I have a city in another world

Chapter 4965 Looking for reinforcements in the abyss

Chapter 4965 Looking for reinforcements in the abyss
The Demon City Alliance announced to the outside world that its attitude was very clear, stating that it would not participate in this troubled world dispute.

If someone provokes you, it is tantamount to provocation.

The clay figurines are still angry, let alone an organization like the Magic City Alliance. Although the number of members is not large, its strength cannot be underestimated.

The true spirit race is strong and weak, but overall it is not too bad. Every race has ten or eight catastrophe periods.

When put together, they are quite powerful, enough to make any enemy fearful.

The problem is that today's environment is too abnormal, and the Magic City Alliance's announcement may not be able to achieve the expected deterrent effect.

It is equivalent to holding hundreds of millions of gold in hand, telling a group of robbers not to rob, guarding a large pile of fat, and not allowing hungry wolves to come close to devour it.

The enemies that the Magic City Alliance needs to face are a group of crazy and irrational guys who will do anything to survive.

Knowing this, the Magic City Alliance made multiple preparations and never took any chances from the beginning.

The secret realms where the major races are located are now being actively reinforced to avoid being easily broken through by the enemy.

The area outside the secret realm is included in the defense system of the magic city. Once attacked by foreign enemies, remote attacks can be launched.

This is the benefit of cooperating with Magic City, providing remote protection assistance to ensure that the peripheral area will not be lost.

All members of the major races went into battle to practice for the battle that might occur at any time, and some tribesmen were also transferred to the Demon City.

They got a temporary living area inside the magic city, so they lost their worries.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, but Tang Zhen still feels that it is not safe enough. Compared with the crazy enemies, the Demon City Alliance still does not have much advantage.

No matter which side it is, if it targets the Magic City Alliance, the situation will become quite dangerous.

The existing manpower may not be able to meet the needs of the war. It is best to get some strong foreign aid.

The backer of the magic city is the underworld, a mutated tree demon in the abyss. It is indeed strong enough, but it is difficult for a good tiger to defeat a pack of wolves.

Such is the case with war, which often requires large-scale group participation.

If the enemy launches an attack, it is impossible to just focus on one place, but there is only one mutant tree demon.

Tang Zhen began to think about how to find some strong helpers in the abyss.

When reinforcements are needed, these monsters can solve the problem of manpower shortage.

The projection of a demon god is comparable to tens of thousands of enemy elites.

This thing is simple to say, but not easy to do, because the demons are on guard against each other, making it difficult for them to cooperate together.

The stronger the monster, the lonelier it will become.

You can also directly summon according to the ritual without communicating in advance, so that the selected demon gods can come to the true spirit world.

However, in this case, there will be many variables.

It is very likely that at the critical moment, the summoned demon god refused to descend, or after descending, he would kill indiscriminately regardless of the enemy or himself.

Don't obey the summoner's arrangement, don't come when you should come, and don't leave when you should go.

If that happens, it will be self-defeating and make things worse.

If Tang Zhen wants to use the Demon God to participate in this defensive war, he must first handle the matter properly.

You must have everything under your control.

While the outside world was busy, Tang Zhen's consciousness had descended into the abyss, controlling the mutated tree demon to send out messages.

He sealed what he was going to do inside the source power crystal and projected it in all directions.

The first step is to spend money like crazy.

Money can pass through gods, and it can also use medicine and demons. Every abyssal demon god will definitely not easily miss it when he sees the crystallization of source power.

Even if you don't do anything, you will still make a profit without losing money, and you will get a crystal of your strength in vain.

During this period, if he is discovered and captured by the demon, he will know what Tang Zhen is going to do, and then decide whether to participate in it.

It can be said that this operation is clearly a good thing delivered to the door.

Under normal circumstances, the Demon God would never share this matter, but would take all the benefits to himself.

The same is true for Tang Zhen. If it weren't for the shortage of manpower, he wouldn't have made this choice.

Such an operation is equivalent to taking food from the mouth of the mutated tree demon, which will affect his future long-term development.

It will also allow these abyss demon gods to discover this super fat piece of real spiritual world, and from then on they will try their best to invade.

All kinds of weird monsters, big and small, appear like mushrooms after a rain, and the real spirit world will become more lively and dangerous.

These greedy abyss demons don't care who owns the true spiritual world, they just want to get more benefits.

That's how it is to lure a wolf into a house.

However, this real spirit world was not Tang Zhen's private property in the first place, even if he was targeted by the abyssal monsters, he would not suffer much loss.

Solving the immediate problem is the most important thing.

At the beginning, Tang Zhen's source power crystals did not receive any response.

It is possible that it has not been discovered. After all, the abyss is boundless, and demons are not active everywhere.

It is also possible that the source power crystal was captured, but there was no rush to respond.

The abyss demon is extremely cunning and very cautious when doing things. Even if it is already itchy, it will still remain vigilant enough.

In order to prevent falling into a trap, they will secretly observe in secret to confirm that there is no danger before taking action.

But such caution is not a good thing for Tang Zhen.

The enemy may launch an attack at any time, and reinforcements must be on call, rather than delaying the opportunity due to hesitation.

After the matter is over, it will no longer be meaningful for these abyssal demon gods to agree to come.

What Tang Zhen can do is to increase publicity and let more demons know about this matter.

There will always be some monsters who are bold and careful and dare to try, and will not affect the earthquake resistance plan because of hesitation.

However, the hidden dangers caused by this are not small, and more abyss demons will know about the true spiritual world.

Knowing the benefits of the true spirit world, these greedy abyssal demon gods will inevitably swarm over.

Sure enough, not long after, a demon contacted Tang Zhen and expressed his willingness to participate in his actions.

Sign a contract between the two parties, tell the summoning spell, and then just wait.

When the summons begins, what the Abyss Demon God has to do is to respond as quickly as possible.

After the demon god descends, he can harvest sacrifices freely, but he cannot cause malicious damage to his own camp.

If you violate the rules, you will lose the qualification for the next summons, and may even suffer revenge from the Demon City.

If the demon god follows the rules, he will get more summons and more sacrifices.

Such rules are not harsh, and can even be said to be quite tolerant, and there is no reason to refuse them at all.

The demon god who took the initiative to contact, quickly signed a contract with the mutated tree demon, and then quietly waited for the call from the true spirit world.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but after you take the first step, the rest becomes easier.

Soon more demon gods began to contact Tang Zhen, hoping to establish cooperation between the two parties.

Some signed the contract directly according to Tang Zhen's request, while others were fussy and wanted to get more benefits.

Tang Zhen would certainly welcome those who sincerely cooperate, but he would also not be polite to those greedy guys.

Matters of principle cannot be discussed. If you are willing to accept it, you can cooperate. If you don't want it, you can leave.

He is not afraid of the other party making trouble, as his strength gradually improves, the methods of mutating the tree demon are no longer what they used to be.

It is clear that you can go to the deepest level, but you always hover at the upper level just to gain the advantage in strength.

When encountering provocateurs, they can be swiftly and fiercely suppressed.

After Tang Zhen's screening, he reached an agreement with dozens of abyssal demon gods. Once a war breaks out, they will directly summon the other party to descend.

He has already made up his mind that as long as the enemy dares to attack, he will directly send the Abyss Demon God into battle.

Preserve your own strength and avoid unnecessary sacrifices.

The days to come are still long, maybe something will happen, it is really necessary to preserve one's own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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