Chapter 4984
Seeing that Tang Zhen was unmoved, a group of fairies acted more openly, removing their looming fine white gauze and dancing openly.

The melody of the light music in my ears also changed, turning into a rhythm that made people blush.

The brilliance of the treasures flashed and staggered inside the hall, making people dazzled.

The bright and gorgeous brilliance fell on the twisting body like white jade, full of extreme temptation.

The smell of food and wine gradually becomes stronger and stronger, making people salivate after smelling it.

After discovering that there was no effect, the method of seduction was quickly upgraded, just to allow Tang Zhen to sink into it.

Tang Zhen remained unmoved, as if everything in front of him was illusion.

When the fairies saw this, a hint of ferocity flashed in their eyes, and they actually started hurting each other.

Like a group of female wolves, showing their sharp claws and fangs.

Eye-catching scars appeared on the delicate and jade-like body, as if something beautiful was being destroyed.

The painful and sad voice kept echoing in my ears.

The fairies stared at Tang Zhen closely, with resentful expressions in their eyes, as if everything happened because of his ruthlessness.

As long as he softens his heart and is willing to give a slight response, the heart-wrenching hurt will stop immediately.

Tang Zhen was still indifferent, turning a blind eye to this.

"Lang Jun, you are so cruel!"

A fairy cried, like a yellow warbler weeping blood, she felt infinite pity watching her.

They crawled on the ground, reaching out to pray to Tang Zhen, just to get a response.

In the end, all I could see was Tang Zhen striding forward without the slightest sign of nostalgia.

A strange scene appeared. Wherever Tang Zhen passed, treasures and delicacies instantly turned to ashes.

The charming jade fairy showed a ferocious expression, and then turned into a pile of ugly bones.

Beauty and ugliness coexist, the more beautiful things are, the more so, there is never absolute good or bad.

Once you sink into it and are attracted by the beautiful appearance, you will be able to experience what is called despair and pain.

As the scene in front of him disappeared, more hidden things were revealed one after another.

Hundreds of practitioners of various races were lying in the palace, but they had all become neither human nor ghost.

Trapped in all kinds of illusions, I can't extricate myself now, and I paid a heavy price for it.

Looking at their miserable appearance, one can tell that they are exhausted and there is no possibility of salvation.

At this moment, the mysterious palace finally reveals its ferocious true nature. Those who fail the test will be trapped and eventually drained of their essence, blood and soul.

There were also some practitioners who, perhaps in retrospect, actually saw Tang Zhen in the illusion at this moment.

Before the oil ran out, I suddenly realized that this was a scam, but unfortunately I couldn't extricate myself from it.

"Please, save me!"

A True Spirit Clan monk looked at Tang Zhen and weakly begged him for help, but did not receive any response.

"I am a true spirit clansman, and I can give you countless benefits!"

The True Spirit Clan monk did not give up and continued to cry out to Tang Zhen for help, but he hid an attack talisman in his hand.

As long as Tang Zhen gets close, he will definitely attack.

He might be unwilling to do so, or he might be jealous, and wanted to drag Tang Zhen away with him before he died.

With such a despicable method, it is impossible to deceive Tang Zhen, let alone talk to him.

"Damn bastard, you will definitely die here!"

When the True Spirit monk saw this, he cursed in despair, and finally collapsed to the ground unwillingly.

This was the last chance, but he didn't seize it, and now he can only wait for death quietly.

There are also some practitioners who are too weak to even speak. At this moment, they can only look at Tang Zhen's back with a miserable smile of despair.

When Tang Zhen passed through the palace and stepped out of the gate, there was a muffled sound behind him.

The door closed instantly, leaving him no way to retreat back.

There was only one avenue in front of him, surrounded by cliffs of tens of thousands of feet, and at the bottom of the cliffs was scalding hot magma.

There is no other way to choose but to go straight forward.

When Tang Zhen entered the mysterious palace, he moved forward without any intention of retreating.

Taking a big step forward, after walking for a certain distance, another hall appeared in front of him.

Obviously, this test and trial is one after another, and I don't know what will happen next.

Without hesitation, Tang Zhen pushed open the door and stepped into it.

Accompanied by angry roars, more than a dozen figures attacked, carrying a thick smell of blood.

Tang Zhen dodged easily and looked at the attacking figures, only to find that they were a group of beast-shaped monks.

On the surface of its body, there are many traces of wild animals, but it can still be seen that it is a human cultivator.

These monsters were one foot tall, armed with broad-bladed swords, and slashed towards Tang Zhen.

The posture was extremely ferocious, and it was clear that he wanted to kill Tang Zhen.

Facing such a scene, Tang Zhen didn't have the slightest fear, but became more relaxed.

It's just a battle, there's no need to be afraid, just let go and fight.

Tang Zhen was as fast as the wind, fighting with the monster, and blood and flesh were flying everywhere in an instant.

The monsters are indeed fierce, and they are not afraid of death when fighting. It is clearly a fight to the death.

But Tang Zhen was stronger, his melee fighting skills were at their peak, and he was still able to survive surrounded by powerful enemies with ease.

He snatched the weapon from the enemy, and then saw a cold light flashing, and the stumped limbs and arms flying wantonly.

Tang Zhen, who was in a fighting state, didn't have time to count how many enemies he had killed. He only knew that every time he swung his long sword, none of them missed.

Soon the spacious space became narrow, and the feet became rough.

Even every step forward, there will be a sound of liquid, causing waves of blood.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was also covered in bruises.

But he didn't fall down, his expression became more ferocious, and his eyes shone with excitement.

"Happy, enjoyable!"

Tang Zhen laughed wildly, opened his mouth and sucked forcefully, and the red liquid on the ground poured into his mouth.

The monster's blood was like a panacea. After being absorbed by Tang Zhen, the wounds on his body healed instantly.

At the same time, tentacles extended out from his legs. If you look closely, they are the blood vessels and meridians in the body.

Like a tree root, this thing plunged into the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood under its feet, and began to absorb it crazily.

The monsters around him hesitated.

"Trash, come on, let's continue!"

At this moment, Tang Zhen was indeed full of murderous intent, wanting to kill all these monsters.

But his consciousness is still clear, and he can always remain calm, instead of being controlled by the desire to kill.

Once you lose your mind, you may be reduced to killing monsters and lose the qualification to pass the level.

Tang Zhen knew this and always adhered to his true intention, fighting just for the sake of fighting.

When the battle is over, you can wake up from the nightmare.

During the battle, Tang Zhen transformed into the terrifying demon king in hell, but this was just one of his forms.

In the following time, the battle continues. Without killing all the monsters, it is impossible to meet the conditions for clearing the level.

When the last monster died under Tang Zhen's sword, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him.

The dim vision also became clear at this moment.

Looking around at this moment, there were mutilated corpses and broken weapons everywhere.

Among the mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood, only Tang Zhen stood still, the scene was strange and terrifying.

Tang Zhen completed the test and was qualified to leave the palace.

With his departure, the palace door closed again, and the second challenge was completed.

Tang Zhen passed two levels in a row, and each level was quite dangerous, but it didn't mean it was over.

When I looked up and forward, I saw that the road was wide and straight, and the palaces were lined up one after another.

I don't know what kind of trials and trials are hidden in these palaces, but the whole process must be dangerous and treacherous.

Without strong strength, it is impossible to pass the trial, and it is just a loss of life in vain.

Tang Zhen felt more and more that the trials in the mysterious palace were actually opportunities exclusive to the strong.

A monk with insufficient strength will die in vain if he enters this place.

(End of this chapter)

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