I have a city in another world

Chapter 4977 The Enemy's Trap

Chapter 4977 The Enemy's Trap

Tang Zhen was still chasing and killing the descending abyssal demon gods.

But at this moment, the Abyss Demon God had already received the real-time battle report and chose to escape before Tang Zhen arrived.

Left devastated, returned to the abyss of the underworld.

For such a situation, Tang Zhen had no choice but to record the information clues left by the other party.

Wait until the opportunity arises in the future to hold accountable the escaped monsters.

Tang Zhen also knew very well that the probability of success in pursuing responsibility was not high. As long as the demon god hid in the abyss of the underworld, trying to find it was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But if the other party is greedy and comes to the true spirit world again, there is a possibility of being targeted and captured by Tang Zhen.

The enemy's escape was inevitable, but Tang Zhen acted alone.

The enemy fled, which in itself represented a kind of victory.

But in this way, Tang Zhen's gains will be affected, and it is impossible to gain as much as before.

It is normal for the enemy to flee, knowing that he is not an opponent, he will definitely not sit idly by.

At this moment, Tang Zhen didn't know that the conspiracy had been implemented and that the mythical beast clan was trying to plot against him.

It doesn't matter if you don't know, and he won't take it lightly. When dealing with this group of greedy and cunning guys, you must always be on high alert.

Besides, on the surface, Tang Zhen was single-handedly killing the enemy, but in fact, Lou Cheng was secretly assisting him.

The drones floating in the sky are always observing and locking targets. If the enemy can send his men to investigate, Tang Zhen will definitely make corresponding arrangements.

At this moment, he has discovered that the behavior of some abyss demon gods is very abnormal, and they are obviously not afraid of his arrival.

There are also some abyssal demon gods approaching in one direction, most likely planning to launch a siege.

It is really unreasonable for these greedy and cunning people to be able to actively cooperate.

According to the previous deduction, even in a crisis, these suspicious abyssal demon gods will not take the initiative to cooperate.

What is the reason that prompted them to decide to cooperate now?
Tang Zhen quickly guessed that behind this abnormal thing, there might be a clan of mythical beasts involved.

Only the mythical beast clan has such strength and means that a group of abyss demon gods can let down their guard and choose to cooperate.

The Abyss Demon God is not weak, and it already requires Tang Zhen to deal with it with all his strength. Now that there is a clan of divine beasts involved, the situation will only become more dangerous.

If they choose to cooperate, Tang Zhen is indeed no match, even with Lou Cheng's help.

If no abnormality is discovered and falls into the enemy's trap, the mutated tree demon's situation may be quite dangerous.

Now that a problem has been discovered, how should we deal with the crack?

The best way is to dodge and let the enemy's conspiracy and tricks fail.

But in this way, it is tantamount to giving in and retreating, acquiescing to the abyssal demon god to wreak havoc on the true spirit world.

Although in this way, Tang Zhen will not suffer much loss, but it will cause a lot of hidden dangers.

This group of abyssal demon gods will definitely not thank the mutated tree demon for their benefits, but will intensify their revenge.

After all, they and Tang Zhen are enemies rather than friends, and the enmity between them cannot be resolved.

Once they find an opportunity, they will definitely try their best to kill the mutant tree demon.

Facing the enemy's conspiracy, Tang Zhen had to take the initiative to respond.

Any opportunity to make the enemy stronger must be destroyed in every possible way, so as to maintain an advantage in the competition.

Knowing that there was a conspiracy trap, Tang Zhen had to take action.

Of course, after knowing the conspiracy, he would not take the initiative to enter the trap, which would be tantamount to seeking death.

After some deductions, Tang Zhen thought of an item that also came from the cornerstone platform.

Using this item may solve the immediate predicament and deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

Tang Zhen made up his mind, opened the treasure house, took out the items, and quickly delivered them to the mutated tree demon.

A few more hours later, the mutated tree demon continued to spread its wings and fly high, with dark clouds rolling in, lightning, lightning and thunder again along the way.

