
Today, the inside of the Demon City is becoming more and more lively.

Because of the war, the world was in chaos, and countless practitioners were affected.

Regardless of whether you are a monk of the True Spirit Race, or a monk of a sect, or a nameless casual cultivator, you have to struggle to survive in this whirlpool.

Not all monks are willing to participate in the fight and sacrifice the lives of others in exchange for their own safety.

They hope to solve their own hidden dangers in a more gentle way, even if the time is slower.

The idea is good, but it is very difficult to realize it.

In today's true spirit world, under the deliberate instigation of the mythical beast clan, practitioners have already become red-eyed.

In order to survive and benefit, he will do anything.

Wanting these monks to calm down and solve problems related to life and death is simply a dream.

Even if someone can do it, it will inevitably be destroyed by the mythical beast clan, and it is impossible to restore stability to the true spirit world.

The Demon City is the best proof. Because it affected the mythical beast clan, it encountered crazy revenge from the other party.

A chaotic true spirit world is in the interests of the gods and beasts, allowing them to re-establish their layout.

Better to erase everything and start over.

Because of the broken relationship, there is basically no possibility of healing. The monks in the real spirit world will only try to get rid of the soul, and always hide their guard against the gods and beasts.
What's the use of such a monk who can't be used by me, and who is still rebellious?
It would be better to plan carefully, kill them all, and then cultivate a new batch of ignorant parasites.

When many monks were at a loss, Mo Cheng showed up again and easily solved the problem.

The magic city once again announced that it can provide medicine for curing beast souls.

It's just that the quantity is relatively scarce, so we can only give priority to the powerful people who have overcome the tribulation, after all, their needs are the most urgent.

It is possible to overcome the catastrophe at any time, which will trigger the awakening of the beast soul.

Cultivators with lower realms can wait slowly, and sooner or later they will get life-saving pills.

The monks also understand very well that the practitioners in the tribulation period really have an imminent desire for pills

Since the beginning of the war, nearly a hundred True Spirit monks have fought, causing the natural disaster to arrive early.

Some of the monks did not survive the catastrophe, but managed to save their lives.

They are all healing now, and there is no need to worry about the catastrophe until they recover again.

But once the injury recovers, the catastrophe will come again, and the monks who cross the catastrophe will be wiped out or expelled from the true spirit world.

As a practitioner in the transcending tribulation period, this calamity must be experienced, and it is impossible to escape in the true spirit world.

There are also some unlucky monks who were completely wiped out in the thunder disaster, and they have completely lost their troubles.

There are also some monks who successfully survived the thunder disaster, but actually encountered the situation of beast souls seizing their bodies.

Since the secret has been made public and preparations have been made in advance, many monks have witnessed the scene of the beast soul seizing the body with their own eyes.

They tried to help one after another, but it didn't have much effect. They could only watch helplessly as the monk crossed the robbery and left through the air.

The expressions of despair and panic were clearly displayed in front of everyone, and the rumors of the beast soul taking home were finally completely confirmed.

I wonder if these tribulation monks can withstand the beast souls and seize their bodies, and what will happen to them when they enter the upper realm of immortals and gods?
The true spirit world, which was already in chaos, has become more and more panicked because of what happened to these tribulation-crossing monks.

I'm afraid that one day, even low-level monks will encounter the crisis of being seized by beast souls.

People have long-term concerns without near-term worries. If this kind of thing continues, it will be a problem to live well.

Compared with the chaotic outside world, the magic city became more and more attractive, and countless monks rushed into it eagerly.

Today's Demon City is still the same as in the past, and the time of its appearance is not fixed.

But every time before opening, a notification will be issued.

The monks and mortals who had waited for a long time rushed to enter it, just to stay away from the war and obtain the elixir produced by the magic city.

In addition to the urgently needed elixir, there is no shortage of other supplies here, and it can be regarded as a special holy place for practice.

Many monks who entered the Demon City lingered and were reluctant to leave.

