I have a city in another world

Chapter 4952 A useful thug

Chapter 4952 A useful thug

Tang Zhen summoned the Patriarch of the White Ape to let them go out for some activities instead of staying in the underworld.

The outside world is turbulent, so how can the Magic City be absent? Now is a great time to fish in troubled waters.

If you seize the opportunity, you may be able to get together the materials to upgrade the building and complete the upgrade in the shortest time.

Of course, this result is the most idealized state.

Not only do you need the right opportunity, but you also need to actively participate in it, instead of sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight.

But if you want to participate, you must have enough manpower.

There is a serious shortage of available manpower in the current magic city, which requires Tang Zhen to do many things.

The majestic lord of the city controls the mutated tree demon and descends all over the world to arrest monks.

Since the deterrent effect is top-notch, it is not worth recommending. As the city lord, Tang Zhen should not make frequent shots.

Over time, hidden dangers will easily appear, giving the enemy more opportunities to observe and find ways to target the mutated tree demon.

Besides, the current Demon City is fully supported by the mutated tree demon. Once an accident occurs, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the Demon City.

Tang Zhen knew this, but he couldn't find a solution.

The attack on the White Ape Clan gave Tang Zhen an opportunity. Not only did he want the real treasure, but he also hoped that the other party would work for him.

The down-and-out white ape tribe is definitely the best choice.

Tang Zhen had this plan, so he used some means to integrate the white ape clan into the magic city.

They relied on the Demon City to survive, and they had to pay a corresponding price, such as helping Tang Zhen run errands.

The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers, and Tang Zhen will not let the other party be busy in vain. As long as the task is completed, there will be corresponding rewards.

For the White Ape Clan, such a generous reward made it impossible for them to refuse.

Sure enough, as Tang Zhen expected, after hearing the news, the Patriarch of the White Ape decisively expressed his willingness to make a move.

His injuries have healed, and with Mengcheng's help, he obtained a demon king's arm.

The combat effectiveness has not been affected, and has even improved.

The other monks of the White Ape tribe also basically recovered, and they can go out at any time.

These monks of the White Ape Clan are also holding back a fire and can’t wait to hope that the race will rise again.

Now that the magic city released the mission, it seemed to be using them, but it also gave corresponding rewards.

But these rewards are exactly the resources they lack the most.

Although these mission rewards originally belonged to the White Ape Clan, now that they have fallen into the hands of the Demon City, they no longer have anything to do with them.

Now that the Demon City is willing to return it, it is already a stroke of luck.

This is the cruel reality, and the monks of the White Ape Clan naturally know that the current environment has made them very satisfied.

Soon, a group of white ape monks quietly left the magic city and went to the place where the fierce battle was taking place.

Nowadays, the Changtian Alliance has become more and more crazy. After destroying the secret realm of the White Ape Clan, it immediately locked new targets.

This true spirit race is called the Golden Crane, and its strength is slightly weaker than that of the White Ape Race, and it has also joined the alliance.

But even so, they were still attacked by the Heaven Changing Alliance.

The Golden Crane tribe who was attacked hurriedly asked for help from the outside world, hoping to get it.

What happened to the White Ape Clan has brought a warning to the major true spirit races, and they do not want similar things to happen again.

Therefore, we made an agreement that when the True Spirit Clan asks for help again, monks must be sent to support them.

If you do not act, you will be punished.

The True Spirit Race, which received the message asking for help, did send reinforcements this time, but they were ambushed halfway.

The real target of Changtianmeng's operation is not the Golden Cranes, but it is used as a bait.

As long as someone provides assistance, they will be attacked by the Changtian Alliance, making it impossible for reinforcements to arrive.

Such an operation achieves a double effect.

Not only can it block the reinforcements of the Golden Crane Clan, so that they cannot be rescued, and sooner or later they will be defeated by the Changtian League.

It can also attack the reinforcements of various races, so that they will not dare to support easily, and also deter other true spirit races.

Today's Huantian Alliance can definitely be regarded as a strong force. Although the number of true spirit races participating is not large, the combat effectiveness is by no means comparable to that of the alliance monks.

A battle that should have ended long ago has been continuously delayed like this, and it has been going on for more than a month now.

Even though the Alliance Legion arrived, they were still successfully blocked, and the two sides were engaged in a fierce battle on a plain.

It's just that the local people have suffered because of this war, countless houses were destroyed, and the mountains, rivers and Heze were in a mess.

According to this development, after the war is over, this place will inevitably turn into a piece of scorched earth.

Of course, these things are certainly not something that practitioners need to worry about.

In today's battlefield, both sides are infiltrating and harassing each other, and the environment can be said to be extremely harsh.

Maybe at some point, a war will suddenly break out
In this complicated environment, the monks of the White Ape Clan sneaked in quietly and went straight to the secret place of the Golden Crane Clan.

Today's Golden Crane Clan has been successfully divided by Changtian League, and now they are constantly breaking down one by one.

From time to time, people from the Golden Crane clan could be seen gathering together, covered in bruises and carrying shackles, their faces full of despair and unwillingness.

They became captives, their future uncertain.

The monks of the White Ape Clan who were hiding in the dark felt the same way, and their hearts were filled with deep anger.

But they are also very clear that they can't be impulsive at this moment, and everything should be based on the task.

Besides, they also don't have a good opinion of the Golden Crane Clan. When the White Ape Clan was attacked before, they also asked the Golden Crane Clan for help.

As a result, until the fall, the opponent never sent troops.

In the eyes of the White Ape Clan monks, the Golden Crane Clan and other True Spirit Races are all the same.

Encountering today's catastrophe is purely imminent retribution, and it is not worthy of pity at all.

They came this time not to support the Golden Crane clan, but to carry out a wave of fire robbery.

Find the patriarch of the golden crane, snatch the treasure of the true spirit, and then quickly evacuate.

If needed, you can also get assistance from the Magic City.

In their hands at this moment, they are carrying a kind of equipment that can accurately locate the enemy.

With just one glance, you can know where the enemy is and be able to dodge or attack in time.

There are even some light spots, marking the opponent's strength and simple identity information.

It can be said that it is not easy to do this on a chaotic battlefield.

The monks of the White Ape Clan were shocked by this, and became more and more in awe of the magic city.

At the same time, he also realized that the magic city was able to capture them all, probably because of this magical method.

Although they found the answer, it also made them more careful, knowing that their every move was under the monitoring of the magic city.

Regardless of whether it is for the future of the race or for the people of the Demon City, there must be absolutely no outrageous behavior.

The leader of the White Ape clan spoke up in time to stop the monks from their random thoughts, and said that everything was focused on the mission.

He knows better than anyone else what the situation of the White Ape Clan is like, and he knows what he should do.

According to the device prompts, the White Ape Clan Leader has locked the position of the Golden Crane Clan Leader and determined that the other party is under siege.

What they have to do is wait for the right opportunity to kidnap the Jinhe clan leader directly.

There is a great possibility that the secret treasure of the true spirit is on the opponent.

When the race encounters a crisis, the clan leader must place the True Spirit Secret Treasure in a safe place as soon as possible.

In the case of the fall of the secret realm, the only way to be truly safe is to hold the real treasure in your hands.

The Patriarch of the White Ape therefore judged that there is a high probability that the things he wants are placed in the storage equipment of the Patriarch of the Golden Crane.

Following an order, the monks of the White Ape Clan moved quickly and arrived at the target location very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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