I have a city in another world

Chapter 4991 Pulling the Abyss Demon God into the Pit

Chapter 4991 Pulling the Abyss Demon God into the Pit

What is Tang Zhen's identity and what kind of contribution he has made, soon no one cares about it.

When it disappears, no one notices.

However, the news had already spread, and after hearing about it, all major forces prepared to launch a new round of actions.

It can be said that the appearance of Tang Zhen has indeed saved a large number of practitioners and made them aware of the danger of the tomb of the gods.

Be able to face up to yourself and not do dangerous things.

The pass token in your hand is not the key to unlocking the treasure of chance. On the contrary, it may send you into the abyss of purgatory.

However, there are still many monks who are still obsessed with their obsession and want to gain benefits in the trial of the God's Tomb.

Obtain the top inheritance and become a new ancient beast.

A guy like this is looking for his own death, and there is no need to work hard to save him.

Those who are really affected are actually the mythical beasts.

They immediately sent the information back to the Immortal God Upper Realm to find a way to deal with it.

As expected, when the immortals and gods learned about this, they suddenly became extremely excited.

All major races have issued orders to explore the Tomb Palace of Gods in order to gain the opportunity to take action.

Whoever is faster has the opportunity to gain more benefits.

It is even possible to strike out with a thunderbolt, occupying the entire God's Tomb Palace, so that no one else has the opportunity to participate.

However, they also know that it is far more difficult than imagined to achieve this.

Aside from other people's talk, within the Divine Beast Clan, there is no way to reach a compromise.

It is impossible to monopolize, so there are many ways to do it.

But overnight, the major true spirit races became lively.

Many divine beast monks from the upper realm descended silently and borrowed the bodies of true spirit monks.

Such an operation can be said to be quite convenient. Not only is it convenient to hide one's identity, but it can also summon the main body to come at any time.

It is equivalent to opening a valve that can be closed at any time on the bucket, and everything can be controlled by oneself.

They didn't dare to do this before because they were worried about accidents, but now they don't care much.

To snatch the inheritance of divine beasts, you can do whatever it takes.

After successfully descending to the lower realm, these divine beast monks set off immediately and arrived at the palace of the tomb of the gods as quickly as possible.

In order to verify the rules of the God's Tomb, some mythical beast monks decided to take risks and enter the interior of the God's Tomb to investigate.

The beast monks have a high degree of confidence in their own strength, as long as Tang Zhen's words are true, they will definitely be able to pass the fifth level.

When that time comes, you will have the opportunity to exit the trial.

Although it has not been possible to verify the authenticity of Tang Zhen's remarks until now, after deduction by the mythical beast family, it was determined to be extremely credible.

At this time, you have to take a risk and enter the Tomb of Gods for testing.

The previous mythical beast clan had actually sent monks to explore, but none of those practitioners returned.

This time they entered the tomb of the gods to investigate, but also to find their traces and see what happened before.

It can be said that the arrival of the beast cultivator was silent and did not make much noise.

Holding the pass token, he mingled among ordinary monks and entered the tomb of the gods one after another.

Tang Zhen watched with cold eyes, knowing that the first step of the plan had been completed.

As long as the beast monks who entered the tomb of the gods did not encounter any accidents, they should be able to pass the first five levels smoothly.

After confirming the rules in the tomb of the gods and knowing that the realm will not be suppressed, the next step should be a large-scale investigation.

In order to ensure customs clearance, the beast cultivator will definitely choose to descend on his own body, so as to ensure his own advantages.

It won't be long before the trials inside the God's Tomb will be monopolized by the beast monks.

Especially in the later stages, the difficulty of the experiment increased, and ordinary monks were not qualified to participate.

Once involved in it, I am afraid that I will be killed in an instant.

The monks of the beast clan never imagined at this moment that Tang Zhen had already dug a big hole.

Tang Zhen learned a lot of information from the mouth of the beautiful people around, and one of them made him particularly concerned.

