I have a city in another world

4992 - Stirs a pool of water

Mix up a pool of water
Tang Zhen made up his mind and took action immediately.

All the resources that Lou Cheng could use were activated by him, just to ensure the success of the plan.

This hunting operation is related to Lou Cheng's promotion to the sixth level, so he must put all his efforts into it.

All the residents of Loucheng will cooperate with this operation, and when necessary, Tang Zhen's real body will also participate in it.

Break away from the shelter of the building city, take on mortal danger, and start a battle with a group of terrifying enemies.

Under normal conditions, every enemy's strength can easily destroy a city or a country, or even completely destroy a world.

When confronting such an enemy, one must not be careless in the slightest, otherwise one would be seeking one's own death.

The big and small victories obtained before are actually due to the perfect use of the rules. The enemy is not targeting the building city, but the rule power of a world.

But the current situation is completely different from before. As a relatively fair environment, the God's Tomb Palace can allow all monks to exert their full strength.

The enemies in the upper realm that Lou Cheng faces are at the lowest level of true immortals, and there are even higher level immortals and powerful ones.

After a monk successfully crosses the tribulation, it does not mean that the path of practice is cut off, but a new beginning.

Those powerful cultivators, with the ability to move mountains and reclaim seas, are definitely not something that the current building city can resist.

When fighting against such a strong person, you must be extra careful. It is no exaggeration to say that Lou Cheng is walking on thin ice.

Tang Zhen was aware of this and did not dare to be negligent in the slightest.

But then again, although the risks are huge, the benefits are also huge.

Once the building city is successfully promoted, it is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step, saving thousands of years of hard work.

The results that the true spirit race has been operating for thousands of years but cannot achieve, Loucheng can achieve overnight.

This is the shocking benefit that can be obtained by relying on the cornerstone platform.

Quietly, the action officially began.

Tang Zhen used his identity as the Abyss Demon God to spread information in the abyss of the underworld and inform him of the opportunities hidden inside the tomb of the god.

Those source power crystals, which record information related to the tomb of the gods, are scattered in the abyss of the underworld.

After passing through the territory of the Abyssal Demon God, he can be easily perceived by the other party.

The information Tang Zhen provided was detailed enough to arouse the greed of the Abyssal Demon Gods and make them interested in launching an investigation.

After completing the exploration, you will definitely get a surprise.

After the last accident, the real spirit world has become very famous, and many abyssal demon gods know about this world.

Not every world can encounter dozens of demon gods invading at the same time, and then be expelled from the country in embarrassment.

Such a great shame and humiliation can be said to be extremely rare.

I also know that in the true spirit world, there are countless spiritual monks living, and countless benefits can be obtained by harvesting them.

It's a pity that in the true spirit world, there is a damn demon city to expel the coming abyss demon.

The strength of the demon city is extremely strong, among a large group of abyssal demon gods, none of them are their opponents.

After they were expelled and killed and forced to flee the True Spirit World, they spread negative news about the True Spirit World everywhere.

There are many slanders about the Demon City, claiming that it is a terrifying place and it is best to stay away from it as much as possible.

Once you fall into it, you will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Such malicious propaganda was actually done on purpose, the purpose was to prevent other monsters from descending on the true spirit world.

Keep this world for easy access in the future.

Such an operation is actually a last resort. Since the existence of the true spirit world cannot be hidden, then pour as much dirty water as possible.

If other demon gods are afraid, they will stay away as much as possible.

They will seize the opportunity and continue to plot the true spiritual world, thereby gaining more benefits.

The slander plan is being implemented, but we don't want another accident to happen.

The news that suddenly spread caused a sensation in the abyss of the underworld, and many abyss demons were attracted by the inheritance of the ancient beasts.

They use various means to collect information about the real spirit world, trying to figure out what's going on.

Soon they discovered that the facts were different from the rumors.

Although the demon god who came to the true spirit world tried every means to hide his past experiences, there is no impermeable wall in the world.

Although the real spirit world is very dangerous, the rewards are quite rich. As long as you are not driven by greed, you will have a chance to return with a full reward.

The last time the demons were frustrated, it was actually because they were too greedy and refused to leave when it was time to leave.

This time the God's Tomb appears, it is another great opportunity that cannot be easily missed.

Soon, a group of demon gods took action one after another, trying their best to descend to the real spirit world.

Out of prudent considerations, they will definitely not come directly to the clone, but let their demon servants take action.

The magic thought is attached to it, and it is always exploring the surroundings to obtain detailed information.

These manipulated monks took the initiative to enter the interior of the tomb, wanting to see if everything was as it was rumored.

Those abyss demon gods who have descended into the true spirit world and received benefits are now angry and anxious.

Originally, he wanted to pour sewage and make the Real Spirit World a taboo place, so that he could enjoy the benefits to himself.

Unexpectedly, someone deliberately spread the news and made the matter known to everyone.

It is no longer possible to monopolize resources, so we can only use the original advantages to obtain as many benefits as possible.

In a short period of time, the demons in the real spirit world were dancing wildly, and the surrounding area of ​​the God's Tomb Palace became more and more lively.

After spreading for a period of time, more and more monks knew about the God's Tomb Palace and gathered here one after another.

Most of the monks among them are holding the idea of ​​trying their luck, and most of them hold pass tokens in their hands.

There are still quite a few practitioners who want to take advantage of this opportunity to increase their knowledge and complete the transaction.

When the number of practitioners increases, a trading market will spontaneously form, and there will be opportunities to see many good things.

If you are lucky, you can make a fortune in this market.

What people didn't expect was that the magic city, which had become famous in the real spirit world, was actually joining in the fun at this time.

On a certain night, when the blood moon hung high in the night sky, the gate of the magic city appeared in front of countless monks.

Seeing the appearance of the magic city, many monks cheered.

There are quite a few monks here who have entered the magic city before, so they naturally know its benefits.

Those who have never entered it have heard various rumors and have always been fascinated by it.

Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the Demon City are uncertain, and without enough perseverance and luck, there is no chance of entering it.

Now that the Demon City appears on its own initiative, there is no need to travel across mountains and rivers to find and track it, which is naturally a joyful thing.

They may not be able to obtain the opportunities in the God's Tomb, but they may have the opportunity to benefit from the Demon City.

However, when the monks tried to enter, they encountered some restrictions. Because there were too many people, they had to be randomly selected.

In the wilderness outside the gate of the magic city, there will be many demonized guardians, as well as a black stone roulette as tall as a person.

Those who want to enter the magic city can spin the wheel.

If you are lucky enough and become a lucky tourist, you can enter the Magic City to visit and trade.

If it is not selected, no matter what method is used, it is impossible to enter it.

Practitioners feel quite sorry for such a rule, but they can understand this behavior.

If so many practitioners all poured into the Demon City, it would inevitably cause a huge burden.

Restricting those who enter is a matter of course, and there is no need to make a fuss at all.

The cultivator, who had an enmity with the Demon God, felt very flustered now, for fear that his plan would not be affected.

The previous incidents are enough to prove that Mocheng is a super shit-stirring stick, and anyone who provokes it will be unlucky.

Now that the Demon City appears, something unexpected might happen.

(End of this chapter)

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