I have a city in another world

Chapter 4954 The White Ape Clan’s Lament

Chapter 4954 The White Ape Clan’s Lament
The leader of the White Ape clan and his men successfully escaped the enemy's pursuit.

Although the action was thrilling, the white ape monks who participated in the battle were very happy. Ever since the secret realm was destroyed, they have been thinking about revenge.

Wave your fists, beat those damned enemies, and let them know the consequences of hurting the White Apes.

Under normal conditions, if you want to realize this dream, you must exchange your own life.

Maybe it can be quick for a while, but it will undoubtedly die in the end.

After taking refuge in the Demon City, things have become much simpler. You only need to act according to the plan, and you can successfully complete what you desire.

Beat the unprepared enemy violently, vent the anger in his heart, and help the target escape successfully.

The next step is to evacuate and get rid of the enemy's pursuit.

Compared with the rescue operation, the evacuation mission is equally dangerous, and the enemies of the Changtian League will never let it go.

If the monks of the White Ape Clan escape, the reputation of the Changtian League will inevitably suffer a serious blow, which will be quite unfavorable for future actions.

I thought that with the advantage of numbers, I could easily capture the monks of the White Ape Clan, but it turned out that this was not the case

During the evacuation of the monks of the White Ape Clan, they got the help of the Demon City, and the attack from the sky blew up the enemy.

Those icy bombs possessed terrifying power, turning everything within a few kilometers into ashes.

Such ferocious attacks were continuous, blowing the souls of countless chasing enemies to pieces.

They were frightened on the spot and no longer dared to move forward.

The fleeing White Ape monks were surprised and quickly sped up to escape.

They originally thought that they would go through a hard battle today, and they were even ready to sacrifice.

Only now did I realize that the situation was far easier than imagined.

Not only was the task successfully completed, but no member was sacrificed. This is definitely a happy thing.

After experiencing a catastrophe, there are not many people left in the White Ape tribe, and each of them can be counted as a seed.

Losing any of them, they will feel distressed.

But they also know that if they want the race to rise again, these are inevitable sacrifices.

The current results have greatly exceeded expectations, so there is no reason to be dissatisfied.

After getting rid of the enemy, the monks of the White Ape Clan were not in a hurry to return, but looked for a place to hide.

Once they come out, they must do more tasks instead of rushing back to the magic city.

During the transfer process, the White Ape Clan Leader has received a task completion prompt, and the corresponding rewards have also arrived.

Looking at the list of items, the white ape patriarch couldn't help but smile on his serious face.

As the patriarch of the True Spirit Clan, he is not uninformed, and the treasure house of the clan in the past is also piled up like a mountain.

But today is different, since the secret realm was destroyed, those accumulations have become the enemy's spoils of war.

It can be said that it is difficult to get it back again.

The Magic City is extremely generous. As long as the task is completed, the reward will be distributed immediately.

This batch of material rewards are all urgently needed by the White Ape Clan and can help the monks quickly improve their realm.

Many pills are priceless and unheard of, and they are obviously special products of the Demon City.

These elixirs are more effective and have extremely low side effects. They are all highly coveted products.

If owned by other races, they would never be released easily and would be left for their own race to enjoy.

If you choose to sell, the price must be extremely high.

Magic City is different, as long as you do things with your heart, you will be extremely generous when giving out rewards.

Even this kind of strategic material was still distributed without hesitation.

The Patriarch of the White Ape can make a choice, either to give the reward directly to the tribe, or to continue to store it in the warehouse of the magic city.

Of course, there is another option, which is to apply for remote distribution, and the magic city will deliver the materials directly to him.

The leader of the White Ape clan didn't know how to launch it remotely, so he wanted to try it at this moment.

Soon he followed the requirements, selected a suitable location, and activated the communication equipment issued by the Magic City.

Soon on his device, a countdown was displayed, and he just needed to wait patiently.

The other clansmen were also very curious, and stood by and waited patiently.

