I have a city in another world

Chapter 4995 Divine Beast Parasite

Chapter 4995 Divine Beast Parasite

No matter what the beauty around the world chooses, Tang Zhen's goal is very clear and there will never be any changes or compromises.

Because of the beauties on all sides, Tang Zhen was indeed able to enjoy some special privileges inside this divine tomb.

For example, follow closely behind, hide in the shadows, and watch the other party work hard.

In the process of hiding, he can perfectly hide himself and will not be found by the enemies in the battle.

Being able to do this is already quite difficult.

The testers who can go to the end are all immortals and demon gods, and they will not be suppressed by the realm in the tomb of the gods.

Their probing ability can be said to be extremely powerful, and they are extremely vigilant.

You can easily discover various hidden dangers and eliminate them as soon as possible.

The beast soul, similar to the beauty on all sides, can be hidden smoothly because it is protected by the rules.

Once they encounter the tester, they will probably be killed.

This is a group of ridiculous beings. Because they have the appearance of mythical beasts, they claim to be the reincarnation of ancient mythical beasts.

Even though they knew very well that this was just deceiving themselves, they still persisted.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not, as long as you get the inheritance of the ancient beast, the false will become true.

Under the cover of beauties on all sides, Tang Zhen continued to move forward, during which he saw the scenes left over from the war.

Ruins and scorched earth are everywhere, and broken corpses can be seen from time to time, which shows that both sides have tried their best.

Regardless of the monks of the true spirit clan or the servants of demons, there is actually no possibility of retreating.

As cannon fodder, they are now involuntarily, as if bullets pressed in the barrel are being continuously sent into the barrel.

Fire your shot, killing your enemies and destroying yourself at the same time.

In this cruel war, they did not gain anything, but they lost their most precious lives.

This is the importance of choice. How beautiful it once was, how miserable it is now.

The benefits received will always be returned in multiples at some point.

It's okay to risk your own life, but I'm afraid the price is far from enough, and it will eventually lead to disaster for the entire race.

This is not alarmist talk, the current true spirit race is facing such a fatal crisis.

Over the years, they have been raised by the beast clan, and they have harvested countless cultivation resources.

There is no benefit for nothing, and now it is time to pay the price. Even if he is reluctant in every way, he has to succumb to the oppression of the monks of the beast.

When facing the human monks, the mythical beast clan is indeed powerful, and the tribulation-transcending warriors within the race dominate the world.

But facing the beast monks, they have no qualifications to be arrogant. Once they resist, they will be annihilated.

The result of yielding was that he was treated as cannon fodder in the proving ground, and there was not even a corpse to collect after death.

As for those demon servants, they couldn't help themselves. After being controlled by the Abyss Demon God, their lives no longer belonged to them.

The master who controls them will not have the slightest pity, even if they are all dead, they will not frown.

The competition in the proving ground in the early stage was a collision of flesh and blood, which eventually led to such a tragic scene.

Although the scene of the battlefield was tragic, Tang Zhen was not affected in the slightest.

He had not been on the road to spiritual practice for long, but he had witnessed many tragic wars, and the scenes were even more terrifying than what he saw before him.

The key point is that these wars were completely led by him, which resulted in the sacrifice of countless lives.

Death has long been commonplace for Tang Zhen and will not be affected at all.

Tang Zhen's calm performance actually surprised the beauties around him.

After the God's Tomb Trial Ground was opened, it met many practitioners and witnessed various things.

Conspiracy and deceit, ugliness and betrayal are constantly being staged during the trial. The fear of death and the greed for inheritance make them do all kinds of incredible things.

The original intention of all this is just to be able to survive.

The four-faced beauty was born in the tomb of the gods. She has never seen such a cunning and scheming person. It can be said that she was seriously stimulated.

I am afraid that one day, I will encounter this kind of thing and be calculated by those terrible practitioners.

It was also because of fear that it never came into contact with the tester, lest it fall into the opponent's conspiracy trap.

Compared with the terrifying tester, Tang Zhen, who was silent and low-key, seemed more friendly and safer.

With such a mentality, it makes it look forward to cooperation even more.

How did the beauty on all sides know that compared to those cunning and crazy practitioners, Tang Zhen was the real one to be feared.

After all, this fatal collision was planned by Tang Zhen himself.

Traveling through the chaotic battlefield, Tang Zhen finally saw both sides of the war.

Perhaps because of the abundance of cannon fodder, even after the battle until now, there are still many practitioners in both camps.

But most of the monks are covered with bruises, and now they are gritting their teeth and persevering.

I wanted to take a break, but the battlefield situation did not allow it. As long as I relaxed a little, the enemy would launch a crazy attack.

The enemies are not just competitors, but also various monsters in the Tomb of Gods, who block the trials and move forward.

The shape of these monsters looks quite strange, and they are not afraid of death in battle.

The monsters in front of us are similar in appearance to the Four-Face Beauty, but have six legs and four pairs of arms.

There are also a large number of tentacles on the body, insect-like wings, and highly poisonous setae.

This kind of terrifying monster is actually a parasite on the body of the four-faced beauty. After the body falls and dies, these parasites become the guardians of the tomb of the god.

If you want to obtain the inheritance of the mythical beast, you must defeat it and gain the recognition of the parasite.

Without defeating them, there is no way to move on.

Ordinary creatures avoid things like parasites and treat them as harm to the body.

Divine beasts are different. Parasites are not their patients, but their servants and means of fighting.

Because of the special symbiotic relationship, the mythical beasts take good care of the parasites and even deliberately improve their bloodline.

When ordinary creatures obtain the blood of divine beasts, they can truly reach the sky in one step, and even have the opportunity to acquire some innate magical powers.

There are strong and weak innate supernatural powers, but no matter which one they are, they are far beyond ordinary monk skills.

Faced with such a powerful parasite, the tester naturally has to use all his strength, otherwise not only will he fail to pass the test, but he may even be annihilated.

Not only the cannon fodder monks devoted all their strength, but the beast monks and abyss demons who were in charge also frequently participated in the battle.

It doesn't work if you don't shoot, because the parasite's strength is too fierce, and it also poses a serious threat to them.

The parasites of these divine beasts actually possessed the strength comparable to that of a fairy, which made them unexpected, and they were shocked and anxious in their hearts.

None of these servants of the ancient divine beasts is weak, and it is far more difficult than imagined to obtain the inheritance.

The battlefield at this moment is obviously not conducive to the trialists, and the huge number of parasites faintly have the upper hand.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen chose to stand on the sidelines. If the cultivator of the beast was killed, Tang Zhen would save a lot of trouble.

However, he also knew very well that these beast monks from the upper world must have their own magical powers.

If you want to kill it, these parasites alone can't do it.

It should be understood that these mythical beast parasites are just slaves of the ancient mythical beasts, but the mythical beast monks are the real descendants.

Although their bloodlines have long since ceased to be pure, they have nothing to do with the beauties around them.

But even so, it was definitely not a group of parasites.

Although it can't be killed, it can be stopped and severely injured, which prevents it from obtaining the inheritance of the ancient beast.

Seeing that the situation is getting more and more serious, the cultivator of the beast and the abyss demon had to choose cooperation for the time being.

After passing this level, it won't be too late for the two sides to decide the winner.

Both sides used their trump cards to launch ferocious attacks on the parasites, and the battle became more and more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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