Traveling across the state and across the government along the way caused great panic.

The secretly observing enemies had already locked onto the figure of the mutated tree demon and determined his traveling route.

The conspiracy against Tang Zhen was also implemented at this moment.

At the same time, at the end of Tang Zhen's route, an abyssal demon god was also making preparations.

He is the bait of the plan, designed to lure Tang Zhen into the bait.

Take the initiative to fight against the mutated tree demon, kill it through this battle, and then find a way to destroy the magic city.

He was not fighting alone, otherwise he would have escaped from the true spirit world long ago and would never have stayed to fight the mutated tree demon.

The previous record is enough to prove that the mutated dryad is powerful, and the ordinary abyssal demon god is no match at all.

No matter how strong it is, under the restrictions of the plane rules, it may not be able to beat the mutant tree demon.

Knowing this, if you continue to be brave, you will be looking for your own death.

His original plan was to seize the time to return to the abyss of the underworld before the mutated tree demon arrived.

Although it will affect the income, it is definitely not a loss to return at this moment.

But not long ago, He was invited to participate in a project and changed his mind temporarily.

If you act according to the plan, you will have a great chance of killing the mutated tree demon and gain huge benefits.

Once the operation is successful, not only does it not need to be forced to evacuate from the real world, but it can also double the benefits of the war.

Even from then on, he shared the true spiritual world with others and became the new owner here.

How could he give up such a huge benefit so easily.

Without much hesitation, he agreed and prepared to ambush the mutated tree demon.

At this moment, the demon servants kept sending messages, telling the location of the mutated tree demon, which proved that it was indeed coming straight here.

The heart of the Abyssal Demon God was full of anticipation at this moment, and he desperately hoped that the mutant tree demon would come soon.

Lead him into a trap, and then design to surround and kill him.

How proud and arrogant I was before, how angry and desperate I was then, I feel excited when I think about it.

The mentality of the abyss monster is distorted and crazy, and it is full of expectations for this conspiracy, so that its twisted desires can be satisfied.

It didn't take long for the dark clouds ahead to gather like huge waves.

Under the dark clouds and lightning, there is a terrifying figure, shaped like a strange tree and with a hideous posture.

The three pairs of giant vine leaf wings on the back trembled slightly at this moment, setting off gusts of bitter wind.

The thunder and lightning in the air continuously fell on him, but it seemed to be tickling.

The Abyss Demon God recognized at a glance that the existence in front of him was the mutated tree demon, that powerful thug from the Demon City.

Knowing the record of the mutant tree demon, he didn't feel scared, but looked forward to it even more.

The stronger the enemy, the more rewarding it is to kill them.

"Idiot, today is the day you die!"

The Abyss Demon God smiled ferociously and looked at the mutated tree demon with a proud expression. When the other party appeared in front of his eyes, it meant that the action plan had been successful.

Besides Himself, there are many pairs of eyes peeking in secretly.

They have launched a siege and will attack soon.

In the eyes of the Abyssal Demon God, the mutated tree demon who fell into the trap was bound to die this time.

These arrogant words were announcing the death of the mutated tree demon.

As soon as his words fell, strange figures appeared around him, releasing waves of terrifying aura.

I don't know how they hid before this, and they didn't show any breath.

This is definitely not possible with the methods of the Abyss Demon God. Only the clan of divine beasts from the upper realm can do it.

This group of despicable guys really colluded with each other, just to kill the mutant tree demon.

Tang Zhen looked at the figures around him, and found that besides the Abyssal Demon God, there were also a few presences with vague auras.

It was obvious that he had used special means to cover up his origins, and he didn't know what his intentions were.

Although the other party was secretive, Tang Zhen still recognized that they were actually mythical beasts and angels from the upper world.


An order was issued in the water, and the surrounding enemies attacked at the same time.

They couldn't wait any longer, they wanted to kill Tang Zhen and get rid of this thorn in their side and thorn in their flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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