I have a city in another world

Chapter 4981 The Mysterious Palace With Great Chance

Chapter 4981 The Mysterious Palace With Great Chance

The mysterious palace arrives, and the true spirit world once again makes waves.

All major practice organizations are focusing on the mysterious palace, trying to figure out its true origin.

Anyone can see that the mysterious palace is not simple and must hide huge secrets.

Tang Zhen immediately collected the metal token.

After getting the metal token, Tang Zhen observed carefully and found that it was not simple.

More than [-]% of them are useless objects, most likely soil and stones, but they contain a trace of special power.

If nothing else, this trace of power is related to the rules.

Manipulating the power of the rules is exclusive to the gods and must not be ignored.

In that mysterious palace, countless tokens flew out, and used them as a pass to enter it.

What kind of existence is controlling all this behind the scenes? Is there an unknown god in the palace?

If so, things get more complicated.

There is a huge gap between true gods and false gods, and it can be said that they are not at the same level at all.

None of those who entered the mysterious palace returned smoothly, and it is not known whether they are dead or alive.

I originally wanted to send someone to investigate, but now I decided to wait and see for a while before making further plans.

If you want to be a planner, you must be calm and you must not be led by others or controlled by the rules set by others.

If you are eager to enter the game, you will become involuntary.

Tang Zhen now suspects that this mysterious palace is related to the upper realm of the gods and gods. The gods and beasts know that this thing is about to fall into the real spirit world, so they will send a notice to the real spirit race.

By closing the True Spirit Secret Realm in advance, you can avoid being drawn blood by the mysterious palace, thus avoiding a catastrophe.

Those countless creatures that turned into blood mist within a radius of thousands of miles are the most favorable proof.

From this, it can be concluded that the mythical beast family cannot predict the landing point.

It occurred to me that not long ago, a great war broke out in the upper realm of immortal gods, and I don't know if it was related to this mysterious palace?
Furthermore, until now, the cause of the war in the upper world of immortals and gods has not been announced, and the true spirit race also has many speculations about it.

If it was related to the mysterious palace, then there would be a more reasonable explanation for the various anomalies before.

The original monks of the True Spirit Clan have been abandoned by the Divine Beast Clan, and even used despicable plots to make them kill each other.

If the conspiracy continues to be carried out, the True Spirit Clan monks will slowly die out without the need for the Divine Beast Clan to take action.

The original plan was being implemented and had been successful, but the mythical beast clan suddenly stopped.

The way of trading beast souls was stopped, and perhaps some kind of promise was secretly given, and only then did the True Spirit Clan die down.

It is definitely not a conscience discovery for the beasts to operate like this, but they must have other plans.

Combined with the mysterious palace, this inference can be made.

The Divine Beast Clan wants to use the True Spirit Clan monks to help them do something, so the previous extermination plan must be terminated.

Once the True Spirit Clan's monks die or a large number of elite cultivators are lost, it will inevitably have an impact on the plans of the Divine Beast Clan.

This is the possible result that Tang Zhen deduced based on the existing information, and it is unknown how far it differs from the facts.

If this turns out to be the case, it would be a perfect opportunity for Tang Zhen.

The greedy beast clan's ability to react like this proves that the mysterious palace is of great value.

They used the True Spirit Clan monks to carry out various operations against the mysterious palace, but it was certainly not limited to that.

If nothing unexpected happens, a clan of mythical beasts will inevitably come to the true spirit world, and the frequency and number of people will be far greater than before.

For Tang Zhen, this is an excellent opportunity.

He has been thinking about how to capture the complete soul of the beast, and perhaps the mysterious palace is the turning point he has been waiting for.

I don't know if this matter is related to his previous prayers. If it is really a secret effort from the cornerstone platform, it is really a frightening thing to think about.

But having said that, if the cornerstone platform really helped, Tang Zhen should be even happier.

After all, for him, the cornerstone platform is the backing, and naturally the stronger the better.

I have a plan in my heart, and then I just need to wait, I believe that more information will be delivered soon.

Tang Zhen used various methods to monitor the mysterious palace, and sent special envoys from the magic city to investigate.

Any trouble, can be informed in the first time.

Hundreds of thousands of monks gathered around the mysterious palace today, which can be said to be very lively.

Fish and dragons are mixed in the meantime, and the environment is extremely chaotic.

Practitioners are all aware that this mysterious palace is quite extraordinary, and there must be countless benefits hidden in it.

If anyone can get it, it is very likely that he will reach the sky in one step.

This is not a random fabrication, but has a certain basis. In the past period of time, some monks have completed the deciphering of the temple stele.

The mysterious and obscure ancient runes contain shocking information, indicating that there are huge opportunities hidden in the mysterious palace.

Those who are destined to enter it may gain huge benefits.

The content obtained by deciphering is actually guesswork, because most of the runes cannot be deciphered.

A rune is extensive and profound, and some subtle changes often represent completely different meanings.

The deciphered results cannot be recognized by everyone.

However, the vast majority of monks are willing to believe in the deciphered content and hope to get a chance.

Faithful words are hard to hear, but good words are hard to hear. Practitioners are more willing to hear the results they want to hear.

In fact, they can't be blamed, after all, the path of cultivation is difficult, but if there is a chance, it must not be easily missed.

Compared with the bewildered human monks, the True Spirits obviously know more information, but they have no plans to announce it.

But their behavior is the best point.

Seeing that the major True Spirit monks are also entering the mysterious palace, how can the monks from the human race and the demon race miss it.

However, the situation of being in but not out still made the monks feel panic and gradually became hesitant.

I am afraid that if I enter the mysterious palace, I will never have the chance to return.

After another ten days, things finally changed, and a monk who had entered before was teleported out.

He has been seriously injured, but his spirit is extremely excited, and he keeps releasing a terrifying aura.

It seemed as if there was a powerful being that injected terrifying power into his body, which could explode and be released at any time.

It was for this reason that those cultivators who harbored ill intentions towards him and even tried to kidnap and control him ended up hesitating and did not act.

But in my heart I eagerly want to know what is going on inside the mysterious palace?
The monk who sent it out took the initiative to inform the internal situation of the mysterious palace, saying that there are countless treasures and opportunities inside.

However, to enter it, you need to go through a series of tests, and only after passing will you be rewarded.

The difficulty of the test varies from high to low. The monks who have not left the mysterious palace are very likely to be going through the test.

Of course, there are also unlucky guys who failed the test and should have died in the mysterious palace by now.

After the news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

The previous speculations have been confirmed. There is indeed a great opportunity hidden in the mysterious palace. How can the practitioners not feel excited.

He was still hesitant at first, but now he couldn't wait and rushed into the mysterious palace.

The price of metal tokens has increased several times overnight and is still rising.

This happened because the monk told him that a token is an opportunity to enter.

If you want to enter the mysterious palace multiple times, you must hold more tokens.

(End of this chapter)

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