Chapter 4985 Beauties appear from all sides
Tang Zhen stepped into the third palace, and suddenly a voice came from his ear, with a strong temptation in his tone.

"Believe in or follow me, you will gain power and wealth, great strength and eternal life!"

Then Tang Zhen discovered that he was standing proudly on the top of the mountain, with boundless plains at his feet.

On the plain full of exotic flowers and plants, countless practitioners gathered and bowed to Tang Zhen at the same time.

"Meet the Sect Master!"

The sound reverberated between heaven and earth, and the majestic majesty made people feel moved.

Millions of practitioners worshiping one person at the same time, what kind of power and glory is this?

Even if the heart is as still as water, when seeing this scene, it is estimated that the heart will feel surging.

If it is possible to obtain such a prominent status, I really have no regrets in this life.

Practitioners with great perseverance can not be hindered by lust and wealth, but it is difficult to resist the temptation of lofty status and immortality.

After all, everything in front of me is so real that people can't help but indulge in it.

But the dream will eventually wake up, and at this time, it will feel lost, and people can't help but want to have it again.

"If you want to get all of this, then swear allegiance to me, and you can get everything you want."

The indistinguishable voice next to his ear resounded faintly again, once again seductively persuading Tang Zhen.

Then Tang Zhen saw various items appearing in front of him, including peerless magical skills, precious artifacts, and seals representing identity and power.

Obtaining these things is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step, and it takes countless years of struggle than other monks.

In other words, other practitioners, even if they struggle desperately, may not be able to achieve such achievements.

It's not that if you work hard, you will be able to get everything. When you succeed a lot, you need to rely on your background and luck.

If these two things are lacking, even if you try your best, your dream will still be out of reach.

Anyone who is not a newbie in spiritual practice will definitely know this and know how to make choices.

To put it bluntly, ninety-nine out of ten practitioners would not be able to pass this test.

Because they know very well what they want, and they know how rare the opportunity is.

Once you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Under the influence of the power of rules, practitioners will regard everything in front of them as real things.

Following one's own heart and making the right choice is the most normal development.

Tang Zhen looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

He is now more and more certain that this mysterious palace has sinister intentions. Otherwise, how could he use such a method?

They simply didn't give the monks a way to survive and forced them to sign a contract.

If Tang Zhen hadn't been the master of the building and possessed extraordinary insights, he might have been tricked into the bait long ago.

Sign the bullshit contract, and become the running dog of that wild god ever since.

This mythical beast named Four-Face Beauty looks extremely beautiful on the surface, but the trials it arranges are extremely dangerous and evil.

Tang Zhen's heart is like a mirror, and he will definitely not be deceived.

"You promised me these, and how far have you gone?"

Tang Zhen stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the void in front of him, and asked in a light tone.

If you can't do it yourself but insist on promising it to others, wouldn't you be cheating?

Facing Tang Zhen's question, the other side was silent, as if he didn't know how to answer.

It may be the first time that such a thing has been encountered in the dark.

The test of this level is to trick the monk into signing a contract, and become a puppet eagle dog ever since.

Tang Zhen was unmoved, and the test was defeated on its own, so there was no need to waste any more time.

With a soft sound, everything in front of me disappeared, and the gate of the palace was in front of me.

Tang Zhen's question was never answered.

This level seems to be easy, but in fact it is very dangerous, and there are very few people who can pass it.

Tang Zhen passed the third level. I don’t know what level he was at, but it was actually quite difficult.

There may be other monks who performed better than Tang Zhen, but most of the monks are doomed to fail.

Then their fate will be to lose their lives here.

If the trial in the mysterious palace is true, then it must be extremely difficult to win.

The vast majority of monks are just a foil, using their lives as nourishment for the mysterious palace.

Tang Zhen is not very interested in the inheritance of the mysterious palace, all he wants is to leave smoothly.

The existence in the mysterious palace obviously did not intend to let him get his wish, so he could only continue to struggle in the trial.

Until a certain moment, he failed the test and collapsed in the mysterious palace.

Tang Zhen is aware of this and is trying to find a way to get rid of it.

The trials that follow are likely to be endless, as evidenced by the endless row of palaces.

After clearing a palace, there will be the next trial. After all, the decision-making power lies in the opponent's hands.

In this mysterious palace, there are regular powers controlling it, and Tang Zhen has no good solution at the moment.

At present, we can only observe slowly and look for opportunities to crack out.

However, this kind of test made Tang Zhen feel very bored.

For other monks, the content of the trial was quite dangerous, but in Tang Zhen's view, it was nothing more than that.

Continue to move forward, ready to reach the next palace.

As soon as he entered the palace this time, Tang Zhen's eyes narrowed and he looked at a figure at the front.

The other party was wearing a white short robe, holding a red umbrella with runes in his hand, and stood quietly on an altar.

Under this altar, there were more than a dozen monks kneeling, their eyes full of attachment and greed.

It seems that the graceful figure in front of them is everything to them, they are willing to protect it with their lives, and they can give everything at any time.

Seeing the figure in front of him, Tang Zhen immediately recognized that the other person was the master of the trial.

That beauty named Four Faces is actually the existence of a divine beast.

Among the major races in the true spirit world, no race is related to this mythical beast called the Four-faced Beauty.

It was for this reason that Tang Zhen's curiosity was aroused, and he took the initiative to choose this statue.

Tang Zhen originally thought about slowly investigating the secrets about the beauty on all sides. Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the fourth level, the other party jumped out impatiently.

The figures kneeling around them should be the monks who signed the contract. They were originally for immortality and power, but now they are like eagles and dogs.

I don't know if I will regret my original choice when I am conscious.

Tang Zhen didn't know why the beautiful lady from all directions showed up, but he was sure that the other party must have something up his sleeve.

While he remained silent, the figure on the opposite side spoke slowly.

"Aren't the things I gave you tempted?"

The voice was extremely cold, like a god on high, and his words were full of disregard for the worldly creatures.

It seems to be complaining to Tang Zhen, blaming him for his ignorance of flattery, so he shouldn't refuse his kindness.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is a shackle, and once it is put on, it is involuntary.

The other party knew this, but he still said this as a matter of course. He was really good at confusing right and wrong.

In other words, in His opinion, it is actually a supreme honor to be able to serve as a slave to Him.

After all, He is a divine beast, a high god, a lofty existence that ordinary people need to look up to.

Thunder, rain and dew are all blessings, and mortals are only worthy of accepting them obediently.

"Ha ha……"

Tang Zhen snorted coldly after hearing this.

"It's hard to protect yourself, but you give this false promise, are you sure you can keep the promise?"

Tang Zhen was not polite, and asked in a cold voice.

In the eyes of other monks, the gods, beasts and gods may be unattainable, but in Tang Zhen's eyes, they are nothing more than that.

A down-and-out phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. The guy in front of him has not left any inheritance in the real spirit world, and is very likely to be an unsatisfactory loser.

Such a character, wanting to fool Tang Zhen, is simply wishful thinking.

Hearing Tang Zhen's rhetorical question, the beauties around were slightly taken aback, and then saw his head turn around quickly.

An angry and distorted face suddenly appeared in front of Tang Zhen, with endless resentment and viciousness in his eyes.

"You damn ant, you dare to question the great god, you are really arrogant to the extreme!"

(End of this chapter)

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