Chapter 4997
Tang Zhen wanted to help, but unfortunately the situation did not allow it.

If he jumped out at this moment, he would definitely become the target of public criticism, and be attacked jointly by the monks of the beast and the abyssal demon.

For them, the threat posed by Tang Zhen was far greater than any competitor.

With Demon City participating in the competition, they have no chance of winning at all, and can only be reduced to a foil for the inheritance trial.

From this, we can know how much psychological shadow Tang Zhen had caused on both parties.

When encountering the Demon City, it must be regarded as the priority to kill, so as not to be busy until the end, but the Demon City enjoys the benefits.

It's not that they are too careful, but that the magic city is too weird, and they must be vigilant to deal with it.

In this special situation, Tang Zhen was destined not to be welcomed.

Even if he offers advice, the tester may not listen to him, but will instead be suspicious of him.

Thinking that he has evil intentions and wants to carry out conspiracy.

As a voyeur in the dark, but taking the initiative to intervene is tantamount to giving up the initiative.

In the following time, it is likely to be passive everywhere, eventually leading to the complete bankruptcy of the plan.

After weighing the pros and cons, Tang Zhen continued to watch with cold eyes.

As an excellent hunter, you must have enough patience. If you can't make a shot at the right time, it is very likely that all previous efforts will be wasted.

I just hope that these guys can figure out a solution as soon as possible, instead of being stuck here all the time.

It's a pity that Tang Zhen has limited authority and cannot freely shuttle through other trial passages, otherwise he will definitely be able to find suitable hunting targets.

There is no need to stay here and stare at these two groups of testers.

Time passed slowly, and it was a day in a blink of an eye.

In the past time, the two groups of monks have been trying to find a way, but they have never found a safe solution.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, coming from far away.

The monks looked back and saw many figures in the distance, killing them aggressively.

Judging from the scale and status, the other party is also a tester, and he is bringing a large group of cannon fodder monks.

Seeing this, the Abyss Demon God showed a vigilant expression.

Judging by the attire of these practitioners, they clearly belonged to the mythical beast family.

This is not a good thing.

Although different races are competitors, when facing the Abyss Demon God, the beast monks belong to the same body.

If the other party cooperates and attacks Him, how should we respond then?
The trial ground is like a prison. If you can't pass the level, you will be trapped here forever.

If the beast cultivator insists on chasing and killing them, he will definitely gain something.

However, as an abyssal demon god, he will not let anyone manipulate him. If the enemy wants to succeed, he must pay the price.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, but we may not be able to defeat the strong with the weak.

At this moment, the Abyss Demon God has quietly prepared to take action immediately if the situation goes wrong.

It is a truth on the battlefield that you gain strength by striking first, and suffer disaster by striking later.

In a state of fighting to the death, whoever can take the priority will likely become the final winner.

He looked at his competitor again, the beast monk who didn't know the specific race, and found that the other party also had a gloomy face.

This group of testers who had just arrived did not satisfy him, and even became more worried.

Today's mythical beast clan is no longer monolithic, but divided into many different camps.

The war caused many casualties, many of them killing each other, and thus they also forged deep hatred.

It cannot be eliminated with a few words of peace, or some cooperation with certain interests. According to the nature of the beast monk, sooner or later the enemy will pay a heavy price.

This time the trial of the tomb of the gods, the contradiction was instantly intensified, and once again fell into a state of tension.

In the eyes of this beast cultivator, the group of later practitioners clearly wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.

Without participating in the previous levels, the team has almost no attrition, no wonder there is such a huge lineup.

In the face of the arrogant competitors, the confidence of the beast cultivator was seriously lacking.

At the beginning, he was still confident that he would win, thinking that he would definitely be able to inherit.

It turns out that it is more difficult than expected to obtain the inheritance of the ancient beasts.

Although I hate this group of guys, there are still some benefits, such as working together to kill the Abyss Demon.

But there is a prerequisite, you must ensure your own safety, otherwise you must act cautiously.

The previous trial levels he had experienced allowed him to judge the strength of the Abyss Demon God, and he knew that it would not be easy to kill the opponent.

A little carelessness, it is very likely to backfire on itself.

But in a short period of time, surrounded by the cannon fodder monks, two mythical beast monks appeared in front of them.

When he saw clearly the other party's origin and attire, the expression of the mythical beast monk who came first became even more ugly.

"Hahaha, it seems that we came at the right time!"

Later, a mythical beast monk looked at the two groups of trialists stopped at the coast and let out a burst of triumphant laughter.

The mythical beast monk next to him also sneered.

"We have to thank these two for helping us clear the road. This can save a lot of time."

Hearing this, another mythical beast cultivator smiled and cooperated and said: "Since this is the case, then we should really thank you, but we don't know how to express our gratitude appropriately."

"That's not easy. Killing them more happily is equivalent to saying thank you."

These two divine beast monks sang and communicated in public, posing as if they were defiant.

Such an arrogant attitude was clearly intentional.

Naturally, the Abyssal Demon God and the beast cultivator refused to be easily fooled, and just responded with a sneer.

They currently do not have the ability to completely expel each other, so they can only grit their teeth silently and endure.

There is no point in a war of words, and they will never be easily fooled.

However, the beast cultivator who came first still said in a cold voice: "I want to see how long you guys can continue to be rampant!"

No wonder he had a solemn expression before. It turned out that these two mythical beast monks were also hostile in the upper world.

Although the Changtian League stopped its operations not long ago, it did not announce its dissolution.

As the news of the tomb of the gods spread, the Tianchang League became active again, descending on a large scale and launching operations.

Compared with the fierceness and decisiveness of the Changtian League, the other races of beasts obviously lack courage and are more conservative in their actions.

As a result, during the trial, the monks of the Tianchang League have an advantage. In some popular inheritance channels of the beasts, the Tianchang League even showed a tendency to crush.

The other trialists, whether they were divine beast monks or abyss demons, were all suppressed.

But it was limited to this. It was basically impossible for the Changtian League to monopolize the inheritance.

It's like a spring, which is pressed down hard, but it will rebound once it relaxes.

The harder the suppression, the stronger the rebound.

Both sides are aware of this, and are now maintaining a state of restraint, and wait until the final battle before attacking with all their strength.

Although there are rules and regulations in the God's Tomb, and the trialists are not allowed to return without clearing the level, there are still ways for practitioners to keep in touch.

They also have a general understanding of the situation in the tomb of the gods.

I believe it won’t be long before the major races will take action to counter the tyrannical behavior of the Sky-Changing Alliance.

It is about the inheritance of the ancient gods and beasts, and we must not give in easily.

Knowing this, he will face the provocative attacks of the opponent without fear.

Even if they were fighting at this moment, he was confident enough to hold on until reinforcements arrived.

Seeing this, the Abyssal Demon God just watched with cold eyes and did not participate in the other party's fight.

Inside the beast cultivator, the more chaos the better, so that he can profit from the chaos.

The two Heaven Changing Alliance monks had long been secretly wary of the Abyss Demon God.

For these abyss monsters, the monks of Changtian Alliance are very afraid and will not take the initiative to provoke them easily.

Compared to the mythical beast monks, there are two completely different treatments.

There has been very little contact between the two sides, and the Sky Changing Alliance does not know much about the Abyss Demon God, so it is naturally unwilling to fight an uncertain battle.

However, when it comes to the final battle, we still have to take action, and we must not let the Abyss Demon God take away the inheritance of the mythical beast.

(End of this chapter)

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