheritance for the True Spirit Race.

It is said that using this item can also summon the divine beasts from the upper world to descend, and it has the ultimate power to instantly kill the tribulation monks.

Despite this legend, no spirit race has ever been attempted.

This time the White Ape Clan was besieged, and the leader of the White Ape Clan tried to summon them at the critical moment.

I hope that the ancestors of the upper realm can show their might and defeat these powerful enemies.

But the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. The leader of the White Ape clan, who had no choice but to do his best, did not receive any response at all.

The Patriarch of the White Ape at that time was completely disappointed in his heart.

It was for this reason that his mentality changed and he developed a hatred and hatred for Zhenling Secret Treasure Medical Insurance.

Tang Zhen knew this, so he proposed a deal straight to the point. If the Patriarch of the White Ape refused to agree, he would have other means to force the other party.

Nowadays, the White Ape tribe is already a trapped beast in a cage, obediently allowing Tang Zhen to manipulate and slaughter them.

(End of this chapter)

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