I have a city in another world

Chapter 4975 Start to clean up and evict

Chapter 4975 Start to clean up and evict

When the space crack opened, the sky that was originally covered with dark clouds turned out to be like the bottom of a pitch-black pot.

The dense thunder and lightning turned into countless thunder snakes and electric pythons, shuttled wantonly in the thick dark clouds.

Lightning seemed to be sane, and fell into a state of rage, as if he had a deep hatred for the coming abyssal demon god.

In fact, this is true. The rules of the plane have memory, which can remember those alien invaders who escaped punishment.

When they meet again next time, Lei Jie will attack even more frantically, killing those who violate the rules of heaven and earth.

There is a name on the list of mutated tree demons. He has come to the true spirit world many times, and he has been able to evacuate smoothly every time.

Jieyun Leidian, who guards the real spirit world, has hated him for a long time, and will attack him frantically once he comes.

Such differential treatment is actually a proof of strength.

When the mutated tree demon descended, the demon god Gino who was nearby was shocked by this abnormal and terrifying scene.

He could naturally tell that the Demon God of the Abyss was coming, but he did not expect such a big movement.

When He came to the true spiritual world, He was not like this. He was more like a carp tossing in a basin.

The unknown existence in front of him turned over like a giant whale in the ocean.

This ostentatious scene gave Demon God Gino a strong sense of crisis, always feeling that a catastrophe is coming.

Thinking of the expulsion order from the Demon City that he had received not long ago, Demon God Gino was suddenly shocked.

Could it be that the existence in front of me came from the Abyss Demonic City and was preparing to attack me?
"You can't sit still and wait for death, you must fight back immediately!"

Thinking of the possible situation, Demon God Gino could no longer remain calm, and his first thought was to strike first.

The first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers.

In fact, the most sensible choice for the Demon God Gino at this moment is to evacuate the True Spirit Realm immediately.

Although it was a bit late, the loss could still be reduced.

If it is killed, not only will all the gains be lost, but heavy losses will also be incurred.

Although he knew this, Demon God Gino didn't want to leave, but was eager to try.

As an abyss demon god, Gino has never lacked confidence, and he really wanted to take the opportunity to see the methods of Demon City.

Everything he has obtained now can no longer satisfy him, and now he only wants to get more.

Those previous gains can be regarded as bets. If you win the bet, you will turn around overnight. If you lose the bet, you will consider yourself unlucky.

The demon gods who came to the real spirit world actually all have a gambler's mentality, and every one of them is greedy and cruel.

At the same time as the mutated tree demon descended, the demon god Gino controlled countless demon servants and launched a crazy attack.

While the mutated tree demon has not gained a firm foothold, it first launches a wave of fatal attacks, and then seizes the opportunity to kill it.

This is the case in fighting on the battlefield. The victory or defeat is only in the blink of an eye, and one move behind is always restrained.

There was nothing wrong with Demon God Jim's tactics, but it was a pity that he chose the wrong enemy this time. When he thought he could attack first, he didn't know that Demon City's attack had already arrived.

A bright fluorescent light flashed from the sky in an instant and landed next to Demon God Gino.

Rune technology weapons, possessing terrifying power, are now thrown into the battlefield by Lou Cheng.

When this wave of attacks approached, Demon City Gino didn't even have the slightest sense, otherwise he wouldn't have been defenseless.

When he noticed the abnormality, the attack had already come to his side, and a premonition of destruction hit his heart.

"not good!"

Demon Jim was so furious that he immediately went on defense with all his strength.

At this moment, in his heart, he finally had a heart of awe towards the magic city, knowing that the opponent's strength was definitely not easy.

This silent attack alone is enough to prove the strength of the Demon City, no wonder it dares to issue an expulsion order.

As soon as the thought came up, a loud noise was heard.

Incomparably hot air waves erupted from his location, and then spread rapidly in all directions.

Those servants who were manipulated were swept away by invisible waves and turned into fly ash in an instant.

Being in the center of the explosion, Demon God Jim suffered most of the damage. Even though he had fully defended himself, he was still seriously injured.


At this moment, the Demon God Gino has lived up to his previous confidence and composure, and realizes that the situation on the battlefield is out of control.

The Demon City used despicable sneak attack methods to inflict heavy damage on Him, and would definitely continue to attack in the future.

The seriously injured demon god Gino is absolutely impossible to be an opponent, and defeat is an inevitable outcome.

The Demon God Gino, who had predicted the outcome, dared to hesitate any longer, and immediately prepared to evacuate from the Real Spirit Realm.

But at this moment, it is no longer that he can escape if he wants to, but depends on whether the magic city will let him.

When the passage to the abyss was opened and Demon God Gino was about to evacuate, a fierce attack followed.

This attack was soundless and invisible, splitting the body of the demon god Gino instantly, and shaking his demon body into powder without any momentum left.

"Devil City, I will take revenge!"

At the last moment when his consciousness disappeared, Demon God Gino let out a roar, which meant that he had formed a life-and-death feud with Demon City.

However, this declaration of revenge seemed weak, even with a hint of fear.

When trying to get revenge, you must also be prepared to be killed back.

Today's wave of encounters is destined to impress the demon god Gino, and I don't know if he still has the courage to take revenge.

In the days to come, he will need to be more careful to prevent revenge attacks from the Demon City.

As an uninvited intruder, it was only natural for the Demon City to attack him.

While killing the demon god Gino, a huge vortex appeared in the sky, absorbing countless blood, spirits and souls.

Demon God Gino's busy work has now been obtained by Tang Zhen, and the gains including capital and profits are quite generous.

Apart from other things, Tang Zhen had to take the initiative to attack with such a rich harvest.

With so many benefits, no matter what you say, you can't let others take it away.

The completion of the killing of Demon Jim marked a good start for the operation, and he still needed to continue to be busy.

Go to the place where the other demon gods are, expel and kill all the invaders, and let them taste the taste of losing everything.

With a single thought, Tang Zhen controlled the mutated tree demon to fly high into the sky, and the huge wings on his back flapped vigorously.

Countless runes flashed, surrounded his body, and shot into the distance in the next moment.

The thick dark clouds in the sky, as well as the rolling thunder and lightning, unexpectedly moved closely with them.

When a dragon walks, it brings rain, when a tiger walks, it brings wind, and when the demon god of the abyss descends, thunderbolts and lightning follow him.

Along the way across the state, countless people saw this scene and were shocked and terrified at the same time.

In today's true spirit world, the common people suffer from the brilliance, and they will be frightened and at a loss when there is any trouble.

Seeing the vision in the sky at this moment, I thought there was another demon coming, so I was scared and ran around.

Fortunately, in the blink of an eye, the thunder and lightning disappeared without a trace, and the situation returned to calm.

The lingering fears of the people still persisted, and they still hid, for fear that the terrifying existence would come back again.

The same is true for the practitioners. They know more clearly what kind of terrifying existence the scene just represents.

If it descends on the earth and launches an attack, the place it passes must be a piece of scorched earth and ruins.

While secretly rejoicing, he was also secretly guessing in his heart, what exactly is the intention of this powerful existence passing by?

As a result, not long after, they received the breaking news that the Abyss Demon God, who was rampant in the nearby state capital, was directly and violently killed by the envoys of the Demon City.

The emissary of the Demon City was none other than the Abyss Demon God who traveled across the state and across the government and acted incomparably flamboyantly.

This is just the beginning. In the following time, news of the demon god being killed will continue to spread.

The illustrious reputation of the Demon City once again spread throughout the true spirit world.

(End of this chapter)

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