I have a city in another world

Chapter 4964: Conspiracy in the Upper Realm

Chapter 4964: Conspiracy in the Upper Realm
But overnight, war broke out again.

The difference is that this time, the Tianchang League has become more fierce and cruel in its attack. Once a monk from the True Spirit Clan is caught, it will not hesitate to extract the beast soul on the spot.

The monks whose beast souls were extracted became demented, basically reduced to useless people.

Faced with such a bad situation, everyone in the True Spirit Race is in danger. They actively defend and evade, for fear of being attacked by the Tianchang League.

But facing a group of lunatics, avoiding them won't solve the problem at all.

People sit at home, and disasters come from the sky, even if there are secret realms guarding them, they will still be broken.

More and more true spirit races encountered the tragedy of the secret realm being destroyed and had to flee in all directions.

Although the world of the true spirit world is wide, there is no place for them to hide, so they are forced to fight with the enemy.

The True Spirit Alliance was formed again and faced off against the Heaven-Changing Alliance, trying to stop the enemy's crazy destruction.

The difference is that this time, the True Spirit Alliance chose to take the initiative instead of being passively beaten like in the past.

It turns out that the Alliance of True Spirits also received an oracle, asking them to extract the enemy's beast souls and use them as bargaining chips in exchange for pill materials.

They also don't lack the treatment that their enemies receive.

The task is not limited to the level of strength, and the beast soul can be exchanged for it. The higher the level, the richer the reward.

The monks of the True Spirit Alliance were ecstatic about this, and their enthusiasm for war was unprecedentedly high.

In the last war, both sides fought for their religious race, but this time it was for themselves.

Under the threat of the beast soul, the monks of both camps became more and more crazy, and the scale of the battle became larger and larger.

The secular people were also affected, and there were countless casualties in a short time.

At this moment, the two warring parties are fighting inextricably, and seem to have forgotten about the magic city.

But the biggest possibility is that the Demon City is too powerful to be provoked, and even if it wins, it cannot extract the beast soul.

Such a loss outweighs the gain, so it is natural to avoid it for fear of being late.

Although the Demonic City can also expel beast souls, the number of elixirs is limited after all, and it is impossible to meet the needs of all true spirit races.

This method of animal soul sacrifice can really get what you want, and everyone can do it independently.

Those true spirit races who contacted the Demon City before but failed to obtain enough pills are now joining the battle one after another.

The rules of the oracle issued by the upper realm are very friendly to low-level monks, and cheers arose as soon as the news was released.

It is a matter of life and death, and the low-level monks will definitely not miss it. Even if the patriarch does not allow it, they will secretly carry out the action.

After a short period of peace, the real spirit world once again fell into war, and it was far more brutal and intense than before.

Including those big and small sects, they are also forced to participate in the war. Firstly, it is inevitable, and secondly, they also need pills to suppress the beast souls.

The exercises they practice all come from the simplified version of the True Spirit Race, and there are also beast souls in their bodies.

Although limited by their talent resources, their chances of successfully overcoming the tribulation are low, but this does not mean that they can tolerate the beast souls harming themselves.

Who knows when this terrible thing will explode suddenly, and will it cause fatal damage to itself?

The only way to do it is to clear it up as soon as possible.

Like the True Spirits, they frantically hunted and killed monks from the opposing faction, and then used secret techniques to extract the opponent's beast soul.

If you are lucky enough, you will not hesitate to start hunting when you encounter a true spirit race.

Successive turmoil and accidents have greatly reduced the status of the True Spirit Race, and they have even been secretly ridiculed by the sect monks.

The true spirit race in the past were too arrogant and conceited, so naturally they would not have a very good image.

The monks of the sect dared to get angry but did not dare to say anything about this.

Now that the secret has been revealed, the image of the True Spirit Race has been completely destroyed, and the majesty accumulated over the years has also disappeared.

The monks of the sect no longer had any scruples, so they naturally dared to attack and regarded the True Spirit clansmen as the best life-saving medicine.

As time goes by, this behavior becomes more and more crazy. As long as they hear the news of the appearance of the True Spirit Clan, the sect monks will immediately approach and try to attack.

