I have a city in another world

Chapter 4958 The truth and hesitation

Chapter 4958 The truth and hesitation

On the edge of the magic city, in a dilapidated house, a large group of slightly embarrassed practitioners gathered.

There are still traces of war on these practitioners, with vigilant expressions on their faces.

Looking at the decorative items on their bodies, one can tell that they belong to the Golden Crane tribe, and many of them are distinguished figures.

At this time, there was a noisy sound. It was obvious that many people were passing by, which immediately attracted their attention.

Several monks looked at each other, then walked out of the courtyard to inquire about the news, and returned after a while.

"what happened?"

The leader of the Jinhe clan, who had finished his training, looked at the clan members who were seeking information, with a hint of exhaustion in his expression.

"It's a large group of captives, mostly from the White Apes, and a few from other True Spirits.

They were sent to a mine, their meridians were destroyed, and they were forced to work day and night in the mine to meet the war needs of the Sky Changing Alliance.

The leader of the White Ape Clan led his tribe to rescue them, and then the Demon City opened its gate and welcomed them in..."

After listening to the tribe's introduction, the Jinhe tribe leader nodded.

"As expected, it's the White Ape Clan again. It seems they are determined to cooperate with the Demon City to the end."

His attitude towards the White Apes can be said to be quite complicated.

If it hadn't been for Demon City's timely action, he and his tribe would not have been able to escape the siege, and now they might have become the target of the Heaven-Changing Alliance.

If one is lucky enough to survive and become a captive of the Changtian League, it must be a life worse than death.

If that were the case, it would be better to get stabbed happily.

But the facts proved that the White Ape Clan did not simply want to save people, but united to set up a trap.

It is convenient to take them to the magic city on the way.

If that was the case, the patriarch of Jin He would not say anything, and still wanted to thank the other party for saving his life.

The crux of the problem was that Mocheng's request was too much for him to accept.

Hand over the true treasure of the Golden Crane Clan in exchange for safe haven, and with the help of the magic city, you can avenge the enemy.

It sounded tempting, and it was indeed worth thinking about carefully, but there was no way he could cross the psychological threshold.

Once handing over the secret treasure of the true spirit, wouldn't it be equivalent to breaking the racial inheritance, and how could he have the face to meet the ancestors?
The real spirit world is different from ordinary people. Those ancestors who survived the catastrophe and ascended to heaven are now truly living in the upper realm of the gods.

If they knew about his disrespectful behavior, he would definitely be very angry.

As for revenge, maybe you can wait for a while, and maybe the ancestors will give you great help.

For example, like in the past, provide massive resources and give a few powerful artifacts.

If it caused the ancestors to be angry because he handed over the true spirit secret treasure, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?
With all kinds of worries in mind, the patriarch of Jinhe didn't agree, but just said that he had to think about it.

He knew very well in his heart that with the strength possessed by the Demon City, it could be robbed directly without negotiation.

Once that time comes, their identities will also change and they will no longer be the original guests.

There is not much time left for him, and perhaps in the end, he will have to make a choice.

The fish and shrimp show in shallow water in Longyou, the tiger in Pingyang was bullied by dogs, and after suffering a catastrophe, the head of the Jinhe clan had to bear the burden of humiliation.

While feeling secretly in his heart, he saw a player approaching and gave a slight salute to the patriarch of Jinhe.

"The city lord invites your Excellency to go and prepare to inform an important matter."

The leader of the Jinhe clan nodded when he heard this, and then told his clansmen to wait and prepare to see what the Demon City was planning.

Seeing this, other tribesmen started to stop him, fearing that they would be in danger.

Until now, they have been secretly vigilant, thinking that the magic city is plotting something wrong.

"If the magic city wants to harm people, there is no need to be so troublesome, and it is impossible for us to live to this day."

Having said this, the patriarch of Jin He ignored everyone's dissuasion and left with that player.

When I got to the place, I saw that the leader of the White Ape clan was also there, but he had a solemn expression.

