I have a city in another world

Chapter 4998 Tang Zhen Appears

Chapter 4998 Tang Zhen Appears
The trialists on the coast were clearly divided into three camps.

The cultivators from Changtian Alliance have the largest number, and they have an aggressive attitude, seemingly ready to attack at any time.

All the monks knew very well that this was just an act of hypocrisy, deliberately putting pressure on other competitors.

Unless they have an absolute advantage, it is impossible for the Tianzhuan Alliance to launch an attack, which is likely to cause fire.

The Changtian League is crazy and greedy on the surface, but behind it is extremely cunning, which can be seen from their behavior style.

When launching an attack, they always select the weak ones first and launch powerful attacks like thunder and lightning.

If the prey is too strong, they will give up decisively, and then look for other opportunities to attack.

The mythical beast monks of the Changtian Alliance are actually waiting silently, looking for the best time to take action.

With two fewer competitors, it will be easier to get the legacy.

Neither the Demon God of the Abyss nor another divine beast monk would give the Heaven Changing Alliance a chance to succeed.

In the stalemate among the three parties, time passed slowly.

Now the trialists of the three parties are all facing the same problem, that is, how to cross the vast ocean ahead.

The beast monks of Changtian League also sent their men to investigate, but they were also swallowed by the mysterious water monster in the end.

Feeling the power of the water monster, the monks of the Changtian Alliance were also quite afraid.

Facing the boundless ocean, they have no solution. Now they can only be trapped on the shore and worry secretly.

The arrogance and arrogance of Changtian Alliance are actually deliberately disguised, just to frighten the enemy.

When the enemy is afraid, his actions will be affected.

Planning on the battlefield is not limited to manpower and equipment, momentum and deceit are equally indispensable.

If done properly, the impact on the enemy will be even greater than that of weapons and gunfire.

Attacking the heart is the top priority, and attacking the city is the bottom priority. This is the principle.

But at this moment, the cunning monks of Changtian League also began to sigh.

"How to do?"

In their hearts, they kept thinking about the technique of crossing the sea, but in the end they were denied.

No matter which method is used, there are actually flaws and there is no guarantee of success.

They dare not try and make mistakes, let alone take risks easily.

Now that the real bodies have come to the tomb of the gods, all of them are the bodies of immortals and real demons. Although they can exert their full strength, they also have the possibility of falling.

These long-lived monks may seem extremely powerful, but they are quite cautious when facing danger.

Relying on the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and avoid danger as much as possible, can we achieve true immortality.

Tang Zhen, who was observing secretly, was quite speechless at the moment.

When the arrogant monks from the Changtian Alliance appeared, Tang Zhen still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, thinking that their arrival could break the deadlock.

In the end, I was disappointed to find that if the monks of the Changtian Alliance were more stubborn, they would only let others risk their lives to explore the way, and would never take risks themselves.

Faced with this situation, Tang Zhen felt a little uneasy.

The longer you delay, the greater the chance of something going wrong, or even making things completely out of your control.

After entering the God's Tomb for the second time, Tang Zhen had a vague feeling of uneasiness, as if something was about to happen.

If it can make him feel uneasy, it must be highly valued and vigilant at all times.

The faster the action, the better, so that there is a chance to stay away from the crisis.

Seeing that the situation was deadlocked again, Tang Zhen could no longer sit still and decided to participate in it personally.

He asked the beauties on all sides to help, and recruited a group of monsters from the tomb of the gods to serve as his temporary subordinates.

The beauties around him were puzzled and asked Tang Zhen what his plans were.

Tang Zhen briefly explained the plan, saying that this was the only way to break the situation. If he wanted to obtain the inheritance of the mythical beast, the four-sided beauties must cooperate obediently.

After hearing Tang Zhen's plan, the beauty around her also felt that she could try it.

It is very anxious at the moment, and it only wants to get the inheritance of the beast as soon as possible to avoid accidents.

At the very beginning, the beauties on all sides were planning with confidence, thinking that everything was under control.

However, as the competition escalates and more and more powerful people participate, the beauty on all sides becomes more and more guilty and uneasy.

It is just superficial, and does not have the ability of ancient beasts. When faced with many powerful and ferocious testers, it can't help but feel panic.

There were many plans in the past, but now they are completely powerless.

Previously, Beauty on All Sides was not particularly optimistic about Tang Zhen, and even planned to change other partners.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that no one was more suitable than Tang Zhen.

The beauty on all sides also found that Tang Zhen was different from other trialists in that he didn't show that kind of crazy persistence.

It seems that the inheritance of ancient mythical beasts is not very attractive to him.

Such a special performance made the beauty on all sides feel very strange, and she felt that Tang Zhen was very extraordinary.

When Tang Zhen made a request at this moment, the beauties around him hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

As a collaborator, he should fully support Tang Zhen's plan.

After waiting for a while, a large number of monsters gathered, most of which were low-level monsters with simple minds.

There are also some high-level monsters who hide behind and follow secretly, trying to figure out what Tang Zhen wants to do?

Soon they saw that Tang Zhen drove a group of monsters to collect the corpses of the monks who died in battle.

The corpses of other living beings are also within the scope of collection.

If you can't collect it, you can take the initiative to hunt and kill, and you will not refuse any type of flesh and blood.

Tang Zhen chose a beach as a place to pile up the flesh and blood, and it didn't take long for them to pile up like a mountain.

These monsters with low intelligence are very serious and quick when doing things, running like the wind without stopping.

At this time, Tang Zhen commanded a group of monsters to cut down huge trees to make boats.

The method of crossing the river by boat has actually been mentioned, but there are obviously many disadvantages.

The improvised ship could not withstand much impact at all. In front of the terrifying water monster, the wooden hull really looked like paper.

If you want to cross the sea with this, it is like delivering meals to the sea monster.

Tang Zhen is aware of this, but still uses this method. Naturally, he has a plan.

Tang Zhen did not deliberately hide his traces when he was acting, and he was quickly discovered by other trialists.

The three beast monks, as well as the abyssal demon god, chose to observe secretly.

They have determined that Tang Zhen is a trialist, but they cannot determine the force he belongs to.

If you don't know the root cause, you can't launch an attack indiscriminately, otherwise it will easily cause trouble.

Today's testers are all walking on eggshells, becoming low-key and forbearing.

The key point is that they discovered that Tang Zhen was preparing to cross the sea.

Mountains of corpses and huge rafts, when the two are combined, it is easy to imagine a scene.

Tang Zhen went out to sea by boat, and there were countless corpses piled up on the raft. When the water monster appeared, he would feed it in time.

The water monster that is fed may not launch an attack, allowing the tester to pass through the water.

If it really works, it can be emulated.

However, it is also possible that this is a trap to lure them into being fooled and sent to their deaths.

What is the truth, one must observe quietly before making a decision.

In the following time, Tang Zhen was busy giving instructions, and a giant raft was also built.

Under the command of Tang Zhen, the raft was pushed into the ocean, and the corpses collected previously were also transported up.

After the last corpse was moved to the raft, Tang Zhen set sail with a group of monsters.

At the same time, a huge black shadow under the water silently attacked the raft.

(End of this chapter)

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