I have a city in another world

Chapter 4996 The Dangerous Trial

Chapter 4996 The Dangerous Trial

The strength of the beast clan is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary monks.

Inherited in the upper realm for many years, it has grown and improved continuously during this period, and has already become a real behemoth.

When fighting the enemy, all kinds of methods were used, and it was really fierce to the extreme.

Exercising it with all its strength at this moment is really amazing, and it suppressed the beast parasite in an instant.

The Abyss Demon God, who was assisting on the side, seized this fleeting opportunity to launch a sneak attack on the parasites of the mythical beasts.

Rolling demonic energy appeared out of thin air, like mist floating in the air, contaminating the body of the mythical beast parasite like glue.

Objects touched by demonic energy will corrode rapidly in an instant, and even a body of steel cannot withstand it.

A burst of screams and rage erupted from the parasites, proving that the attack had achieved results.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the parasite's body is constantly decomposing, and the weapons in its hands are also rapidly rusting.

The incomparably foul smell permeated in an instant.

If you continue to be corroded by demonic energy, it won't take long for the parasite to turn into a pile of dregs.

The low-level mythical beast parasites fled the battlefield immediately, not daring to fight with the Abyss Demon God again.

They guard the remains of divine beasts and prevent the incompetent from easily stealing them, but it does not mean that they can easily sacrifice their lives.

After living for so many years and passing it on from generation to generation, the mythical beast parasite also has its own ideas.

They want to survive forever, and even become a new race of beasts.

Beyond that, there are other options.

When a new inheritor appears, they can also choose to follow and continue to serve as the other party's slaves and protectors.

Following the ancient beasts, the future is bright.

Little did he know that in the heart of the parasite, he was also plotting to inherit the mythical beast, and he had been working hard over the years.

However, their situation is the same as that of many beast souls. Even after many years of planning, they have never been able to get what they wanted.

The unexpected opening of the God's Tomb this time is both a crisis and an opportunity, enough to stir up this stagnant water.

As the guardian, the parasite also wants to use this opportunity to strive for the inheritance of the ancient beast.

Of course, before that, they need to fulfill their duties and block and kill all the testers.

However, the fierce tester made them feel panicked and uneasy, knowing that it would be difficult to stop them today.

Since you can't fight recklessly, then choose to retreat decisively, and then slowly look for opportunities later.

Before the inheritors appeared, they always had a chance.

Seeing the escape of the divine beast parasite, the monks immediately burst into cheers to celebrate the victory of this war.

But in an instant, they looked at each other with vigilance and murderous intent in their eyes.

Without enemies blocking the way, they will become competitors, and they may start a life-and-death fight again at any time.

At this time, you must be careful to prevent the opponent from turning his face and launching a sneak attack without warning.

Both sides are wary and the atmosphere is extremely tense.
Although he failed to kill the parasite, he barely passed the level, and there were three more levels in the next time.

If you can pass the customs smoothly, you can get the inheritance of the beauties on all sides.

The monks on both sides remained silent and continued to move forward quickly, just to reach the next level as soon as possible.

Suspicious figures kept appearing in the ruins of buildings along the way, and among the vegetation.

Parasites that have not been eliminated may come back at any time and launch a deadly sneak attack from behind.

There are still unknown dangers ahead, which may suddenly come at any time and cause huge casualties.

Not to mention there are competitors, with wolf-like eyes, ready to attack at any time.

Going all the way like this, you will soon see a boundless ocean.

Although the water surface was calm, no one dared to take it lightly. After seeing those terrible parasites, the monks suspected that there must be something terrible in the water.

If you want to move on, you must pass the sea, otherwise you can only be stuck here.

But there is no way out for this trip, either pass the customs inheritance trial, or die in this god's tomb.

Contribute a living sacrifice to those fallen beasts.

Soon some monks probed and tried to fly from the air, but it didn't take long for their faces to turn pale.

It turns out that there are invisible forces in the air that oppress the practitioners, making them unable to fly freely in the air.

The further you fly forward, the greater the pressure.

Soon these probing practitioners were overwhelmed and fell extremely fast, and they were about to fall into the calm water.

They guessed that there was danger under the water and would not dare to enter the water easily, so they tried their best to stabilize their bodies.

I want to get away from the water and fly back to the shore.

But because of gravity, the scouting monks couldn't fly too high at all, and could only pass half a meter above the water surface.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a huge black shadow appeared under the water.

There was a frightened expression on the face of the investigating monk, desperately trying to move and dodge.

But at this moment, the investigating monks are as slow as an old cow, and even with all their strength, they can't be faster than the terrifying shadow under the water.

Under the gaze of onlookers, several terrifying mouths appeared under the mirror-like water, tearing the water surface in an instant.

The exploring monk was unable to escape, and was swallowed up by the terrifying mouth, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Such a huge movement did not cause much waves, and the water surface soon became calm.

It was as if the monster just now had never appeared before.

The monks on the bank saw it with their own eyes, and they all felt terrified. The practitioners who were investigating were not weak, but they were still instantly killed by the monsters in the water.

How do you operate to ensure your own safety?

Many thoughts flashed through the hearts of a group of monks, and the feeling of uneasiness became more intense.

The beast monk who is the commander and the abyss demon from the underworld all have indifferent faces at this moment.

Obviously in their hearts, they are also secretly thinking, how can they pass the test smoothly?
Fortunately, there is no time limit for crossing the sea, and you can slowly figure out a way. Otherwise, if you forcefully cross the sea without preparation, you will inevitably suffer tragic casualties.

Not to mention these cannon fodder monks, even the beast monks and abyssal demon gods may not be able to pass smoothly.

Those underwater monsters just now, although only showing a big mouth, disappeared in an instant.

But the breath that leaked made them feel terrified, knowing the strength of the water monster is definitely not easy.

If you start a confrontation with the opponent on his territory, you may suffer big losses if you are not careful.

Inheritance trial is not a game. If you fail, you will have to pay your life. Only by saving your life can you become the final winner.

The two teams of competitors, who were wary of each other, fell silent again at this moment.

The previous confrontation between the two sides was extremely brutal, and everyone thought that the next level would be like this.

But they don't want to approach the end, the opportunities for fighting gradually decrease, but the opportunities for cooperation are more and more.

However, the two sides have already formed a deadly feud, and they are wary of each other, so it is impossible to cooperate sincerely.

Even if you choose to cooperate, you must be wary during the period.

Whether they choose to cooperate with the enemy depends on the commander's decision. If they have a way, cooperation will definitely be the last resort.

When the two sides fell silent, Tang Zhen also continued to watch.

He definitely didn't want the scene in front of him to happen, because it would delay the time infinitely, and accidents might happen at any time.

Dangerous but not desperate, it will not let the monks of the beasts fall.

If possible, Tang Zhen could even help and help the trialists overcome the hurdles in front of them.

Fast forward to the last level, where the testers fight each other to determine the final winner.

(End of this chapter)

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