Seeing the arrival of the Jinhe clan leader, he just glanced at him coldly, but did not take the initiative to communicate.

He could guess what Team Leader Jin He was thinking, and regarded himself as someone with ulterior motives, so he didn't bother to make himself uncomfortable.

There is really no need to talk to such a stupid guy.

Regardless of the purpose of the Demon City, at least he saved the lives of the Jinhe clan, otherwise he and his clan would surely die.

The magic city wanted the treasure of the true spirit, but also negotiated and exchanged it, rather than directly grabbing it by force.

This has already exhausted all benevolence and righteousness. If you don't appreciate it again, then don't blame the Demon City for being ruthless.

If it were the patriarch of the white ape, he would definitely not have the patience, let alone let a group of bereaved dogs kick their noses in the face.

Seeing the appearance of Patriarch White Ape, Patriarch Jinhe secretly sighed, and stood in place silently.

Tang Zhen also appeared in front of the two at this moment.

Without too much nonsense, directly show the evidence and let them know the biggest conspiracy in the real world.

The expressions of the two clan leaders changed at an extremely fast speed, from shock to astonishment, and soon to despair.

"how is this possible?"

"It's fake!"

Such a cruel truth has completely shattered the cognition of the two true spirit patriarchs, and it feels like the whole world has completely collapsed.

Even when the race is attacked and the secret realm is destroyed, the mood is not as shocking as it is at this moment.

"It's not true? It's not true!"

The patriarch of Jinhe suddenly yelled, and looked at Tang Zhen next to him, trying to make him agree with his statement.

Tang Zhen sneered and said nothing, letting the other party scream in vain.

The same is true for the patriarch of the white ape. At this moment, his body is trembling slightly, and he can know what kind of pressure he is carrying in his heart.

Both of them are in the tribulation stage, and they are even ready to go through the tribulation, so that they can ascend to the upper realm of immortals and gods.

As a result, I discovered at this moment that once I successfully overcome the tribulation, my body will be taken over by others.

All the hard work is in vain, and you may even lose your life.

Such a truth was too terrifying for them to bear, and they subconsciously thought that Tang Zhen was lying.

Tang Zhen had already anticipated their reaction and told them how to verify it.

The verification method is not difficult, but if you want to remove hidden dangers, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen has a way, which is also his confidence to control the opponent.

According to the method taught by Tang Zhen, the two patriarchs immediately carried out investigations, and they found something strange hidden in the spirit.

An embryo of a divine beast is in a dormant state, hiding inside its body.

The results of such an investigation made them feel even more frightened.

Inside his body, there was such a terrible hidden danger hidden, but he hadn't noticed it before.

The most terrifying thing is that this fatal danger was given by the ancestors, just to kill them at the critical moment.

And this so-called ancestor is just an impostor.

At the moment when the tribulation was successfully crossed, the beast soul occupied the ancestor's body, absorbed the ancestor's divine soul, and gradually became a real divine beast.

These true spirit races are nothing more than parasites, working hard to help the gods and beasts to cultivate their offspring.

Facts are the most powerful proof, and the two clan leaders have no choice but to believe that what Tang Zhen said is true.

But in their hearts, they still couldn't accept it easily and couldn't believe that they were just parasites.

After a long silence, the two patriarchs came back to their senses.

"Excuse me, sir, is there a solution to the problem?"

At this moment, the patriarch of Jin He was no longer as reserved as before, but took the initiative to ask.

Before coming here, he still had a sliver of ambition, thinking that he could survive the desperate situation.

But after knowing the truth, he became desperate and terrified, as if a drowning person grabbed a straw rope and would not let go after holding it.

The eyes looking at Tang Zhen were full of desire for survival.

This is the effect Tang Zhen wanted, to let the True Spirits understand their situation, and then follow the command wholeheartedly.

But whenever there is a slight escape route, other thoughts may arise. Only when there is no other choice, one can only stick to one path and go to the dark side.

(End of this chapter)

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