I have a city in another world

Enter the mysterious palace

Enter the mysterious palace
Tang Zhen had already learned of the news from the mysterious palace immediately, and it was as expected, which was highly consistent with the results of the deduction.

In this mysterious palace, there is indeed a great opportunity hidden, no wonder the gods and beasts take it so seriously.

Don't get too early without profit, and flies don't bite seamless eggs.

These fishy chasing guys are more active and crazy than anyone else after encountering benefits.

Like a vicious dog protecting food, it will bite anyone who dares to touch it.

The results of the deduction show that the chances in the mysterious palace are actually directly related to the mythical beasts.

Based on the collected information, we deduced some rune structures and even got a shocking result.

This mysterious palace is likely to be a super mausoleum.

The interior of the palace uses a space array to form a special secret realm. It looks quite large from the outside, but in fact the space inside is huge.

After putting all kinds of information together to deduce, the smile on Tang Zhen's face became stronger.

He is now more and more convinced that this is his opportunity.

Since this mysterious palace is related to the promotion of Lou Cheng, it is necessary to investigate clearly.

The True Spirit Race should know some information, and they can find a way to find out. At the same time, they need to collect information related to the mysterious palace from other sources.

Rather than hearing it from other people, it is better to investigate for yourself, and the information you get will be more authentic and reliable.

But the current Tang Zhen didn't dare to leave the range of Loucheng at all, otherwise the thunder disaster would descend on his head in an instant.

Previous activities in the Realm of True Spirits have always relied on mutated dryads, but there are quite a few restrictions.

The situation is unclear now and it is not advisable to act rashly.

If you want to rely on the mutant tree demon to explore the situation of the mysterious palace, this method will not work at all.

However, Tang Zhen felt it was inappropriate to have someone else investigate, and the information obtained could hardly be guaranteed to be absolutely true.

Special circumstances like this have the effect of confusing people, and it is very likely to weave a false answer.

If you don't have enough strength to distinguish between true and false, you will most likely believe it to be true.

Such intelligence information will mislead Tang Zhen, and it can be said that there will be endless troubles.

Tang Zhen thought about it and decided to take action himself.

Using the artifact obtained from the game world, he built a new body for himself, and then left Loucheng through teleportation.

He arrived near the mysterious palace, blended into the dense crowd, and continued to observe quietly.

Previously, after a monk successfully came out and received a chance reward, the number of entrants doubled.

But today's monks mostly act in teams, which can increase their ability to resist risks.

But even so, there is no guarantee that everything will go smoothly and return safely from the mysterious palace.

In order to ensure their own safety, these monks will try to increase their strength as much as possible when they enter the mysterious palace.

The realm could not be improved quickly, so he tried to get more props, and the price of the magic weapon and talisman skyrocketed for a while.

Especially the items for breaking obstacles and solving puzzles and stabilizing the mind have been frantically scrambled by monks.

Many people who are eager to use it even offer several times the price.

Cultivation resources are not easy to obtain. When a practitioner trades, he often counts pennies and pennies, and he will never spend an extra penny.

Sometimes it is very normal to buy an item and haggle for years.

But nowadays, in order to seize the opportunity, the practitioners no longer care about a lot.

Even if it is an increased bid, you must get the item you want.

Looking at the True Spirit Clan monks again, they are clearly distinct from each other, and it can be said that they do not interfere with each other.

Compared with the arrogance of the past, the Zhenling people today are very low-key. This may be related to the heavy losses they suffered in the past.

The previous chaos caused two-thirds of the monks of the True Spirit Race to cross the catastrophe. They either fell on the battlefield or died in the catastrophe, and some of them survived the catastrophe.

Although it was said that it suffered heavy losses, the huge foundation of the True Spirit Race still exists, and it is definitely not something that human monks can provoke.

The problem is that today's True Spirit Race is no longer united as one, but wary of each other.

The previous fight had formed a deep enmity among the True Spirit Clan, and it was impossible to resolve it easily.

If they hadn't received an oracle from the upper realm to restrain them from each other, they might have already started fighting.

Nowadays, on the surface, the major true spirit races remain peaceful, but secretly there will definitely be conflicts.

Perhaps in the mysterious palace, these true spirit races have already started fighting, fighting each other to the death.

When it comes to the benefits of chance, it is impossible for practitioners to make concessions.

When faced with racial enemies, they are even more jealous and do their best to kill and avenge them.

Those Zongmen monks, as well as casual cultivators and Yaozu monks, also have various thoughts hidden.

In the past, when they faced the practitioners of the True Spirit Race, they would not dare to be presumptuous in the slightest.

Act cautiously, or even avoid it.

It is different now, the true spirit race has fallen from the altar, and the deterrent effect on monks of all races has been greatly reduced.

True spirit monks are indeed strong enough, almost invincible to monks of the same level, but they are not too strong.

What the monks of all races fear is actually the True Spirit Tribe itself and this huge union of species.

Without a strong background, the situation of the True Spirit Clan monks would be very difficult, and they would also become targets of hunting.

The world was in chaos before, and many monks of the True Spirit Tribe were killed, which is actually the best proof.

Those true spirit monks were all killed by monks of other races, and then their beast souls were forcibly extracted.

There are even quite a few monks who specialize in hunting the True Spirits in secret, and have gained quite a lot from it.

The major elf races also issued a reward order for this, trying to capture and kill this group of practitioners.

Before the wanted target is found, the animal soul sacrifice cannot be carried out, and many things have stopped because of this.

The secret realm of the True Spirit Clan was collectively closed, and the original hunting operations were also stopped. The monks from all races began to worry about solving the beast souls.

As the mysterious palace came to the true spirit world, it caused another wave of disturbances, and all forces gathered here.

No need to think about it, in the days to come, there will definitely be more accidents.

Tang Zhen observed in secret, but found no clues of the gods and beasts, and the abyssal demon god was nowhere to be found.

Although the target was not found, it did not mean that the other party was not involved, it was just that it was hidden deep enough.

For the mysterious palace, the beast clan must attach great importance to it, but it is not yet the time to make a move.

But secretly, a high degree of attention will certainly be maintained.

This is especially true for the Abyss Demon God, who wants to step in when he sees the benefits. If the mysterious palace is as Tang Zhen imagined, it will inevitably attract the greed of the Abyss Demon God.

In the days to come, there will definitely be some fierce competition.

After the observation, Tang Zhen stopped wasting time and entered the mysterious palace directly with the metal token in hand.

After entering the palace, Tang Zhen couldn't help being surprised when he felt the environment different from the outside world.

"So it is!"

Tang Zhen was secretly thankful at this moment, fortunately he entered the palace to investigate in person, otherwise he would never have discovered the secrets of this place.

It turns out that in the mysterious palace, there are no realm restrictions at all, and any powerful method can be used.

If you want to dominate here, you can enter the main body, so that you can instantly kill the group of enemies.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was surprised and happy. What was surprising was that in the mysterious palace, Lou Cheng and he had no advantage at all.

The good news is that if the situation develops like this, it won't be long before a strong person from the mythical beast clan arrives in his true form.

If the opponent is killed, the soul of the divine beast can be obtained smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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