Demon God Gino
The lush plains of Yuhe Prefecture were filled with mourning at this moment, turning from a land of plenty into a hell on earth.

Countless demon servants, dragging their broken bodies, moved slowly on the ground.

On the surface of their bodies, there are gorgeous grass fungi, and the shape looks extremely strange.

Even though he was dead, he was still enslaved and became the eagle dog of the Abyss Demon God.

Capture creatures everywhere and sacrifice them to the Abyss Demon God.

The demon god descends, and the souls suffer.

At the very beginning, the monks and common people in Yuhe Prefecture also rose up to resist, but they suffered heavy losses.

The monks fled, not wanting to lose their lives in vain, and then allowed the demon to run rampant, always watching with cold eyes.

Before the accident happened, the monks in the true spirit world regarded all living beings as ants. Now that the situation was critical, it was naturally impossible for them to sacrifice themselves to protect them.

The previous blocking battles were just to protect the territory.

The sect monks in the true spirit world are retreating in the face of the abyss demon gods, and only the true spirit race has the ability to stop them.

However, the performance of the True Spirit Clan made the sect monks very disappointed.

Today's True Spirit Clan has already undergone tremendous changes. It no longer has the overlord mentality of the past, and no longer regards itself as the master of the True Spirit Realm.

Due to various reasons, they suffered varying degrees of casualties, and now they have become more cautious.

When the abyss demon god descended and wreaked havoc in the real spirit world, the true spirit clan, who claimed to be the guardians of the world, kept silent this time.

They no longer made high-profile appearances to expel the invaders from the underworld, but pretended to be ignorant of the matter.

Close the secret realm tightly and completely isolate it from the outside world.

There are also some true spirit races who chose to take the initiative to attack, but they did not expel the abyssal demon god.

Instead, they secretly issued a warning, restricting the area of ​​activity of the Abyssal Demon God, and not allowing him to appear near the secret realm.

If the Abyss Demon God agrees, the True Spirit Clan will acquiesce to its existence and will not take the initiative to attack.

If they dare to invade the secret realm, the True Spirit Clan will definitely try their best to kill or expel the Abyss Demon God.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. If the true spirit race attacks with all their strength, the Abyss Demon God may not be the opponent.

For such an agreement, the Abyss Demon God will definitely not refuse.

Their ultimate goal may be the True Spirit Race. Compared to ordinary creatures, True Spirit Race monks are the most delicious food.

The initial strength is weak, and there is no ability to hunt the true spirits, but it does not mean that they will not shoot in the future.

The True Spirit Tribe also knows this and will definitely make various preparations to deal with unexpected situations.

With the acquiescence of the True Spirit Race, the Abyssal Demon God became more and more arrogant, wantonly running amok like entering no one's land.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, people in those towns fled one after another, hiding in the mountains and forests and refusing to come out.

Facts have proven that places where people gather are more likely to be attacked by demons.

But even so, they still couldn't avoid the attack of the abyssal demon gods. They drove countless demon servants to search for the fleeing people.

The army of the mortal dynasty, many warriors among the people, and many monks all crazily destroyed their fellow clans after being demonized.

Like a snowball, the team grew bigger and bigger, covering mountains and plains wherever it passed.

With countless servants guarding him, the Abyssal Demon God has become safer and his strength is rapidly improving.

Ordinarily, at such a time, the Abyss Demon God can stop and evacuate, and bring all the gains this time back to the underworld.

When the opportunity is right, come to the true spirit world again.

However, none of the Abyss Demon Gods made a rational choice, but greedily lingered in the true spirit world.

They all wanted more and couldn't bear to leave.

This is a foolish move, causing trouble for nothing, but the arrogant Abyss Demon God doesn't care.

Wealth and wealth are in danger, and the demon god of the abyss comes to the real spirit world. In fact, he is taking risks all the time.

Regardless of anything else, the thick thunderclouds hovering overhead were attacking non-stop.

The unscrupulous demon god actually has a lot of troubles.

For example, at this moment, the Abyss Demon God of Yuhe Prefecture received an ultimatum from the Demon City.

He was ordered to withdraw from the real spirit world within one day, and he was not allowed to continue to descend.

If you dare to defy, you will definitely be attacked.

The abyssal demon gods have received too many expulsion warnings like this, but most of them sneered.

Many of those who issued warnings ended up becoming puppets and servants, driven by the Abyss Demon City.

But Mocheng's warning had to be taken seriously.

Demon City is not an ordinary native, it possesses the power to make the Abyssal Demon God afraid, and it can even be regarded as the owner of the True Spirit Realm.

It is only natural for the master to expel the intruders.

Of course, in the world of monsters, there is no axiom, everything is based on power.

If the strength is strong enough, it represents the rules and axioms,

The Abyss Demon God named Gino was very disdainful of the Demon City's expulsion order and didn't take it seriously at all.

He knows the current situation. Dozens of abyssal demon gods have come to the real spirit world, and each of them is harvesting wildly.

Things like this are very rare in the underworld, and it can be regarded as a rare big action.

After so many abyssal demon gods gather together, they possess quite powerful power.

Any practice organization would not dare to provoke them easily, it could be said that they would avoid them as much as possible.

This magic city is interesting. Knowing that the invaders are powerful, one should keep a low profile to avoid being attacked.

The descending Abyss Demon God has received enough benefits and will generally not embarrass the landlord again.

But if the landlord does not know how to praise and does things beyond his own capabilities, then he is simply seeking his own death.

The demon god Gino from the abyss is secretly pondering at this moment whether he needs to contact some demon gods to teach this demon city a profound lesson.

Before this coming, Demon God Gino didn't know about the real spirit world, but was always looking for a suitable hunting place.

As a result, he accidentally received a message that contained the exact coordinates of a true spiritual world.

In addition to the coordinates of the plane, there are also images about the real world, and every picture is real.

Information like this is quite expensive, and even those with money may not be able to buy it.

But this time it was different, the other party gave it away for free and did not charge anything in return.

The demon god Gino's first reaction felt that this was a scam and trap, and such a good thing would never happen.

Maybe it was an enemy who wanted to take the opportunity to calculate himself, so he did such a thing.

The demon Gino secretly investigates, trying to find out who is plotting against him, but finds that things are completely different from what he imagined.

It turned out that more than one abyssal demon god received the coordinates of the real spirit world, and the content was exactly the same.

There are also some abyss demon gods who have successfully descended into the true spirit world before, confirming that the information is not false.

After careful investigation, more information was obtained, which came from an abyss demon god who signed a contract with the magic city and successfully descended to the real spirit world.

Because he violated the rules and was attacked and expelled by the magic city, he leaked the secret in retaliation.

However, this set of plane coordinates was not issued by him, perhaps from other abyssal demon gods.

It seems that this magic city has more than one enemy.

After some investigations, the demon god Gino finally made up his mind and tried to descend to the real spirit world to find out.

Since it is a clone coming, when the situation is not right, you can take the initiative to evacuate at any time.

Even if it suffers a loss, the Demon God Gino can bear it.

After the successful arrival, the Demon God Gino was pleasantly surprised to find that the Realm of the Spirits is really a land of treasures.

The information previously received is true and not false.

Demon God Gino was extremely excited and began to harvest with all his strength, hoping to treat the true spirit world as a land of gods.

Now that the plan is in progress, he was expelled from the Demon City. How could Demon God Gino be willing to leave?

He was going to test the Demon City to see what he could do, and then contact other Demon Gods to fight back together.

Let Mocheng figure it out, don't do stupid things, or you will pay a terrible price.

But how did they know that He had already become the first target of the Demon City.

(End of this chapter)

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