I have a city in another world

Chapter 4973 Who is calculating who?

Chapter 4973 Who is calculating who?
Tang Zhen was in Loucheng and kept receiving news of the devil's arrival.

Wherever the devil comes, all life is devastated and ruins are everywhere.

Looking at the places where the abyssal demon gods descended, there is obviously a lot of randomness, which shows that there is no organization among them.

They all fight on their own, just to plunder the blood and soul.

For this situation, Tang Zhen had already expected it.

Those greedy abyssal demon gods have no morals at all, so how could they really abide by the contract.

As long as there are enough benefits, any contract can be overturned.

In the eyes of the Abyss Demon God, they are the makers of the rules, but they will not be limited by the rules and regulations.

Although there is also a soul contract, it is only a kind of agreement and deterrence, and it does not mean that breach of the contract will be punished.

Unless Tang Zhen's methods are unparalleled and he possesses powerful intimidation and recovery abilities, these Abyss Demon Gods will break the contract sooner or later.

The situation in the real spirit world is worthy of the abyss demon god breaking the contract and abandoning the oath.

To the Abyss Demon Gods, the true spirit world is like a piece of fragrant fat, but they are already extremely hungry.

For an abyssal demon god who has great strength but is extremely hungry, it is very normal to descend to the real spirit world, and it is really strange not to make a move.

In fact, from the beginning, when he signed the contract with the Abyss Demon God, Tang Zhen expected that a wolf might be attracted into the house.

It's actually wrong to say this. After all, this true spiritual world does not belong to Tang Zhen, and even the whole world is his enemy.

There are very few friends, and they are all related to interests, and they don't really want to cooperate.

Most of the other true spirit races have deep hostility towards the Demon City. If they find the opportunity, they will definitely kill without hesitation.

To the true spirit world, Lou Cheng is an outsider after all, an insignificant passer-by.

If the Demon City did not exist, perhaps a series of changes would not have happened. They would rather not know the truth and continue to live in the lies and deceptions of the past.

Because of the magic city, the false dream was awakened, but now it has turned into a terrifying nightmare.

They struggled with it, and compared to the past, they naturally harbored a grudge against the Demon City.

Besides, the gods and beasts in the upper realm are also deliberately instigating, intensifying the conflict between the magic city and the true spirit race.

However, these true spirit races, even though they were deceived by the mythical beast clan, still have various illusions about them.

For the mythical beast clan, there is still a blind obedience mentality, and they target the demon city according to the other party's wishes.

This is the most ridiculous thing. Those who do good things are targeted and attacked, but those who do bad things are easily forgiven.

Tang Zhen was really speechless for such an idiot, and he didn't have too many scruples when doing things.

After all, there are some guys who really deserve their crimes and deserve to be completely eliminated.

Now that the Abyss Demon God has arrived and wreaked havoc in the true spiritual world, this is just the opening ceremony of the disaster.

The attack on the real spirit world is actually very beneficial to Tang Zhen, at least it can resolve the original situation.

Those true spirits were too busy to take care of themselves and had no time to target the Demon City. The Divine Beast Clan had no helpers, and it became very difficult to take revenge on the Demon City.

The situation in the magic city is gradually developing for the better, and even has more initiative.

Being able to do this is at the expense of the stability of the true spiritual world.

Tang Zhen could only say that he deserved it for what happened to the True Spirit Clan. He said unceremoniously that the current tragic situation in the True Spirit World was entirely his own fault.

Tang Zhen obviously owed the True Spirit race a favor and informed the secret conspiracy of the Divine Beast race, but he didn't get what he deserved.

Instead, he was avenged and attacked by the true spirit race. If he hadn't been strong enough, he would have been wiped out by now.

Faced with such behavior, it is only natural for Lou Cheng to take retaliatory attacks.

Perhaps Tang Zhen didn't have such a plan from the beginning, but the countermeasures he adopted would bring such risks.

The only people to blame for this incident are those true spirit races. They are the cause and should bear the corresponding price.

