Chapter 4980
The turmoil throughout the true spirit world suddenly stopped without warning, and everything returned to calm almost overnight.

This terrible war, like a gust of wind passing through the country, left a piece of dilapidated ruins.

Ordinary people were able to breathe, but they still had lingering fears, for fear that disaster would strike again.

If the source of the disaster is not resolved, the disaster will be like a tide, and it may sweep in at any time.

Practitioners in the real spirit world know very well that it is absolutely impossible for this world to settle down until the hidden dangers of beast souls are resolved.

The abnormal situation today is actually directly related to the True Spirit Race.

They suddenly stopped hunting, no longer wantonly extracting beast souls, but fell into a strange state of calm.

They closed the secret realm and no longer took any action, as if they had disappeared from the true spirit world.

The action steps are so unified, it is obvious that there has been negotiation, or received an oracle from the upper realm.

Immediately, another monk discovered that the animal soul sacrifice could not be carried out, and the upper realm did not respond to this.

The sudden change caused the monks of the race to panic.

The various exercises they practiced were cut-down versions of the true spirit clan's exercises, and they also formed incomplete beast souls in their bodies.

The hidden dangers and threats encountered are even higher than those of the True Spirit Race.

Only when the true spirit race successfully overcomes the catastrophe will they encounter the awakening of the beast soul and seize their homes. Before that, there will be almost no problems.

Human monks are different. Because of their incomplete skills, once they enter the stage of infancy, there will be hidden dangers.

This problem has been around for a long time, and it has plagued the human monks in the real spirit world, but it has always been regarded as an invasion of demons.

It is only now that I suddenly realize that it is actually the beast soul in the body that is causing trouble, and the higher the realm, the greater the hidden danger.

Compared with the True Spirit monks, the human monks from the major sects are more eager to solve the hidden dangers in the body.

Now that the situation has changed suddenly, the true spirits have remained silent, and it is very likely that they have obtained certain guarantees.

They closed their respective secret realms and cut off contact with the outside world, as if they had disappeared from this world.

However, Zongmen monks were excluded and could not get any information, and the channel to obtain healing pills was cut off.

The panic in my heart is increasing day by day.

There are also many human monks who have already felt abnormalities, and the beast souls in their bodies seem to have signs of awakening.

There are also many human monks who have shown obvious animal characteristics without making a sound.

The temperament of the cultivator gradually became ferocious and manic.

Aware of their own changes, the human monks became more and more frightened and couldn't wait to solve the problem.

When the gods and gods in the upper realm stopped responding and the true spirits closed their doors to thank guests, the magic city became the only savior.

The helpless human monks tried their best to rush into the magic city, hoping to obtain the elixir to remove the beast souls.

Such a huge quantity, the magic city can't supply it at all.

Failure to get what you want will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction among human practitioners, and various conflicts will also erupt from this.

At first glance, this incident seems to be a trick of the mythical beasts, trying to provoke conflicts between the demon city and the human monks.

But when I think about it carefully, it makes no sense.

The demon city is powerful and can easily kill the humiliating abyss demon, even the angels of the beast clan are no match.

Even if these human monks from various sects are united, they may not necessarily be opponents of the Demon City.

If what happened this time was a conspiracy of the beast clan, it might not be able to affect the magic city at all.

Tang Zhen was inside Loucheng, analyzing the various information collected, and felt a little confused.

He can be sure that the beast clan will definitely do something, but he doesn't know what the other party's specific plan is.

Through the previous confrontation, the enemy has already understood the strength of the magic city, and dare not attack indiscriminately.

But he will not give up at this point, but will find a new way.

Now that there is not enough information to deduce the purpose of the beast clan, Tang Zhen can only choose to wait and see what happens.

At the same time, he is also planning, how can he obtain a complete beast soul?
The barrier of the plane crystal wall limited Tang Zhen's performance and prevented him from directly having formal contact with the mythical beast clan.

But having said that, the plane rules of the true spirit world are actually a kind of protection for Loucheng.

If there were no rules and regulations, Loucheng would not be able to withstand the full attack of the monks from the mythical beast clan.

If you want to deal with the beast family, you must use the rules of the real spirit world, otherwise the chance of winning is really not high.

For Loucheng, the Real Spirit Realm is not a cage but a helper, like a special arena, and after entering, one has to abide by the rules inside.

But this rule is very beneficial to Lou Cheng.

If it were the enemy's home field, no matter if it was the abyss of the underworld or the upper realm of the gods, Loucheng would be the target of the blast hammer.

In order to capture the complete beast soul, one must introduce the monks of the beast family into the real spirit world, and then use the rules to kill and capture them.

The crux of the problem is that the monks of the beast family will never take risks easily.

Before entering the True Spirit Realm, all of them used clone projections.

He had to think of a way to let the beast cultivator descend in person, and then launch a thunderous blow.

Tang Zhen thought hard, but got nothing, and finally stopped thinking about it.

Pray to the cornerstone platform, hoping to get a solution to the problem, and then relax and play in Loucheng.

Today's Loucheng interior, the beautiful scenery is like a fairyland, living in it is definitely a kind of enjoyment.

Make an appointment with a group of Loucheng residents, go boating and fishing in the sea, cook and drink on the spot, every day is quite leisurely and comfortable.

After about a month, a sudden change occurred.

In the southwest sky, there is a dilapidated giant palace, which suddenly cut through the sky and landed in the real spirit world.

The palace fell to the ground, causing a terrible earthquake, and houses collapsed within thousands of miles.

Countless creatures suffered catastrophes and turned into blood mist and was absorbed by the palace.

At the same time, countless streamers flew out from the palace and went straight to all directions of the true spirit world.

The sudden and terrifying catastrophe immediately attracted the attention of all parties, and soon some monks boldly went to investigate.

After investigation, it was discovered that the mysterious palace could not be entered at all.

Soon, various rumors spread, all related to this mysterious palace.

It is said that if you look outside, you can see countless exotic plants and flowers, as well as countless treasures of all kinds.

Outside the ancient buildings of the palace, there are many statue runes, which seem to be related to ancient beasts.

Not long after the mysterious palace fell, the true spirit monks who had collectively closed the secret realm suddenly appeared at this moment.

They wander around the real spirit world, looking for some weird metal tokens, and even get into some fights because of this.

This behavior of the True Spirit Race immediately attracted the attention of the outside world, and they all followed suit to search for metal tokens.

Soon, some monks obtained the qualification to enter the mysterious palace through this special metal token.

However, none of those who entered the palace returned.

It didn't take long for true spirit monks from various races to gather near the mysterious palace.

Although none of the monks who entered the palace before could return, these True Spirits still sent monks to enter.

Knowing that there is a problem with the palace, but still making this choice is enough to prove that this matter is not simple.

Tang Zhen paid great attention to this matter immediately.

The abnormal reaction of the True Spirits made Tang Zhen vigilant, thinking that the True Spirits closed the secret realm at the same time before, and wondered whether it was related to this matter.

Maybe they know that when the mysterious palace falls, it will devour the living beings in a radius of thousands of miles.

Only then will the secret realm be closed to avoid this catastrophe.

If this is the case, it means that the people of the True Spirit Tribe have already received the notice before this.

They know that the mysterious palace will fall, and they also know that they can enter it using tokens, so they go to collect it as soon as possible.

The more Tang Zhen thought about it, the more he felt that there was a terrifying conspiracy hidden behind this incident.

It is definitely not a good thing to have a family of mythical beasts involved.

Now we need to figure out one thing, where this mysterious palace came from, and whether it is related to the beast clan in the upper realm of immortal gods.

(End of this chapter)

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