Rescue and win over

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Although as the defeated, the secret realm of the White Ape Clan was destroyed, it is still hunted down by the Changtian League.

However, none of the cultivators of the White Ape Clan questioned their combat effectiveness, and the reputation of the Sky-Splitting Demon Ape had spread all over the world.

The monks from the sect who managed the mines were only qualified to bully the prisoners of war to satisfy their twisted psychological desires.

Facing the white ape monks in their prime, they will definitely be as cowardly as possible. They can suppress them all with just one hand.

At this moment, the atmosphere inside the mine was extremely tense.

Seeing the miserable situation of the tribe, a group of monks of the White Ape tribe became furious, and shot and killed the mine manager one after another.

"The patriarch is here, we are saved!"

The members of the Baiyuan clan who were restrained by the torture tools stood up one after another and looked at the patriarch standing in front of them.

Their eyes were eager and excited, and some even had tears in their eyes.

At this moment, the White Ape people felt an indescribable sense of solidity, feeling that they had found their roots again.

"I came a step too late and made you suffer!"

The leader of the White Ape clan stood on a high place, looked at the surrounding White Ape clan members, and at the same time waved and shouted.

"I will take you away today, and one day I will rebuild the White Ape Clan and make all the enemies pay for what they did!"

The White Ape patriarch waved his fist and made an oath in public, which immediately drew cheers.

A monk from the White Ape Clan grabbed the top steward in the mine and carried him to the clan leader.

"Abusing my people, damn it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the trembling top steward turned into a puddle of flesh.

Seeing this, the leader of the White Ape clan stretched out his hand and lightly hooked it, and a control magic weapon floated out.

Pinch it with your thick fingers and apply a little more force, and the magic weapon will collapse into dust.

Then there was a series of sounds, and the instruments of torture that restrained the prisoners of war fell to the ground at the same time.

The prisoners of the White Ape Clan couldn't wait to join the battle, roaring like beasts one after another.

They have a lot of anger that needs to be vented at this moment.

Even though his meridians were destroyed and he only had the cultivation level of the Qi Refining Stage, he was still able to kill these mine managers.

The battle ended quickly, and none of the mine managers survived, and they were all torn to pieces by the furious prisoners of war.

After venting his anger, he cleaned up the mine and at the same time carried out devastating damage to the mine.

They do not have the ability to occupy the mine, and naturally they do not want the enemy to possess it. They must destroy it before evacuating.

Not to mention being completely destroyed, at least it must be unusable for a short period of time, thereby affecting the enemies on the front line.

When the three armies are not moving, food and grass go first, and the same is true for the battles in the spiritual world.

Insufficient logistical supplies and lack of various weapons and elixirs can even directly affect the outcome of the war.

There is naturally no shortage of experts in this field among the monks of the White Ape Clan, and they quickly completed the corresponding arrangements.

After evacuating the mine, the Patriarch of the White Ape issued another application, hoping to open the gate of the Demon City.

Nearly [-] captives were rescued this time, of which about [-] were from the White Ape tribe, and the rest were sect cultivators from the Alliance of True Spirits.

There were also some True Spirit tribesmen who were also rescued.

The patriarch of the white ape wants to send his clansmen to the magic city to recuperate, trying to find a way to repair the wounds on the meridians.

Other rescued prisoners of war must also enter the Demon City, otherwise they will have no choice but to be killed directly.

Otherwise, some sensitive information will be leaked by them, which will affect the next actions.

As the ceremony proceeded, the gate of the magic city was quickly opened.

Many monks exclaimed when they saw the spectacular metal archway. They recognized the origin of this object at a glance.

It is said that this war in the real spirit world started because of the magic city.

In today's spiritual world, various legends related to the Demon City are circulating, and most of them are eerie and strange.

But at the same time, more people are promoting the benefits of the magic city.

The incomparably mysterious magic city appeared in front of them like this, which caught them off guard.

It was even unexpected before that the White Ape Clan and the Demon City would mix together.

