I have a city in another world

Chapter 4983 Trial Temple, attractive and tempting

Chapter 4983 Trial Temple, attractive and tempting

Compared with other monks, Tang Zhen has a sharper insight and can discover secrets that others cannot notice.

After all, he is a tribulation monk, and the skills he practices are special, and ordinary monks cannot compare with him.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is invincible at the same level, and he can easily achieve leapfrog challenges.

This is a special method obtained by relying on the cornerstone platform, and it is an ability that cannot be copied.

Such a powerful means helped Tang Zhen a lot.

The rules of this mysterious palace belong to the invisible existence, and you may not be able to detect it even if you are in it.

None of the previous entrants had discovered this, otherwise news would have spread long ago.

There is even a possibility that no one, including the mythical beast clan, has discovered the special rules of the mysterious palace.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for these greedy guys to be so low-key and silent, but have already taken various actions.

Since there is no realm limit inside the temple, it is completely possible for the body to descend here.

No matter how powerful the projection clone is, it can only exert the strength of the Tribulation Stage, and there is no way to compare with the original body.

Whoever is strong enough can crush more enemies and gain more benefits.

At this moment, Tang Zhen had already made up his mind that he must spread the rules of the mysterious palace.

Let those guys who are watching secretly and always hesitating, be able to take action as soon as possible.

Only when they jumped in could Tang Zhen have a chance to take action.

However, such a special environment is also a challenge for Tang Zhen, and the enemy coming from the main body must be extremely powerful.

Even if the mutated tree demon is sent out, it may not necessarily gain an advantage, and it may even be surrounded by the beast clan.

How to operate, still need to think carefully, absolutely can not act hastily.

Before executing the plan, Tang Zhen had one more thing to do, which was to leave this weird place safely.

If he was trapped in this palace like other monks, there would be no way to execute the plan.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was in the vast and boundless square, looking at the magnificent palaces in the distance.

All objects here seem to have been deliberately enlarged, and a body of thousands of feet can move here without restraint.

Looking at the size, you can tell that this place is not prepared for humans, but is most likely related to the mythical beast clan.

Before Tang Zhen entered the palace, many monks had already entered this place, plus the previous entrants, the number was at least 5 to [-].

There are so many practitioners, but now I can't see any of them, and I don't know where they all went.

According to the story of the successful man, after entering the palace, he went through a thrilling trial.

After the trial was successful, he received the reward he deserved and was immediately teleported out of the palace.

If what he said is true, then the practitioners who disappeared should be in trials at this moment.

If Tang Zhen wants to leave smoothly, he also has to go through this step, but he doesn't know the specific process.

Regarding the content of the trial, the one who successfully passed did not say anything, but a look of fear flashed across his face.

Tang Zhen had no personal contact with this person who successfully passed, but he felt that this person had some problems.

It's more like being sent out on purpose to attract more greedy people to enter.

If this is the case, the mysterious palace under the feet hides far more secrets than imagined.

Today's Tang Zhen's main task is not to solve puzzles, but to use this place to realize his plan.

No more hesitation at the moment, continue to move forward, looking for opportunities to leave this place.

Soon he saw huge statues appearing in front of him, each one hundreds or thousands of feet tall.

It looks alive, no different from living things.

When you stare at each other intently, you will feel that this thing has come to life, and it will bite you at any time.

The terrifying and penetrating power is enough to make the faint of heart uneasy.

Tang Zhen's soul was strong, and he was not affected by this kind of mental shock, but he secretly raised his vigilance in his heart.

This kind of psychological deterrence is harmful and useless to monks, and it will even cause huge hidden dangers.

Could it be that this kind of behavior is also a part of the test?
At this moment, Tang Zhen did not collect much information and was not in a hurry to make a judgment.

But if the following steps are all such vile tricks, then we must be more careful.

Even if such a test is passed, it will leave endless troubles, and it may even be worth the loss.

Following such an operation will only make the test more difficult to pass.

I don’t know what the plan is for deliberately making things difficult. Could it be that I don’t want people to pass the trial?

There are hundreds of statues in front of you, each representing a kind of divine beast, and behind you are rows of tall palaces.

Practitioners who enter this place can choose different animal statues, and then enter the corresponding palace.

Once in the palace, the test will start at any time.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry to enter, but walked around the square, looking at all the statues of the gods and beasts.

After reading and recording it, I randomly found a statue and slowly stepped into it.

The divine beast Tang Zhen chose was called the Four-faced Beauty, and its appearance was almost indistinguishable from that of a human female monk.

Wearing a white robe, revealing long legs as clear as jade, he held a blood-red rune paper umbrella in his hand.

It looks extremely beautiful, but it gives people a sense of gloom, as if the whole body is wrapped in cold and slippery poisonous snakes.

There seems to be a pair of eyes that are secretly peeping, and there is always a feeling of someone following behind when walking.

But when he looked back, there was no figure.

Tang Zhen frowned slightly, ignored this strange feeling, and went directly into the palace.

As soon as I entered the palace, I saw a flash of precious light, and there were all kinds of rare treasures everywhere.

In addition to various treasures, there are also long tables filled with various delicacies.

Fragrant and delicious.

Those mellow and delicious wines on the table are clearly jade liquor, and it is the ultimate enjoyment to drink.

A group of extremely beautiful female monks were dancing in the palace, drinking fine wine and blushing, making Ruyu's face even more charming.

The laughter and laughter are like the collision of silver bells, combined with the sound of music echoing in the palace, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen had no expression on his face.

This palace is not simple, and it erodes and invades the will of practitioners quietly.

If the will is not firm enough, it won't take long to be completely confused and addicted to it.

Don’t think that monks are cut off from love and sex. In fact, they are more greedy. It’s just that after becoming practitioners, ordinary temptations have made them unable to tempt.

But in the face of precious cultivation resources and all kinds of rare treasures, there will still be strong greed.

The core of practicing Taoism is actually the word struggle, competing with people, fighting with the earth, and fighting with heaven!
Now the desperately sought resources, all kinds of delicacies, as well as gods and Taoists, are all in front of him.

May I ask which practitioner can be unmoved?

Just at this time, several fairies came forward and surrounded Tang Zhen very intimately.

They welcomed Tang Zhen with soft words, and told him that everything here would belong to him.

Staying in this place, you can enjoy countless resources, taste delicious food and wine, and have a romantic relationship with a group of fairies.

Enjoying countless fun without affecting your cultivation of immortality is simply a good thing that is hard to find in the world.

In this hall, there is a trace of regular power that can affect the practitioners.

As long as you see, hear, smell, or think about it even a little bit, you will be immediately induced.

Believe in everything in front of you, and even gradually indulge in it.

Surrounded by a group of pure, charming, or glamorous fairies, Tang Zhen always remained expressionless.

For other monks, everything in front of them is full of temptations, and it is absolutely impossible to remain indifferent.

But who was Tang Zhen? He was the master of a majestic city, backed by a mysterious cornerstone platform, and his wealth and knowledge were beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

Everything in front of him is like a farmer showing off his wealth to the emperor, it is ridiculous to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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