I have a city in another world

Chapter 4956: Down and out and bullied

Chapter 4956: Down and out and bullied

The environment inside the Ling Mine is complicated and dangerous, and abnormalities will occur from time to time.

Some mine tunnels are extremely cold, some mine tunnels are extremely hot, and some mine tunnels are filled with poisonous gas, and there is even no oxygen present.

Ordinary people have no chance of survival in such an environment.

Practitioners are different, they can sense abnormalities keenly, and the energy will automatically protect the body.

Cautiously avoiding danger, while constantly digging the spiritual mines of spirit stones, mines were opened up one after another.

Immediately afterwards, someone will follow to clean up the garbage and ensure that the mine is open to traffic.

It is also very magical to say that there are many situations when digging, but it is very safe after digging.

It is as if the excavated mine tunnel has formed an independent small world, completely separated from the huge ore body.

They do not interfere with each other and maintain a delicate balance.

But one thing needs to be clear, this balance is very fragile, once it is broken, it may be dangerous.

In order to ensure safety, when miners are mining, the mine will send people to supervise and follow them.

The first is to ensure safety, and the second is to supervise progress.

This is under normal circumstances. If you were a prisoner of war, your treatment would be much harsher.

They need to bring instruments of torture to abolish most of the meridians, causing their realm to plummet.

Just keep in the realm of Qi training and meet the basic requirements of mining.

Although the realm has plummeted, the original physical body is not affected, and has greater strength and endurance.

This also means that prisoners of war can work longer and thus obtain greater production capacity.

If it is an ordinary miner, the mine will definitely not be used in this way, and long-term development must be considered.

Now that prisoners of war are used as miners, there is no need to worry about it, just use it with confidence.

In fact, from the very beginning, the prisoners sent to the mine had no intention of letting them leave alive.

Not to mention that in the days to come, more prisoners of war will be sent to the mines, so there is no need to worry about the lack of labor.

This kind of behavior is a bit cruel, but war is just like that. Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

In the depths of the mine at this moment, a group of white ape people in shackles are constantly digging the mine.

Due to the need to increase production, coupled with the explosion in the number of miners, today's mines are very different from what they used to be.

It has become deeper and wider, and the excavated working face is larger, almost dozens of times more than in the past.

This leads to a huge underground space, and tens of thousands of people work together in each mine.

First open up a huge space, dig continuously downwards, and then divide the excavation from bottom to top.

Soon there will be large pits in the shape of terraces, and more miners will be placed in a limited space to obtain greater output.

This model is also convenient for supervision. The mine supervisor is above and can easily see everything at a glance.

Perhaps it was the attitude from above that had an impact on the mine stewards, and now they have become cruel and tyrannical.

For the prisoners of war, the miners were beaten or scolded, and they were punished with weapons from time to time, causing bloody wounds.

Anyway, these prisoners of war will eventually be buried here, so naturally there is no need to be too polite.

Not to mention that these prisoners of war are all from a superior True Spirit race, and they didn't even have the chance to see them in the past.

Now he has been reduced to a prisoner, allowing himself to be scolded and beaten, it is not a big problem to kill a few.

This feeling of controlling life and death makes mine managers extremely excited.

There are also some managers who took advantage of this opportunity to retaliate because their fellow disciples died in the war.

If the True Spirit Clan members were in their prime, they would not dare to do anything excessive if they were given some courage.

But it is different now. There is no need to bear any psychological pressure to offend these dying prisoners of war.

At this moment, there was a steward who was waving an iron spiked whip in his hand, beating a prisoner of the white ape tribe continuously.

Just because just now, the prisoner of war glared at him.

The steward was furious, feeling that he had been insulted, and punished him without hesitation.

The other mine managers just watched with cold eyes and had no intention of stopping it.

The beaten white ape prisoner, blood dripping all over his body, glared at the steward, but he still refused to give in.

As a true spirit race and a monk in the realm of infant transformation, he has his own pride.

Before the catastrophe, the despicable bastard in front of him could be crushed to death with one finger.

In other words, this kind of guy has no possibility of contacting him at all, and the status between the two parties is as poor as clouds.

If a guy like this could see him, he would probably kneel down and lick him immediately.

The steward whipped and cursed loudly, forcing the prisoners to kneel down to apologize.

However, such behavior did not have any effect. Instead, it aroused the anger of more prisoners of war.

They all glared angrily and rebuked the mine manager, and some prisoners of war wanted to rush forward.

"Bold, don't you want to live!"

Seeing this, the supervisors of the mine took action one after another, waving their whips and beating them continuously.

There are also higher-level monks who activate the magic weapons in their hands and control the rune arrays on the torture instruments.

Immediately, a dazzling electric current appeared on the torture equipment on the prisoner of war, and many angry figures collapsed to the ground instantly.

After being deprived of the meridians, he has no ability to resist these low-level instruments of torture at all.

But in the blink of an eye, there were collapsed figures all over the place.

Seeing this, the mine supervisors still refused to let go, beating and cursing vigorously.

They must establish their dignity, otherwise there will be no way to manage these prisoners of war in the following days.

Of course, I also want to take this opportunity to vent my desires and evil thoughts. It is best to kill a few True Spirit tribesmen while taking advantage of the chaos.

There is also bragging capital for mentioning this matter in the future.

They were having a good fight, and when they were about to kill the killer, they suddenly heard an angry roar.

The roar was like thunder, echoing continuously in the mine, stunned those mine stewards who were whipping.

Then they saw a tall figure appear in front of them, eyes as wide as blood.

He was clearly a member of the White Ape tribe, but he didn't have any injuries and didn't have any torture instruments on him.

That terrifying aura is enough to prove that he is extremely powerful, surpassing every monk in the mine present.

Upon discovering this, the mine supervisors were startled, and then turned into panic.

Why did this scary guy appear here?
Let a crazy bear get into the sheep pen, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

The mine managers, who were arrogant and vicious just a second ago and wanted to kill people, now feel a little panic in their hearts.

They could imagine how this white ape monk would react when he saw his own people being treated like this.

Many of the mine managers were trembling at this moment, turning around and fleeing without hesitation.

"Give me death!"

The white ape monk roared and waved his huge fist, hitting the nearest mine manager hard.

There was a muffled sound when the fist hit the body, and then flesh and blood flew all over the sky.

The target of the attack was smashed to death, and the whole body could not be put back together at all.

His speed is fast, his figure is extremely flexible, and he leaps around in the mine.

Clouds of blood mist exploded where he passed, and screams and begging for mercy were heard endlessly.

When the prisoners of war from the White Ape Tribe saw this, they all cheered loudly and wished they could join the battle themselves.

The damn mine managers are all despicable and immoral, and they want to eat their flesh alive.

"Don't run away, just kill him. Reinforcements will arrive soon!"

A mine manager yelled, wanting to stabilize the morale of the army, and killed the white ape monk who appeared suddenly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words were finished, a large group of monks from the White Ape Clan rushed out from the entrance of the cave in front.

Seeing the figure of the leader, the White Ape prisoners of war were stunned for a moment, and then let out loud cheers.

(End of this chapter)

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