After four or five hours, a reminder was uploaded from the device, and then a beam of light fell from the sky.

The people who had been waiting for a long time were surprised to see many items falling to the ground along the white beam of light.

Although these items are heavy and fell from a high altitude, they give people a light and airy feeling.

After the item leaves the beam of light, this feeling will disappear.

Everyone looked at the sky at the same time, wanting to see where the light pillar came from and what was it that dropped the supplies?

But after looking for a long time, I didn't find anything.

It is impossible for materials to appear out of thin air. There must be something delivering them, but no one has the ability to discover them.

Thinking back to the previous evacuation, the terrorist bombings from the sky might all be of the same kind.

The monks of the White Ape tribe were secretly amazed, and they were even more awed by the methods of the magic city.

The more you come into contact with the Magic City, the more you will discover how mysterious and extraordinary it is, and it can always reveal various surprises from time to time.

But behind this surprise, it also represents a powerful strength, which makes people feel awe involuntarily.

Recalling the first emergence of the Demon City, the White Ape Clan also took the initiative to act as special envoys, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity.

Looking back now, I think it was extremely ridiculous, like a domestic dog provoking a tiger, and treating the opponent as a patterned cat.

If you can't rein in the precipice and stop this stupid behavior in time, even if there is no attack from the Tianmeng, the situation of the White Ape Clan will not be much better.

There is a great possibility that it is even more tragic than being attacked by the Tianchang League, and the monks of the entire race will be killed.

This is not an exaggeration, the powerful positioning method of the magic city is enough to make any enemy terrified.

The thoughts in my heart turned back and forth, and finally turned into a long sigh, and a trace of happiness hidden in my heart.

The leader of the White Ape clan personally inspected and confirmed that there was no problem with the supplies, and immediately distributed them to everyone.

Combat materials put on the front line must be distributed to individuals instead of a unified storage system.

Otherwise, once something happens, it is likely to lose everything.

In the coming days, they will rely on this batch of supplies to continue to perform more tasks.

The leader of the White Ape tribe also issued a request, hoping that the Demon City could help find the location of the captured and separated tribesmen.

In this way, we can get together, or find a way to rescue them.

If you want to obtain such a service, you must pay the corresponding price. This is a universal rule.

The leader of the White Ape Clan did not want to take advantage, and he knew that even if he had money, he might not be able to buy this kind of service, so he quickly agreed.

The commission for the Tribulation Monk is high. At worst, if he sells his life for a few more years, he can always pay off the debt he owes.

Not long after receiving the supplies, the Patriarch of the White Ape received a message with several locations marked on it.

Most of the captured true spirit races were sent to the mines to work hard to dig the spirit mines.

The internal environment of the Ling Mine is complex, with various energy fields, and ordinary people cannot dig it at all.

Cultivators can dig, but the cost is too high, and not everyone is willing to suffer.

Such precious time should naturally be used for practice instead of sweating profusely in a dangerous environment.

In the past, if major organizations wanted to mine spiritual mines, they would need to assign tasks to monks.

Rotate in waves to ensure normal production.

There is another source of labor, which is to arrest and hire casual cultivators, but it can only meet a small amount of demand.

The cultivation resources in the True Spirit World are monopolized by the True Spirit Clan and sects. It is not easy to become a casual cultivator, and even if you successfully get started, it is difficult to improve.

The various sects used resources and skills to lure casual cultivators to work for them, but they were stuck at the upper limit of their cultivation.

With such a despicable method, a large number of casual cultivators were harvested, and they spent their entire lives as cattle and horses.

It is different now. With the outbreak of the war, different camps are tearing their faces apart, and it has become a matter of course to treat captives as miners.

With these monk miners, production capacity will increase rapidly to make up for the huge consumption caused by the war.

Having obtained the accurate information, the Patriarch of the White Ape no longer hesitated, and immediately went to the target location to prepare for rescue.

(End of this chapter)

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