I have a city in another world

Chapter 4989 Announcing the "truth"

Chapter 4989 Announcing the "truth"

When an opportunity comes, there will always be people who can't wait to jump out and want to grab the benefits that belong to them.

Where there is competition, there is killing. This has been the case since ancient times. Life goes round and round, and death is the eternal theme.

This god's tomb palace itself represents death and the end, but now its nature has changed.

In name, it is for inheritance, but in the process of carrying it out, I don't know how many people will lose their lives because of it.

Use the essence, blood and soul of the tester to feed this strange artifact.

Today, there are tens of thousands of monks competing in the God's Tomb Palace. In the days to come, the number of competitors will only continue to increase.

There is an invisible big hand behind it, secretly fueling the flames, making those greedy practitioners voluntarily die.

On the road to success, there are often countless corpses piled up, and many guys who think they are the protagonists of destiny are buried along the roadside.

There are also many wily, despicable old guys who act as planners and fishermen.

Hiding behind the scenes, constantly making plans, choosing some suitable characters, and letting them make trouble in the vast world.

There are indeed some people who succeed and are therefore regarded as the sons of destiny and become the objects of admiration and praise by everyone.

But who knows that behind the winners, there are actually countless losers at the bottom.

People will only remember the winners, but will not pay too much attention to the losers, like a fleeting meteor in the night.

It's just a moment of amazement, and it's forgotten in an instant.

This is the cruel reality. There is no absolute fairness. Countless people have discovered that, and countless people want to change, but after countless years, everything remains the same.

Tang Zhen couldn't control the rising of the sun and the setting of the moon, and it was also impossible for him to make decisions about the common people, because others might not follow his advice.

It may be a good intention, but in the end only hatred and complaints are exchanged.

What he wants to do is to use the existing rules to finally achieve his own goals.

After reaching an agreement with the beauties all around, Tang Zhen continued to break through.

The fourth level is surrounded by beauties, so you don’t need to work hard to get through it. You can easily pass the level successfully.

When it reached the fifth level, it also didn't take much effort.

After successfully passing through five levels, Tang Zhen was qualified to leave without any hidden dangers.

Unlike the previous guy, he must have used some means to evacuate, so he would also bear the corresponding price.

Unlike Tang Zhen's situation, he didn't leave as a collaborator, he may have been completely reduced to someone else's slave.

According to the Four Faces Beauty, hundreds of ancient divine beasts were buried in this divine tomb palace.

Now the remains of these divine beasts have given birth to wild spirits, who consider themselves to be the respected creatures of divine beasts, and want to hold the inheritance in their hands.

However, due to the restrictions of the rules, they were unable to achieve what they wanted, so they could only rack their brains to think of other ways.

Coming to the real spirit world this time is the carnival of these remains, and they are doing their best to plan now.

Calculated according to the time, there will definitely be more "lucky people" who will pass the test and return to the outside world.

These are all scammers, bait for fishing.

After everything was ready, Tang Zhen chose to leave, and when he returned with the token next time, he could go straight to the sixth level.

The light and shadow in front of my eyes changed, and it appeared in the outside world in an instant.

The moment Tang Zhen appeared, everyone looked at him, their eyes full of eager anticipation.

They obviously knew Tang Zhen's identity and why he appeared in this place.

"Look, this is the No.17 winner!"

Someone shouted in the distance, with excitement in their tone.

"Tell me, what kind of scenes did you experience during the experiment?"

Someone was impatient and said loudly to Tang Zhen, with a hint of cunning hidden in his eyes.

Perhaps seeing Tang Zhen's confused eyes and confused state, he wanted to take advantage of it.

They don't need to say much, even a few words can benefit them a lot.

When entering the God's Tomb Palace to investigate, these short messages may be able to help them out of danger.

The other practitioners also pricked up their ears, for fear that they would miss anything.

At this moment, Tang Zhen, still with confused eyes, slowly said under the gaze of everyone: "After I entered the palace of the tomb of the gods, I chose the beauties on all sides, and then entered the first palace.

There are countless treasures there that dazzle people, and there are also stunning fairies dancing around them..."

While Tang Zhen was narrating, someone suddenly shouted to stop.

"Shut up, don't say any more!"

As the words fell, a group of monks rushed over, led by several true spirit monks.

They rushed to Tang Zhen and said in a cold voice: "This matter is confidential. Do not publicize it in public. Please come with us."

When the monks around him heard this, they immediately showed expressions of dissatisfaction. The True Spirit Tribe clearly wanted to monopolize information.

For them, this kind of thing is extremely unfair and will greatly increase the difficulty of customs clearance.

"No, you can't take people away!"

"Ask this fellow Taoist first if he is willing to leave with you!"

"Fellow Daoist, don't be afraid. I am a monk of the Hongye League. Even if you tell what happened, the Hongye League will support you behind!"

A group of monks shouted loudly, actually encouraging Tang Zhen to tell him the content of the trial quickly.

Otherwise, once taken away, it is very likely that they will be placed under house arrest and will never be able to appear in public view again.

Things like this have happened many times before, and the main messenger behind them is the True Spirit Race.

There are also some monks from the sect who have once again become the lackeys of the True Spirit Clan.

They once turned against each other and even killed each other, but now they cooperate again because of their interests.

Seeing that he had offended the public, the True Spirit Clan monk turned gloomy and felt a little guilty.

Today is different from the past. After experiencing many changes, the True Spirit Clan no longer has the majesty of the past.

If they insist on taking Tang Zhen away, it is very likely that a conflict will be triggered, which will only affect the plans of the True Spirit Clan.

Today's True Spirit Race is still in a state of being deceived, and does not know the truth of the facts.

They thought that this time, they were cooperating with the divine beast clan to jointly seek the inheritance in the divine tomb palace.

But how did they know that in the eyes of the mythical beasts, they were nothing but cannon fodder to explore the way.

When the right time comes, the mythical beasts will descend and take away all the fruits of victory.

When the two sides were confronting each other, more and more monks came after hearing the news, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Tang Zhen suddenly opened his mouth and continued to talk about the contents of the tomb palace.

His tone was full of anger, as if he couldn't understand the practice of the True Spirit Race, and deliberately chose to disclose the information.

When a group of onlookers saw this, they couldn't help but cheer secretly and took the initiative to protect Tang Zhen.

Those true spirit monks had no chance to get close at all.

Tang Zhen, standing in the center of thousands of people, his voice became more and more passionate. He not only told about his own experience, but also briefly introduced the content of the trials of other divine beasts.

These messages come from the beautiful women in all directions, and the contents are true and false, but they are still of great value.

But there was a piece of news that caused a huge shock.

Tang Zhen told the monks that this palace is a divine tomb, with hundreds of ancient divine beasts buried inside. Whoever can pass the test can obtain all the inheritance.

None of the monks who had returned before mentioned this. It was probably those beast souls who were playing tricks.

I don't want to announce the truth, lest accidents happen.

When the monks around heard the introduction, they immediately became excited, wishing they could enter the palace of the tomb of the gods immediately.

After passing all the trials, he obtained the inheritance of the ancient beasts, and since then he has soared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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