Chapter 4953

The secret realm of the Golden Crane Clan is now devastated.

The Heaven-Changing Alliance has been defeated one by one, without giving the Golden Crane clansmen any chance to breathe. Currently, only a few monks are still persisting.

Looking at their state, we can tell that they are now in a precarious situation and cannot hold on for long.

In one of the battlefields, the battle was particularly fierce.

A giant crane with golden feathers kept screaming sharply, and its long sharp beak pierced the surrounding enemies.

The giant crane is scarred and scarred, but it is still fighting endlessly.

Around this giant crane, there are several giant beasts, and they cooperate to attack the golden giant crane.

The giant wolf in shadow form, the dragon beast wearing metal armor, and the sinister and swift giant snake are all obviously members of the Heaven-Changing Alliance.

The members who join the Heaven-changing Alliance are also allies in the upper realm of immortals and gods, and they are also fighting endlessly against the enemy.

At this moment, he was not in a hurry, slowly fighting and attacking, trying to consume the golden giant crane to death.

Facing a powerful and cunning opponent, the Golden Crane can only barely hold on, and it will only be a matter of time before he is defeated.

The two sides in the fierce battle did not notice that a group of white ape monks had arrived nearby and were secretly watching.

They were not in a hurry to make a move, but were waiting for the right time. There was only one chance, and they had to be sure that nothing would go wrong.

In order to ensure the success of the operation, the White Ape monks were well prepared. Even if the enemy seemed very strong, they were still sure of success.

After waiting for a while, the patriarch of the white ape opened his eyes and shot out like cannonballs.


The first time he appeared to attack, the Patriarch of the White Ape turned into a fighting form, brandishing a huge rune stick and smashing at the dark wolf cultivator.

If you want to attack the dark wolves, you'd better be by surprise, otherwise the opponent's talent means can offset the attack.

This defensive method is good, but it cannot be used frequently.

The White Ape Clan Leader's attack was naturally mixed with selfish desires, just to avenge the previous genocide.

Obviously, in his eyes, the Dark Wolves are the chief culprits and the source of all disasters.

The stick was sudden and sharp, hitting the giant wolf's waist hard, followed by a miserable howl.

The giant wolf that was hit at the vital point lost its fighting power in an instant, and collapsed limply on the ground.

Several other robber-crossing powerhouses looked at the Patriarch of the White Ape who jumped out suddenly, and showed shocked expressions at the same time.

They did not expect that they would meet a life and death enemy in such a place.

Originally thought that under attack, the Patriarch of the White Ape would hide and never show up, so as not to be discovered by the Changtian League and be exterminated.

No one expected that he would suddenly appear on the battlefield and severely injure the Dark Wolf Clan monk.

"court death!"

Several monks from the Changtian League roared angrily, preparing to join hands to kill the White Ape Patriarch.

The murderous intention towards the White Ape Clan Leader has surpassed that of the Golden Crane Clan Leader.

"If you want to kill me, you deserve it!"

The leader of the White Ape clan roared and continued to wave his giant stick, swinging wildly while surrounded by enemies.

Other white ape monks also took the opportunity to rush forward and surrounded the enemy to attack.

They were well-equipped, and their attacks were quite sudden, and they suppressed the enemy with ease.

"How is this going?"

The leader of the Jinhe clan on the side was surprised and happy at the moment. He never expected to encounter such an encounter.

The White Ape Clan is in a difficult situation, and it is difficult to protect themselves, but even in this situation, they still help out.

Such an act of righteousness made the patriarch of Jinhe feel ashamed secretly.

When the White Ape Clan was trapped, he also received a request for help, but he did not send monks to provide support.

The comparison between the two made him feel more and more uneasy.

"Don't talk nonsense, run away quickly, we will delay the enemy for you!"

The head of the white ape clan roared, and the arm of the replaced demon king swelled rapidly, and slapped another enemy fiercely.

The enemy wailed, huge scratches appeared on his body, and foul-smelling black gas continued to emit.

This demon king's arm is not only amazingly powerful, but also has the effect of cursing and releasing poison.