It turns out that when the last few levels are approaching, the testers will participate in random melee, and only the victor can pass the level alive.

For the monks who failed to clear the customs, the blood of the soul will be absorbed to nourish the artifacts and the remains of the beasts.

For Tang Zhen, this is an excellent opportunity. If you snatch it at the right time, you will have a chance to obtain the complete soul of the beast.

However, there is a lot of risk in such behavior, and it may even violate the rules of the tomb of the gods.

If you are not careful during this period, you will be targeted and attacked by the tomb of the gods.

Most special artifacts like this have independent consciousness and can do whatever they want within the scope of their control.

Instead of snatching the beast soul, Tang Zhen is tantamount to snatching food from a tiger's mouth, so how could he be safe.

How it should be done requires careful planning.

In order to prevent the mythical beast monk family from becoming dominant, Tang Zhen decided to introduce other competitors to completely muddy the waters.

However, ordinary monks are simply unable to compete with the beast monks, and the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Even if they try their best to send them to the finals, it is impossible to play much role.

After deduction, Tang Zhen finally made up his mind and decided to summon the Abyssal Demon God.

The last time they cooperated with the Abyss Demon God, the final result was that they turned against each other, and now they are all on guard against each other.

Not long after the incident, if the Abyssal Demon God is summoned again, there is a high probability that there will be no results.

The other party may think that this is a trap, waiting for them to jump into it.

The cunning Abyss Demon God will never easily take risks and let himself fall into the desperate situation of death.

How to lure the opponent to the inside of the God's Tomb requires careful planning.

Although these Abyss Demon Gods are extremely cunning, their nature is destined to be unable to resist temptation.

Once they know the hidden benefits of the God's Tomb Palace, they will definitely be eager to test it.

After it is confirmed that there is no problem and it is not a trap, the Abyss Demon God will inevitably come again and again.

The monks of the mythical beast clan can come in their own bodies, and the Abyss Demon God can also enhance the strength of their clones.

The interior of the God's Tomb, which has no limit of realm, is an excellent arena, which can let the powerful practitioners give it a go.

Whoever is stronger will be able to obtain the inheritance.

Those cunning abyss demon gods may disdain the inheritance of ancient beasts, and prefer their own demon gods.

But the remains of the mythical beasts, as well as various treasures, including the souls of the unconscious beasts, are definitely super tonics.

After obtaining the Abyss Demon God, his strength will definitely increase rapidly.

Such a huge temptation, no abyss demon god can refuse, and they will inevitably rush to snatch it.

Tang Zhen was sure of this, so he brought in the Abyss Demon God and let them compete with each other.

However, Tang Zhen also knew that it was far more difficult than imagined to gain benefits from the competition between the two camps.

No matter whether it is the monk of the beast or the demon god of the abyss, Tang Zhen will never let Tang Zhen get his wish.

Once it is found that Tang Zhen is involved, a thunderous strike will inevitably be launched to kill him or expel him completely.

If this is the case, it is tantamount to busy work in vain.

Therefore, during the course of action, one must not easily reveal one's identity, lest the plan go bankrupt in advance.

After repeated deductions, Tang Zhen took action after confirming that there was no problem.

First, issue an order and let the special envoy of the Demon City operate secretly to deliver the information about the God's Tomb to the designated target.

These marked special targets are actually the seeds left by the abyssal demon gods, so that they can monitor and descend to the real spirit world at any time.

He thought he was well hidden, but in fact, he was discovered by Lou Cheng long ago, and he is always under surveillance.

Once an abyssal demon god dared to come to the real spirit world, he would be struck by thunder immediately.

Now they have to pass the news to the Abyssal Demon God, and then the other party will inevitably launch an investigation.

It won't take long for the Demon God to confirm the authenticity, and then participate in the competition for opportunities.

In order to prevent the Abyss Demon God from being greedy and wanting to monopolize this benefit, Tang Zhen decided to spread the information widely.

Make all the demons known, the more demon gods you know, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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