I have a city in another world

Chapter 4990 The surprise of the beast family 1

Chapter 4990 The surprise of the beast family
Tang Zhen's narration unveiled the true veil of the God's Tomb Palace.

The monk who was originally doubtful became extremely excited after getting this answer.

The opportunity is right in front of you, everyone is eligible to obtain it, and once you pass all the trials, you can directly transform into an ancient beast.

Such a huge temptation, no monk can refuse.

For the monks, the tomb of the gods is a ladder to the sky, and it is worth fighting for it with all your strength.

After all, cultivation is difficult, and opportunities are even more difficult to obtain. Now that the opportunity is in front of us, there is no reason to give up.

Amid the cheers of the monks, Tang Zhen continued to speak loudly: "I want to remind everyone that entering the God's Tomb Palace for a trial is far more dangerous than imagined.

The stronger you are, the higher your chance of passing the level.

It's not me attacking you, it's not a cultivator in the Transcendence Tribulation Period, there is no possibility of passing the level at all! "

Hearing what Tang Zhen said, the monks suddenly fell silent.

They are just ordinary practitioners, their strengths are also uneven, and they are far away from the realm of crossing the catastrophe.

According to what Tang Zhen said, I am afraid that he is not qualified to participate at all.

Seeing that the opportunity was right in front of them, how could they easily miss it? Some monks seemed extremely unhappy with Tang Zhen's advice.

It's hard to be a good person, and it's hard to persuade a damned person with good words.

He was obviously telling the truth to prevent some monks from committing suicide easily, but in the end he aroused hatred and dissatisfaction.

Such unfair treatment is really heartbreaking.

Tang Zhen wouldn't feel disappointed, he didn't want to be the savior in the first place, he just took this opportunity to carry out his plan.

If someone is willing to listen to persuasion, he can save a life, otherwise he can only bear the price for his own greed.

Tang Zhen's real purpose is what will be announced next.

However, in this situation, talking to oneself can easily arouse suspicion, so someone must act together.

The special envoy of the Demon City hidden in the dark received Tang Zhen's order and immediately asked him loudly: "You said that only monks who have crossed the tribulation can pass the trial. Does this mean that we have no chance?"

Tang Zhen nodded and told the cruel truth.

"You're right, it's true."

Hearing the words, the special envoy of the Demon City immediately said loudly: "According to what you said, if a cultivator who crosses the tribulation enters the tomb of God, he will definitely be able to pass the trial smoothly?"

When all the monks heard this, they all stared at Tang Zhen. If this was true, then this would be a feast for the monks who had crossed the catastrophe.

Their previous carnival was nothing but a joke.

Hearing this, Tang Zhen shook his head lightly.

"Although the monks who cross the tribulation are powerful, they may not be able to pass the level smoothly, and they must be stronger monks to do so.

If I have to say, what kind of monk can pass the trial, I think at least it must be in the realm of true immortals! "

As soon as Tang Zhen said this, everyone was shocked again.

"Are you kidding? In this true spiritual world, how can there be a strong person in the true immortal realm?

Such a powerful existence has already transcended the tribulation and ascended, and there is no way it can exist in the true spiritual world. "

Some monks retorted loudly, and all the monks around felt that Tang Zhen was making alarmist remarks.

Deliberately exaggerating the facts in order to scare practitioners away.

In the face of everyone's doubts, Tang Zhen took his time and explained in a calm tone: "You may not believe it, but this is the fact, and this is not the result I speculated.

If you pass the fifth level, you will get a message from the God's Tomb, warning those who are not strong enough not to die in vain. "

When the monks heard this, they were shocked again.

Before Tang Zhen came out, there were still [-] monks who successfully passed the customs, and the introduction about the tomb of the gods was all cryptic.

What Tang Zhen mentioned was not mentioned.

The surrounding True Spirit Clan monks were secretly wondering if those previous monks were hiding something.

If that wasn't the case, why didn't they mention a word about what Tang Zhen mentioned?
"Then may I ask your Excellency, what is the specific content of the reminder you received?"

Another monk saluted Tang Zhen and asked.

The monks have realized that the information provided by Tang Zhen is extremely important and must be dug out.

The other cultivators also realized this, and saluted Tang Zhen one after another to thank him.

There is no need to pay a price, just a verbal thank you, how could they be reluctant.

Tens of thousands of practitioners around did this action in unison.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen also seemed to be a little moved.

He hesitated for a moment, as if he had made a lot of determination, and then said to everyone: "Since everyone wants to know, I will tell you in detail, hoping to provide you with some help."

With the atmosphere in place, Tang Zhen no longer hesitated and informed the total number of trial levels.

At the same time, he informed the monks that the interior of the God's Tomb is its own space and there are no realm restrictions.

Other practitioners didn't respond to this, and whether they would limit their realm strength had nothing to do with them.

But there are still some onlookers who have special missions and can be regarded as promoters hidden behind the scenes.

When they heard that inside the tomb of the gods, there were no realm rules to suppress them, they were all shocked.

The true identities of these monks are actually descendants of the mythical beast family, secretly directing the actions of the lower realm.

They suppressed their strength, avoided revealing their identities, and always acted as true spirit monks.

Collect all kinds of information to facilitate future actions.

Today's action, I thought it was no different from before, and it is very likely that I encountered a liar again.

Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenyan had something to say and turned out to be a real passer. He was definitely not comparable to the guys who had passed one or two levels before coming back to cheat.

These true spirit monks have discovered that the previous monks are deceiving.

They can deceive ordinary monks, but they certainly cannot deceive the mythical beast monks. Now they have been exposed.

But it was not clear why these monks would cheat.

Not every cultivator is treated like Tang Zhen, and they don't even see the shadow of the beast soul.

Tang Zhen was considered a collaborator, but they were just servants, tools that could be discarded at any time.

I thought Tang Zhen was the same guy, but I never dreamed that Tang Zhen would release such amazing information.

After coming to the Real Spirit Realm, there is no boundary limit inside the God Tomb, which is simply great news.

The main reason why the mythical beasts hide behind the scenes and command remotely is actually related to the rules and restrictions of the lower realm.

The upper limit of strength during the Tribulation Transcendence period made it impossible for them to use their full strength, and they even suffered setbacks in front of the Demon City.

This time the arrival of the God's Tomb made the beast monks very cautious, fearing that they would be attacked by the Demon City again.

Once something unexpected happens, all previous efforts may be wasted.

It is indeed something worth showing off for the magic city to make the gods and beasts fearful with its own power.

The Demon City can do this because it actually makes use of the rules of the true spirit world. If they compete for strength, the Divine Beast Clan can easily kill Lou City instantly.

As a result, I didn't expect that when I arrived at the God's Tomb Palace in the True Spirit Realm, I would not be restricted by the rules of the world.

When immortals and gods ascend to the realm, the mythical beast clan is not restricted by rules and can send true immortals to explore the tombs of gods.

Now in the Real Spirit Realm, the beast monks can still act normally, how can we not make them feel happy.

As long as the body descends to the real spirit world, and then enters the tomb of the gods to pass the trial, one can obtain the inheritance of the ancient beasts.

Inside the God's Tomb Palace, even if Demon City is involved, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the Divine Beast Clan.

The following rules of the game will be controlled by the beast family, and the others are only worthy of being reduced to tools and foils.

(End of this chapter)

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