I have a city in another world

Chapter 4955 Pretend to sneak into Feixia Ridge

Chapter 4955 Pretend to sneak into Feixia Ridge

The common currency of the true spirit world is also an energy crystal, which is a condensed substance of the energy of heaven and earth.

It must be a coincidence and under extremely harsh conditions to generate a vein of spirit stones.

The ore veins are not all energy crystals, but also mixed with many special metal crystals, which are excellent base materials for refining magic weapons.

Sometimes a piece of good material is even worth tens of thousands of spirit stones.

However, there are very few such top-quality materials, and sometimes it is difficult to come across them for several years.

If you want to obtain spirit stone spirit mines, you must mine them carefully, because these mineral deposits are extremely hard and the environment is extremely complicated.

Some larger mineral deposits may not be exhausted even after tens of thousands of years.

After the spirit stone veins are generated, they will also have special effects of gathering spiritual energy and improving the environment.

Once discovered by the practice sect, they will immediately occupy it, either establish a sect nearby, or directly send monks to mine it.

Over time, the vicinity of the mine often becomes a town, gathering a large number of mortals and monks.

There are many sect monks who will establish families here and form a special practice circle.

It is much stronger than outside casual cultivators, but far inferior to those within the sect, but it still has great appeal to casual cultivators.

They will also gather here to provide mining services for the sect, and there are many casual cultivators who marry wives and have children.

Feixialing is a mine that has been in operation for nearly 1000 years, and the population of the nearby cities is nearly one million.

In this special city, monks and mortals lived together, seemingly mixed together, yet distinct from each other.

Even in the same city, some mortals have no chance to interact with practitioners throughout their lives.

One of the best restaurants in the city is now fully booked, and there are constantly people in gorgeous clothes coming in and out.

The operator of the restaurant is an elder of a first-level sect, and his backer can be said to be quite tough.

Because of the strong backing, coupled with the provision of various spiritual wine and spiritual meat, monks and mortals like to dine here, and regard it as a symbol of status.

Looking at the entire city, only in this place can there be a scene where mortals and monks drink together at the same table.

At this time, inside the restaurant, several casual cultivator families were hosting a banquet for a steward of the mine.

There was spirit wine on the table, and there were twenty dishes cooked by spirit creatures. If they were exchanged for secular gold and silver, the value of this table would probably be close to one million taels.

Even a few monk families rarely organize such luxurious feasts, and I still feel a little painful at this moment.

However, the person they are hosting today is very important to them, and they must be satisfied with the reception.

After waiting for a while, the manager of the mine came late and kept a proud attitude.

Although a little dissatisfied, a group of patriarchs still smiled and respectfully invited each other to the table.

After some polite greetings, the banquet officially began.

After drinking a few glasses of spiritual wine, the steward showed a satisfied expression and nodded gently to everyone.

Seeing this, everyone at the table quickly and cautiously asked if they could send family members into the mine to clean up the slag.

Dump the mined waste, and then carry out secondary search and mining in the mined area.

This job may seem inconspicuous, but it has the opportunity to pick up spirit stones and mines from the garbage, pay one-third of it, and take the rest as salary.

It is obviously a job that requires hard work, but everyone is fighting for it, and it is always dominated by some monk families.

This time the steward was invited to a banquet because of the outbreak of war and the higher authorities asked the mine to increase production.

Not only a large number of monks were recruited, but also many prisoners of war were sent to dig under the mine day and night.

The output has doubled, and the garbage has also become more, which must be cleaned up in time.

Once it accumulates in large quantities, various troubles will arise.

These families have spotted the opportunity and want to take advantage of it to make a fortune. Whether they can successfully enter the mine, the steward in front of them can help a lot.

First, the deliberate flattery, and then the carefully prepared gifts, finally impressed the proud steward.

He nodded and agreed to take people into the mine, and promised to provide convenience.

Of course, after things are done, something has to be said.

They cursed the vampire in their hearts, but everyone quickly agreed, fearing that the previous investment would be in vain.

If I offend this person and use some despicable methods later, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to enter the mine.

Although the price paid is not small, as long as you operate it well, you can still make a lot of profits.

After everyone discussed it, they continued to taste the delicious food.

While complimenting the manager, he also made insinuations and inquired about the mine.

The manager's face has been satisfied, and he has received enough benefits, so he is naturally in a good mood at the moment.

So he took advantage of the wine and said some unimportant things.

After eating and drinking, the steward was escorted downstairs. At this moment, a group of low-level monks were waiting respectfully on the street.

There are a large number of warriors among them who can also carry out cleaning tasks, but they will inevitably be harmed over time.

The mineral poison that comes with the spirit mine is no different from radiation, and only monks can resist it.

If a mortal is accidentally contaminated, he will die within a week.

If it is voluntary, there is no problem.

In fact, on weekdays, even if they were willing to harm themselves, they would not have the opportunity to enter the mine.

Naturally, the selection is based on the best of the best. If there are monks available, they will not choose warriors who cannot resist the mine poison.

Only by joining the monk family can you have the opportunity to enter the mine and exchange for the elixir that breaks through the realm of martial arts.

There are more than [-] people from several families, and they respectfully follow behind the steward.

The city is about [-] kilometers away from the mine, which is not too far away for monks and warriors.

The steward was sitting in a carriage, enjoying the service leisurely, but he was thinking about how much money he could make this time.

Whenever a war starts, money is spent like water, but not necessarily all of it is spent wisely.

A considerable number of them will be exploited privately and end up in someone's pocket.

Compared with the giant crocodile in the dark, Guan Shi is just a small reptile, not worth mentioning at all.

When he was happily calculating how much he could gain from this war, he suddenly felt a silence around him.

A sharp breath made the steward's scalp feel numb.

"not good!"

The steward was startled and subconsciously activated the magic weapon to protect his own safety.

As a result, at this moment, he heard a sneer.

"Don't struggle, or you'll die miserably."

As soon as he finished speaking, the steward saw a figure who got into the carriage at some point.

The steward in the foundation building period felt the other party's terrifying aura, and was almost scared to death on the spot.

He didn't know what realm the strange monk in front of him possessed, but he was even more terrifying than the elders of the sect he had seen before.

Moreover, looking at the face and shape, the opponent was not human at all, but very similar to the white ape captive captured before.

"Could it be..."

The steward thought of a possibility and his body trembled even more violently, like a fat pig about to be slaughtered.

Seeing this, the Patriarch of the White Ape couldn't help sneering.

"From now on, you must obey my arrangements. If you disobey, you will be shattered to pieces!"

The leader of the White Ape tribe began to control his mind and put a restriction in Guanshi's body. If he had any objection, he would die instantly.

The other party is just a tool, and there is no need to bother too much, let alone have a chance to survive.

After completing the control of the steward, the White Ape Clan leader stepped out of the carriage.

The members of the various families who had followed him before were now knocked unconscious and thrown into the ditch, and then the white ape monks took their place.

They hold magic tools of transformation, which can change their body shape and aura. With the blessing of monks who have crossed the catastrophe, only monks of the same level can see the flaws.

This product is produced in the magic city, and it has excellent actual combat effect, and it is not for sale.

With everything ready, the team moved on.

Not long after, the team arrived at Feixialing Mine and successfully passed the peripheral inspection.

More than three hundred white ape monks quietly sneaked into the mine and began to search for their fellow tribesmen as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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