I have a city in another world

Chapter 4993 Melee at God’s Tomb

Chapter 4993 Melee at God’s Tomb
Sure enough, it didn't take long for several mythical beast monks to pass the first five levels.

As Tang Zhen previously deduced, it is basically not difficult for the mythical beast monks to pass the first five levels.

You don't need to do your best to get through it easily.

After they returned, they caused quite a stir and brought infinite confidence to the practitioners.

In the eyes of these practitioners, what others can do, they can also do.

You just need to work harder and persist, and success will come to you.

These monks thought well. If they were well prepared, they might also pass the first five levels smoothly.

However, their end point may be limited to the fifth level.

After the practitioner passes the first five levels, he will indeed receive some rewards, but it is impossible to satisfy the greedy practitioner.

The stronger the monk, the more so the mentality.

When the customs clearer returned smoothly and explained the whole process, the senior management of the beast clan finally made a decision.

The information previously obtained is true. There is indeed a legacy of ancient divine beasts inside the tomb of the gods, and it will not suppress the realm of monks.

For the mythical beast monks, this is a good thing that they can only hope for.

They have strong strength and enough self-confidence that they are sure that they can enter the tomb of the gods for a while.

Once you pass the trial successfully, you can obtain the ancient inheritance, and fly to the sky from then on.

No monk can refuse such a huge benefit, especially the greedy beast monks.

The beast cultivators of various races are now gearing up, with various plans in mind.

There are even some races who want to monopolize and keep this ancient inheritance in their own hands.

However, such an idea is too arrogant, and it is basically impossible to realize it.

Such a huge benefit cannot be monopolized by one family, otherwise they are seeking their own death.

The fatter you eat, the worse you will die.

When encountering this kind of thing, we must find a way to cooperate and share huge benefits together.

Your scrambling behavior may lead to the loss of both sides in the end, and no one will get any benefits.

Even so, there are always some greedy practitioners who wish they could get more.

For example, the dark wolf clan formed an alliance before to attack other races.

Their goal is very clear, that is, they want to monopolize the entire inheritance.

Previously, due to the relocation of the God's Tomb, the war in the upper world was temporarily suspended, but the original alliance was not disbanded.

They are still in the dark, like a group of greedy wolves, ready to launch a crazy attack at any time.

This time to investigate the tomb of the gods, the monks of the dark wolf tribe were also among them, and their greed and desire were aroused again.

But how could it be possible to divide hundreds of inheritances?

Sure enough, in the eyes of greedy people, no amount of benefits is too much, and they don't want anyone to share it with them.

Before results were achieved, internal strife broke out.

In a short period of time, the beast clan was divided into several factions, and they decided to form an alliance in the next trial.

Suppress the opponent as much as possible, ensure that the allies pass smoothly, and finally obtain the inheritance of the mythical beast.

In a short period of time, the number of descendants from all major races surged again, and at least a dozen immortals were sent out.

They led the True Spirit monks into the temple to participate in the next trial.

Tang Zhen didn't know until this moment that there was a team mode in the God's Tomb Trial.

However, in this team mode, the reward for clearing the level only belongs to one person, and the other team members can only be regarded as foils.

This mode is allowed to exist because the subsequent levels are too difficult, which will cause no one to obtain the inheritance of ancient mythical beasts.

A result like this would definitely go against the original intention of establishing the Tomb of Gods.

In order to ensure the smooth continuation of the inheritance, the Tomb of Gods has such rules that allow trialists to get help from their partners.

But when it comes to the final level, the tester still needs to go into battle in person, and start a life-and-death fight with other enemies.

Only in this way can one prove one's own bravery and not humiliate this great inheritance.

The mythical beast clan has always been like this. Brutal competition is almost constant throughout life. Nature will eliminate the weak. Only the strong can ensure the inheritance and prosperity of the race.

The mythical beast monks from the upper world have regarded the inheritance of the mythical beast as their own and do not allow others to compete for it.

In the eyes of these divine beast monks, the interior of the divine tomb is the legacy of their ancestors, which should belong to them.

Other monks participating in the trial are no different from bandits and must be killed.

Of course, there is no need to pay attention to these competitors before reaching the final level. Just kill them if you can, otherwise there is no need to deliberately target them.

The smug and smug beast monks had no idea at this moment that the biggest competitor had quietly arrived.

Demon gods from the abyss of the underworld have also arrived in large numbers, and they also lead a group of controlled demon servants.

During this period of time, they also figured out the specific situation, and they couldn't wait to start taking action.

Without the participation of the Abyssal Demon God, the cultivators of the beasts would naturally dominate the family, and the competition would only be an internal problem.

But when the abyssal demon gods were involved, the situation became completely different. They were even more crazy and persistent than the beast monks.

The two parties all entered the competition in the tomb of the gods, and the conflict broke out quickly because of this. If they disagreed, they would fight to the death.

It was only then that the beast monks were extremely shocked to discover that the Abyss Demon God had also sneaked in.

Both parties have a common goal, and no one can choose to retreat, even if there is a short-lived and failed cooperation.

The originally strong self-confidence was suddenly severely affected by the addition of the Abyss Demon God.

The two sides refused to give in to each other, and the battle began.

From the beginning of the war, the two sides were inseparable.

Because of being in a closed space, the trial cannot be terminated once it starts, resulting in the inability to spread the news to the outside world.

As a result, strange things happened, and the inside of the tomb of the gods was turned upside down, but the outside world knew nothing about it.

In the days that followed, waves of monks poured into the tomb of the gods one after another.

Their purpose is very simple, just want to take advantage of the opportunity to pick up cheap.

It turns out that after the fifth level, as long as the remaining levels are successfully passed, they will no longer be regenerated.

Forming an independent space, separated from the previous level.

Before the inheritance of the beast is obtained, the practitioner can continue to move forward at any time, but after entering, he cannot return.

Practitioners can choose to stop moving forward, wander in the huge space, and collect various items.

Many of the items in these god tombs are extremely valuable and can be exchanged for a lot of wealth from the outside world.

In a short period of time, the interior of the God's Tomb has become a place for treasure hunting, and many practitioners who have passed the fifth level have gained a lot.

Of course, there are more monks who choose to move on, because they belong to two camps and are burdened with their own missions.

To put it bluntly, they are a group of cannon fodder who must constantly sacrifice their lives to ensure their own advantage.

Up to now, Tang Zhen has only been watching in secret, but he has not entered the interior of the tomb for a long time.

Like other monks, Tang Zhen would be unable to retreat once he entered.

Either pass the level successfully or lose your life in it.

How could Tang Zhen be careless about such a dangerous thing, he had to be fully prepared before he could act.

For a period of time, he browsed the cornerstone platform every day, looking for items suitable for his own use.

As a cornerstone platform for backers, it was really powerful at critical moments, allowing Tang Zhen to pick up a lot of good things.

With these items close by, Tang Zhen became more confident.

(End of this chapter)

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