I have a city in another world

Chapter 4972 The demons emerge from the abyss

Chapter 4972 The demons emerge from the abyss
Somewhere in the real spirit world, in a valley.

The interior of the valley is gloomy, filled with a penetrating aura, and being in it is like falling into an ice cave.

Inside the valley at this moment, there are a large number of figures gathered, but it is extremely quiet.

The oppressive atmosphere portends ominous.

In the central area of ​​the valley, there is a simple altar with mountains of bones piled around it.

The unpleasant rancid smell is enough to make people spit out the overnight meal.

In the central area of ​​the altar, a monk wearing a blood-colored robe was looking around coldly at the moment.

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of his thin mouth.

There are many monks around the altar, also wearing red and white robes, with pale and strange masks on their faces.

By dressing up like this, he deliberately hides his identity.

In front of these monks, there was a large group of captured monks kneeling, all of them were terrified at the moment.

There are two thousand in number, and their identities are different. There are people from the True Spirit Race, monks from the Human Race, and even some cultivators from the Monster Race.

At this moment, they were all tied up and gathered in the open space around the Valley Altar.

The terrifying environment in the valley gave them an ominous premonition, and they felt extremely panicked at the moment.

He wanted to struggle to escape, but his body was firmly controlled, and there was no possibility of escape.

Wanting to shout loudly, but unable to make any sound, it is obvious that someone has used a means.

The sky doesn't respond, the earth doesn't respond, and my heart is full of despair and unwillingness.

It seemed that he could perceive the inner emotions of the captured monk, and the smile of the blood-robed monk became brighter and brighter.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

He let out a burst of laughter, and then looked at the disguised monks around him, his blood-red eyes flashing with ferocity.

"Very good, you have done a great job, and each of you will receive generous rewards!"

As soon as the blood-colored monk finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved lightly, and a large number of items appeared in front of his eyes.

There are expensive elixirs, rare talismans, and magic weapons that even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.

In the past, it was definitely not an easy task to obtain these materials.

Nowadays, troubled times are coming, but opportunities are everywhere. As long as you dare to fight hard, you will never lack opportunities.

For example, the transaction in front of them brought them rich returns.

All the monks shot out one after another, took away their generous rewards, and then left without looking back.

After getting what they want, the life and death of these captive monks has nothing to do with them

After leaving here, they will continue to act and arrest more practitioners.

Some of the monks, looking back at the strange valley, were wondering whether to continue the transaction.

It was the previous experience that made them feel deeply uneasy.

Half a month ago, they received a message that monks could be exchanged for huge rewards.

The stronger the monk, the higher the reward.

At the beginning, they were a little skeptical, but after one transaction, they were convinced that the other party did not deceive themselves.

From the hands of this mysterious monk, it is indeed possible to get a generous reward.

Regardless of race status, as long as the prey is delivered, the reward can be taken away.

Several successful transactions have established a foundation of trust between the two parties, and everything that follows will be a matter of course.

In recent times, the invitees have been going around and captured a large number of monks for trading.

Every trader makes a lot of money.

Those monks who were traded never showed up again, and their fate might be very miserable.

These cultivators who do things unscrupulously for the sake of huge profits have no idea how terrible the transaction partner is.

It was a terrifying demon god from the abyss who controlled an elder of the True Spirit Tribe and manipulated him to obtain the monk's blood soul.

Taking advantage of the opponent's identity, using the materials accumulated by the race to trade, and asking the monks in the clan to help capture the practitioners.

This is just the first step. When enough flesh and blood sacrifices are collected, the demon god from the abyss will descend smoothly.

The main reason for doing this is naturally to keep a low profile so as not to ruin his advent plan.

Otherwise, a mad cultivator will inevitably be besieged by crowds, and will eventually be reduced to a disastrous end.

Today's true spirit world is chaotic but dangerous, even the abyssal demon gods must be careful.

In this world of true spirits, it is not their turn to do whatever they want.

When the avatar arrives smoothly and possesses great strength, there is no need to be as careful as now.

The group of monks in front of them is the last batch of sacrifices.

"Greedy and stupid guy, your Holy Lord will come soon!"

With a maniacal laugh, the blood-robed monk's robes shook, and his body slowly flew into the air.

The monks on the ground couldn't help but look up to the sky, their eyes full of fear and despair.

They opened their mouths wide and let out shrill howls, and their essence, blood and souls poured out from their seven orifices at high speeds.

At the same time, in the covered cave in the valley, there were also bursts of mournful howls.

Dragons of essence, blood, spirit and soul flew out of the cave and poured into the body of the blood-robed monk at the same time.

At the same time, the devilish energy in the valley rolled, and the crack connecting the underworld slowly opened.

The sky quickly filled with dark clouds, followed by lightning and thunder, and terrifying thunder snakes continued to fall into the valley.

The rules of heaven and earth are activated, and they want to expel the invaders from other worlds.

If it is an ordinary traveler, if he encounters this kind of thunder and lightning, he will be knocked out of his wits in an instant.

For the Abyss Demon God, it is just scratching an itch. Without such lightning resistance, he would not be qualified to launch an invasion of other worlds.

But in the blink of an eye, the body of the blood-robed cultivator grew wildly, turning into a ferocious demon body hundreds of feet tall.

This is just the beginning. With the devouring of flesh and blood, the body of the Abyss Demon God will continue to grow.

Soon there was triumphant laughter, echoing in the valley, and the greedy Abyss Demon God successfully descended into the true spirit world.

"Flesh, flesh, spirit, power of rules, everything will belong to me!"

The descending Abyssal Demon God couldn't wait to harvest the souls, and every minute and second of waiting was a torment.

But in his heart, he was still afraid of being retaliated and attacked by the Demon City.

With the strength possessed by Demon City, he can absolutely kill him at this moment, and he will never doubt this.

Arrival is quite difficult, so naturally you have to avoid the magic city until you grow up smoothly.

At that time, there is no need to be afraid of the Demon City, and it is even possible to kill it.

Once the action is successful, you can monopolize the true spirit world, continuously deprive the power of rules from the soul, and finally condense your exclusive powerful godhead!

Thinking of this possibility, the Abyssal Demon God was very excited.

The memory obtained through devouring made the Abyss Demon God no stranger to the true spiritual world and knew that there was a sect nearby.

Devour this sect and use it as an appetizer. After you are full and full, you can then hunt for stronger prey.

The Abyss Demon God made up his mind, and manipulated the bones to form a guard, and went straight to the nearby sect and walked quickly.

Not long after, that sect was invaded, and many practitioners were killed or injured.

The news about the descending of the abyss demon god and the attack on the practice sect also spread in a very short period of time.

In such a short period of time, incidents of attacks by the Abyss Demon God happened one after another.

Judging from the collected information, there are dozens of abyssal demon gods descending on the true spirit world.

Among them are the abyssal demon gods who have come to fight against the beast angels, and there are also some monsters who came for the first time.

After they came, they frantically harvested creatures, and corpses littered the fields where they passed.

Seeing that something was wrong, the practitioners fled towards the distance one after another, fearing that they would be the prey of the Abyssal Demon God.

Ordinary people were powerless to escape, and could only cry in despair, being reaped by the abyssal demon god and the minions controlled by him.

(End of this chapter)

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