Regarding the arrival of the demon god, Tang Zhen could completely ignore it and let those true spirit races suffer punishment.

Even if others misunderstood and thought that everything was related to the magic city, Tang Zhen didn't bother to defend himself.

However, those ordinary people were quite innocent. They had done nothing wrong, but they were affected by the disaster.

The culprit who caused the disaster fled at a dangerous moment without even taking any action to dissolve the resistance.

Although practitioners are ruthless and ordinary people in the real spirit world have nothing to do with Tang Zhen, he is still ready to intervene.

After all, these abyssal demon gods are all contract breakers, and some are purely forcible intruders.

In order to protect his own face, Tang Zhen had to show something, otherwise it would be easy for the other party to take advantage of him.

For these unscrupulous guys, Tang Zhen has the power to retaliate and attack, and he also has the ability to retaliate.

On the other hand, these abyss demon gods are also competitors. They rob the resources of the true spirit world and pose a considerable threat to the mutated tree demons.

If you want to cultivate a true god, you need to spend a lot of resources, and Tang Zhen doesn't want to share it with outsiders.

Based on the above reasons, it is imperative for Tang Zhen to make a move to deter and strike the Abyssal Demon God.

But he also needs to be careful to prevent the Abyss Demon God from plotting against him.

He was now certain that someone was behind the scenes and providing a large number of plane coordinates of the true spirit world.

As a result, a large number of abyss demons descended collectively into the true spiritual world, leading to the current scene of the chaotic dancing of demons.

Who would do such a thing can only be Tang Zhen's enemy.

Since entering the abyss of the underworld, the mutant tree demon has also made some enemies, and the other party may retaliate.

Regardless of the cost, they spread the coordinates of the real spirit world, citing those abyssal demon gods to come to the real spirit world.

The purpose of this was actually to disrupt the true spirit world and deliberately cause trouble to Tang Zhen.

Dozens of abyssal demon gods are enough to make Tang Zhen burnt out and turn the entire true spirit world into ruins.

As if locusts had crossed the border, after some wanton harvesting and destruction, only devastated ruins remained.

This is a pure act of revenge that harms others but does not benefit oneself.

No matter what kind of existence he is, if he dares to do such a thing, he must pay a heavy price.

Once they find each other, they will fight to the death.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry to pursue the blame, and it would not be too late to take action when the opportunity arose.

If you want to deal with the Abyss Demon God, ordinary monks will definitely not be able to, and the monks in the tribulation period are also free.

If you want to get immediate results, you must use the mutant dryad. During this period, it is best for Loucheng to provide some assistance.

In this way, if you fight again, your chances of winning will be higher.

Taking a counterattack now is beneficial and harmless to Tang Zhen. It can not only deter powerful enemies, but also forcibly intercept the opponent's gains.

After the Abyss Demon God descended, each one of them frantically harvested the blood essence and soul, but they had to return before they could take them away.

If Tang Zhen kills him, he will not only get the benefits of the other party, but also devour the soul of the Abyssal Demon God.

How can such a good opportunity be easily missed?

It can even be said that Tang Zhen quietly arranged a huge chess game.

He knew this would happen from the beginning and single-handedly contributed to today's situation.

When everyone was in the game, it was time for Tang Zhen to close the net.

Those self-righteous guys got great benefits, but they didn't know that they were just prey attracted by the bait.

When the time is right, they who have completed the harvest will be subjected to Tang Zhen's reverse harvest.

At this moment, a map was floating in front of Tang Zhen's eyes, displaying dense information.

Among them are some red dots, which are particularly conspicuous, and the data associated with them is constantly being updated.

The red dot represents the Abyss Demon. The updated data is obtained through real-time observation and is supplemented as soon as it is collected.

The purpose of doing this is to keep abreast of the enemy's information and provide assistance for the next clean-up operation.

Tang Zhen browsed around, chose a target, and then summoned the mutated tree demon to descend.

(End of this chapter)

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