If the matter gets out, it will inevitably cause an uproar, and Mocheng's participation will add more variables to this war.

Without allowing them to think too much, the white ape monks drove everyone into the city.

With a population of more than [-], it didn't take long to enter the city, and the mine became empty after a while.

The leader of the White Ape clan scanned it with his mind, confirmed that nothing was missing, and then directly activated the rune circle.

Soon the gate of the magic city disappeared and the mine returned to peace.

After about half an hour, dozens of cloud boats arrived one after another, and they were the Zongmen monks who heard the news and came to support them.

When they arrived at the scene and were about to enter the mine, countless streaks of dazzling white light suddenly shot out from the ground.

There was a deafening bang, the earth suddenly flipped and cracked, and the trees and houses were directly swallowed.

The monks from the sect who came to support were affected by this terrifying explosion and suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

After more than ten breaths, the monk from the sect who was lucky enough to survive was shocked by what he saw in front of him.

The thousand-year-old spirit mine has now become completely unrecognizable, with ferocious ravines and deep caves everywhere.

Black smoke floated from the cracks, and the terrifying energy force fields collided continuously, creating all kinds of twisted and weird scenes.

If you enter it, you will die if you are not careful.

Although they don't know the exact extent of the damage to the mine, they can tell from the sight in front of them that it is absolutely impossible to repair it easily.

The inability to produce enough spiritual minerals will definitely affect the frontline war, and the Sky Changing Alliance will inevitably be punished and held accountable for this.

Thinking of that outcome, they felt an unusual headache.

However, things have already happened, and they are unable to clean up the mess, so they can only report the news truthfully.

Let the higher-ups of the sect find a way to solve this matter.

Only when you are not in your position and do not plan for other things, can you avoid countless troubles.

In this terrible war, many high-ranking practitioners have now been reduced to little people who follow the crowd.

A slight mistake could end in being shattered to pieces.


Tang Zhen, who was in Loucheng, witnessed the entire rescue process and was very satisfied with the performance of the White Ape monks.

According to this model of development, it won't take long for him to have a powerful mercenary army.

The White Ape Tribe, the Golden Crane Tribe, and other True Spirit Tribes.

Wherever the Changtian Alliance goes, Tang Zhen will follow and save those unlucky ones who are on the verge of annihilation.

Arrange them in the magic city, provide all kinds of help, and then let these guys work for you.

If it continues to operate well, it won't take long for the magic city to become stronger and stronger.

Use the magic city to collect materials and help Loucheng improve its level. Once successful, it will be a strong alliance.

At that time, Tang Zhen doesn't need to pay attention to it, no matter whether it is the Alliance of Heaven or the Alliance of True Spirits.

Even his decision will affect the future of the entire true spirit world.

After the rescue operation is over, these prisoners of war must be resettled, treated and brainwashed.

Magic City does not support idlers, and is also willing to invest.

In the outside world, it is by no means a simple matter to heal these prisoners of war.

For Tang Zhen, it was not a difficult task, and he could afford ten times more.

In addition to arranging these captives and helping them heal and recover, Tang Zhen also had to meet the patriarch of the Golden Crane Clan.

This stubborn guy, until now, was unwilling to hand over the real treasure.

Obviously, he didn't want to violate the precepts of his ancestors and cut off the inheritance of the Golden Crane Clan in his own hands. That would be enough to become a racial sinner.

Tang Zhen was going to arrange for the leader of the White Ape Clan to persuade this stubborn guy and use his own experience to explain the benefits of cooperation.

If he is still obsessed with his obsession, Tang Zhen will use his ultimate move.

Release the imprisoned true spirit monks, expose the truth of the parasitic exercises, and let them completely give up on the so-called true spirit ancestors.

However, in this way, it is very likely to arouse the vigilance of the mythical beast clan, thus attracting their crazy attacks.

Fortunately, the current clan of beasts also had internal strife, even if they knew about it, they couldn't take revenge on Loucheng for the time being.

This was an excellent opportunity for action, and it was impossible for Tang Zhen to miss it.

(End of this chapter)

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