When the outside world was in chaos, Tang Zhen was also paying close attention.

This approach of the upper realm really disrupted Tang Zhen's plan, and made the magic city lose its original advantage.

According to the previous plan, Demon City can control the situation in the true spirit world through the pill that suppresses the beast soul.

In the end, I didn't expect that the upper realm would use such a method to drive the true spirit race to continue killing.

Compared with cooperating with Demon City, extracting beast souls is obviously easier, and there is almost no big threshold.

Faced with this situation, Tang Zhen really couldn't compete.

He didn't make a fuss on purpose. If he wanted to increase the value of the pill, there was really no way to mass-produce it.

Pills are not generated out of thin air, they must be refined with corresponding materials and require sufficient refining time.

Facing such a huge gap, Loucheng has no way to meet it, and can only give priority to supplying the most urgent needs.

The upper realm used animal souls as sacrifices and successfully took away most of the customers in the magic city.

But this is good, as it can relieve a lot of pressure and allow the alchemists in Loucheng to take a break.

Recently, they have been working overtime for a long time in order to refine the elixir.

There are other links that are also running at high speed in order to cooperate with the alchemy.

Miracles can never be created by one person alone.

Let the residents of Loucheng take a good rest, accumulate enough energy, and then face a new round of challenges.

Now in Tang Zhen's hands, there is a elixir, which was produced in the upper realm of immortals and gods.

After a monk takes it, it can speed up the sleeping of the beast soul, and it will have a killing effect when it accumulates to a certain amount.

The leader of the White Ape clan took action and killed several monks who had changed the Heavenly Alliance and sacrificed them in public according to the method passed down from the upper world.

This method worked really well, the sealed beast soul disappeared, and piles of pills appeared in front of him.

As expected of the Immortal God Upper Realm, the means are extraordinary, and materials can be transferred so easily.

Fortunately, due to the restrictions of the rules, the monks from the upper realm cannot come, otherwise the situation will become more and more dangerous.

Tang Zhen got the elixir and immediately researched it to see if there were any hidden dangers.

He didn't believe that the beast clan would be so kind, there must be some despicable means hidden.

Even if it is not available now, it will definitely be used in the future.

Not only Tang Zhen thought of this, but other true spirit races also had this concern, and they all immediately investigated after getting the elixir.

The result is the same, and there is no abnormality.

In the case of the pill, the beasts were very honest, probably because they were afraid of being found abnormal.

Having just experienced a crisis of trust, the relationship between the two parties is quite tense at the moment. If problems arise again, there may be no possibility of continued cooperation.

There is no problem with the pill, but it does not mean that the other party has not made a move. It was the other party's conspiracy to instigate the true spirit race to fight each other.

As long as the True Spirit Race keeps hunting and killing the enemies to extract the beast souls according to the requirements, it will inevitably result in a loss for both sides in the end.

By that time, wouldn't the True Spirit Race be at the mercy of others?

Not only Tang Zhen is aware of this possibility, but other true spirit races are also aware of it.

But what can they do if they know, at this moment they have no choice at all, their own hidden dangers must be eliminated, otherwise there will be no peace for a moment.

It was as if a bomb had been planted on his body, and it might explode suddenly at any time.

When that time comes, it may be too late to regret.

When you are in the vortex of the tide, you can't help it. When you desperately want to stay away, you will often be pulled back involuntarily.

You can only fight one game and strive to be the final winner.

Fortunately, the magic city is not in the whirlpool, and has enough strength to participate in this game.

For example, before this, there were true spirit races that cooperated with the Demon City, and now they are protected by the Demon City.

They did not participate in the fight between the two sides, but just waited for the elixir from the Demon City. Although the speed may be slower, they did not need to be involved in the brutal fighting.

They formed an alliance with Loucheng and issued a warning to the outside world that no force should provoke the Magic City Alliance.

The Demon City Alliance will never participate in this chaotic war. Anyone who dares to provoke it will inevitably be met with a crazy counterattack.

(End of this chapter)

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