The severely wounded enemy let out a wail, and hid aside in fear.

The battles of the true spirit race are no different from the battles of wild beasts, but they are more fierce and cruel.

With the support of the White Ape Clan monks, the Golden Crane Clan leader was finally able to take a breather and immediately led his clan members to evacuate to a distant place.

Now that the situation is critical, he doesn't care about other things, so it's better to get rid of the danger first.

However, I was also wondering why the White Apes behaved like this, which was obviously a little unreasonable.

During the evacuation, he kept thinking about this issue.

Today's Golden Crane Clan secret realm has become dilapidated, and there is no possibility of taking it back.

The leader of the Jinhe clan knew this, so without any hesitation, he fled with his defeated soldiers.

If it can be rescued, it will be rescued, otherwise it will be ignored.

At this time, you must not hesitate, otherwise you may be trapped again.

When that time comes, I'm afraid there will be no possibility of escape.

Running all the way like this, I don't know how far I ran, and finally escaped from the battlefield safely.

Find a safe area to temporarily restore your self-cultivation, otherwise you will not be able to sustain yourself at all.

The Jinhe clan leader finally had time to consider what to do next, and how to ensure his own safety?

Maybe you can ask the White Apes for advice. They also encountered the same situation, but it didn't look particularly bad.

If there is an opportunity, maybe we can also cooperate.

But not long after, they noticed a trace of abnormal aura, spreading like an invisible and cold tide.

Mixed with death and gore, as well as unspeakable depression, it makes people feel like they are facing an abyss.

Sensing this strange aura, Patriarch Jinhe's complexion changed, and he got up and fled without hesitation.

As soon as the thought came up, an unspeakable terrifying pressure enveloped the world in an instant.

The Golden Crane Clan monks, including him, could no longer move at all, and were all imprisoned in place by the terrifying pressure.

The Jinhe people who had just escaped a catastrophe and were still in shock were filled with despair and fear.

By luck, I got out of the wolf's den, but then I turned around and entered the tiger's den again.

Soon they saw a terrifying figure appear, resembling a mutated super giant tree.

This figure with three heads and six arms has a majestic and strange shape, exuding an aura that makes people tremble.

"Abyss Demon God!"

Because of the Demon City, practitioners in the true spirit world have a better understanding of the underworld.

Especially the true spirit race, they know more secrets and also know something about the Abyss Demon God.

At this moment, if you take a closer look, you will directly recognize the existence in front of you.

But they couldn't figure out why they encountered the Abyssal Demon God at such a time?
My heart is full of doubts, but unfortunately no one has an answer.

The abnormality of the White Ape clan flashed in the mind of the Jinhe clan leader, and he suddenly felt that there was a connection between the two.

If this is the case, it is really a terrible thing. The proud and brave White Ape Clan has reached a cooperation with the Demon City.

But after thinking about it, it made sense.

In today's Demon City, its strength has become stronger and stronger, and it has become an existence capable of confronting the two camps.

The White Ape Clan is in a difficult situation. Regardless of whether they are the Sky Alliance or the True Spirit Alliance, they can be counted as hostile camps.

In this case, Magic City becomes the best choice.

"No wonder..."

Patriarch Jinhe thought of this, and was finally able to confirm that the White Ape Clan had taken refuge in the Demon City.

Only then would he suddenly appear to help him get out of trouble, and then the Abyss Demon God would launch a sneak attack halfway.

This is indeed the case, and some questions have answers.

But he couldn't figure out what the other party was planning so hard.
The situation in front of him did not allow the leader of the Jinhe clan to think too much. He just wanted to get rid of the restraints and escape as soon as possible.

But the existence of the Abyss Demon God was beyond what he could contend with when he was seriously injured. Even though he tried his best, he still couldn't get rid of the suppression of the mutated tree demon.

Soon, many tree roots burst out of the ground and entangled the frightened Golden Crane tribesmen.

The tree roots danced in mid-air, and the entangled Golden Cranes also swayed in the air, watching helplessly as the Abyssal Demon God turned around and led them across the nine-story archway.

The mysterious and strange magic city also unfolded before their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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