I have a city in another world

Chapter 4978 Anti-killing trap

Chapter 4978 Anti-killing trap
In the trap, Tang Zhen behaved very calmly.

Such a reaction is really abnormal.

Facing more than a dozen powerful enemies and launching collective attacks, the mutated tree demon was unable to resist.

Could it be that he knew he was going to die, so he chose to give up?

Opportunities on the battlefield are fleeting, and there is no room for much thought. We must first achieve our goals before considering other things.

But when the group of demons launched an attack, the mutated tree demon who was surrounded by powerful enemies suddenly showed a strange smile.


A burst of happy laughter suddenly sounded on the battlefield, with a touch of ridicule and pride.

Hearing this weird laughter, the hearts of the enemies around trembled, and they all had ominous premonitions.

Abnormal, too abnormal!
There are also several abyssal demon gods who have a premonition of death at this moment, and an unspeakable panic arises in their hearts.

They suddenly discovered that the plan went too smoothly, and the mutated tree demon fell into the trap so easily.

As such a powerful existence, why is his vigilance so low that he didn't even notice the hidden danger?
How could such a stupid and reckless person survive until now? He might have been killed by other abyss demons long ago.

The more I thought about it, the more wrong it became, and the more frightened I became.

They designed a trap to kill the mutant tree demon, and now it seems that they have succeeded.

But is there a possibility that they also fell into the trap of the mutant tree demon?
In this game of mutual calculation, the damn demon city and the mutated tree demon are actually on a higher level.

They were calculated, but they did not realize it.

"Don't hesitate, kill it with all your strength!"

The animal angel with a blurred figure sensed the hesitation of the abyssal demon gods, and immediately issued an order angrily.

At this moment, the angel of the beast is actually flustered, for fear that the plan will change.

As executors, they are bound to be affected.

Regardless of the truth, the mutated tree demon must be killed first, so as to reduce losses as much as possible.

Successfully killing the mutant tree demon is equivalent to cutting off an arm of the demon city, which can definitely seriously hurt its vitality.

The next action can also be easier.

The Abyss Demon God, who had doubts in his heart, also knew that the arrow had to be fired. Even if he had many doubts in his heart at the moment, he could only attack with all his strength.

Kill the mutated dryad first, and then make the next step.

More than a dozen fierce attacks targeted the mutated tree demon at the same time, and the lethality was naturally quite terrifying.

The mutated tree demon that was targeted by the attack had no way of escaping, and was engulfed by the wave of death in an instant.

Seeing that the attack was successful, the combatants were not excited at all, but instead felt creepy.

It was clearly seen just now that the mutated tree demon that had been fatally attacked dissipated like a bubble.

It seemed that everything just now was just an illusion.

It is absolutely impossible for the abyssal demon god with a strong body to be so fragile. The mutated tree demon just now definitely has a big problem.

They did one wrong thing, and something terrible will happen next.

As soon as the thought came up, a loud noise was heard, as if the space was torn apart by an invisible force.

The location of the mutated tree demon actually turned into a bottomless whirlpool, and then runic chains flew out.

The rune chains are extremely thick, like monster pythons and dragons, dancing wantonly in the air.

The rune chains penetrated all obstacles, and locked all the abyssal demon gods in an instant, making it impossible for them to get rid of.

Including those mythical beasts and angels who cover their bodies and think they are well hidden, they are also trapped by this weird rune chain.

"Damn, what happened?"

An abyssal demon god panicked and asked his accomplice loudly, while trying his best to get rid of the rune chain.

In the end, they were horrified to find that these strange rune chains were not entities at all, but could lock them firmly.

No matter what method you use, there is no way to get rid of it.

"This chain is... the rule of imprisonment!"

An abyssal demon god exclaimed, and finally recognized the origin of the rune chain, but felt even more terrified because of it.

The power of rules is the most bullying thing, and if the strength is strong enough, it can be broken.

But if the strength is not enough, you can only be suppressed, and there is no possibility of getting rid of it.

They claim to be gods, and they can also exert powers similar to rules, but in fact they are just superficial.

Compared with the real power of gods, there is actually a big gap, or it is not at the same level at all.

Compared with such a supreme being, their power is not worth mentioning at all, just like the gap between an egg and an iron egg.

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect that the mutated tree demon would have such powerful means.

This is a very scary thing to think about, which means that there is a big backer behind the magic city, and its strength is far beyond the previous imagination.

As an enemy of the Demon City, this is quite bad news and is likely to trigger a series of major changes.

They may even provoke revenge from powerful beings by attacking the Demon City.

While I was terrified, I also became more and more eager to get rid of it.

Several beast angels from the upper realm were also anxious and uneasy. The changes in front of them were beyond expectations, and they didn't know how to deal with them.

But one thing is certain, they are bound by the chain of rules and cannot get rid of them, I am afraid that today will be more or less unfortunate.

Sure enough, as soon as the thought came up, there were bursts of whistling in the air, followed by terrifying loud noises.

It was like rounds of golden crows falling, exploding and erupting around them, and the terrifying scorching heat enveloped their bodies.

The body began to burn, and the charred body kept falling.

They are like coals in a furnace, burning more vigorously at this moment.

Flames and high temperatures are the most effective attacks. No matter how powerful a being is, it will suffer damage in this extreme environment.

Even if there are defensive means, they will not be able to last long in such an extremely harsh and inescapable desperate situation.

The terrorist attacks falling from the sky seem to never end, and there is not only one bombing method.

It seems to have been determined that those bound by the chains of rules cannot escape, and the attacks of the Demon City have become unscrupulous.

Instead of silent rune bombs, long-range missiles that emit a high-pitched whistling and are easily detected.

Such a blatant attack is more like a mockery, whipping the enemy unscrupulously.

In fear and pain, the abyssal demon gods and beast angels will continue to be attacked until they are completely killed.

Facing such intensive attacks, the demons were in extremely bad condition and could no longer sustain themselves for much longer.

Just at this time, dark clouds and lightning also gathered, and they continued to strike at the group of demons.

It seems that Lei Jie also has the ability to distinguish, knowing that these abyssal demon gods are in a difficult situation, so he took this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

"Hurry up and find a way to escape from this place!"

At this moment, the group of demons put aside all hatred and prejudices, and only wanted to cooperate and escape.

I tried my best, but there was really nothing I could do.

This feeling of waiting for death in despair is extremely painful.

The mythical beasts and angels from the upper realm have long been thinking of ways to escape, and even contacted the upper realm to request assistance.

But until now, there has been no response from the upper realm.

With the means of the beast clan, it is not difficult to come down, and the delay in taking action may also be due to fear.

It is suspected that behind the magic city, there is a powerful existence standing behind it, for fear of being taken away after the arrival.

Therefore, I chose to wait and see until the end of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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