It can be said that today's Demon City is a paradise in the troubled times. How bad and terrible its reputation was in the past, how awe-inspiring it is now.

There are even some guys who use the magic city as a trading place to trade pills from the upper realm.

When conducting transactions within the Magic City, there is no need to worry about encountering bad luck.

Mocheng knows this, and will not take action to drive them away, provided that no disturbances are allowed.

Otherwise, those who violate the rules will be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell and endure painful torture.

Today's Tang Zhen, what he has to think about every day is still how to capture the soul of the beast.

The damned plane crystal wall blocked the communication between the real spirit world and the upper world, making it extremely difficult to capture the souls of divine beasts.

In desperation, I could only try to find another way.

Tang Zhen was even thinking that if he couldn't solve the problem in a short time, he might as well raise a mythical beast himself.

After it is developed, and then the soul of the divine beast is extracted, it may be able to meet the promotion requirements.

But this is just speculation, whether it will work or not, Tang Zhen actually has no idea.

I'm afraid that after a lot of busy work and investing a lot of resources, the work will end up being in vain.

But if there is nothing to do, then really can only try.

When he tried every means to collect the soul of the beast, something abnormal happened in the abyss of the underworld.

The last guardianship battle brought huge benefits to a group of abyss demon gods, and the reputation of the true spirit world became loud and clear.

Places like the True Spirit World are treasures coveted by monsters in the abyss. If managed well, it can help them become true gods.

It's a pity that this place has been occupied by mutant tree demons, so it can be regarded as a land with an owner.

Of course, this is not a problem, as long as you have enough skills, you can take the real spirit world into your hands.

The abyss of the underworld is like this, full of cruel and bloody competition, and there is never any morality at all.

Once a benefit appears, the demons will swarm in like flies seeing blood, and no one will take a step back.

To practice together is to compete with the sky, the earth, and all things.

The abyss monsters are even more adhering to it. Now that they have discovered the real spirit world, how can they remain indifferent.

After the guardianship war ended, Tang Zhen soon received news that those abyssal demon gods who had signed contracts all hoped to share the true spirit world with Demon City.

The behavior of the Abyss Demon God is like Tang Zhen having ten thousand taels of gold, but they proposed to share it together.

The price to be paid is to protect the safety of the true spirit world together.

Such a request for sharing is no different from that of a robber, and no one can agree to it.

The Abyss Demon God also knew that it was impossible for Tang Zhen to agree to this matter, and this was just their courtesy before the soldiers.

After being rejected by Tang Zhen, the greedy Abyssal Demon God can openly snatch it.

Since they can't cooperate, they can only start a war, and the True Spirit World will never allow the mutated tree demon to monopolize it.

Regardless of what comes first, first come first, the rule of the underworld is that those who see have a share, of course, the premise is that they have enough skills.

If you dare to rob other people's things, you must be prepared to lose your life.

The Abyss Demon God, who was hired by the Demon City to fight against the beast clan, is now in action again.

When they came last time, they deliberately left a secret method just to facilitate the next invasion.

Cooperating with the Abyss Demon God is to properly lure wolves into the house.

Wherever demons descend, traces will inevitably remain, and the pollution will become more and more serious.

When the war first broke out, those True Spirit monks who escaped by chance may not actually be lucky.

There is a great possibility that they were deliberately let go by the Abyss Demon God.

Now that the Abyss Demon God has invaded, they have become the best coordinate carrier and have begun to encounter all kinds of weird things.

If it were in the past, such an abnormal situation would inevitably attract great attention.

The invasion of the Abyss Demon God is definitely not a trivial matter and must be properly resolved.

But today's true spiritual world has long since become chaotic, and all kinds of chaos are constantly appearing.

The arrival of the Abyss Demon God is nothing new, and there have even been many confrontations.

The troubled times were precarious, and after this incident happened, it did not attract much attention.

The invasion of the Abyssal Demon God proceeded at an extremely fast speed while the monks in the true spirit world ignored them.

(End of this chapter)

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