Trap in the sea
Tang Zhen stood on the raft, his eyes sweeping across the water, staring at the sudden black shadow.

The size of the raft is huge, comparable to a small moving island, it is absolutely impossible for monsters to swallow it in one bite.

But it is not difficult for the water monster to destroy it. It is estimated that a flick of its tail can smash a piece of it.

The ocean is the monster's chassis, if it wants to attack, no one can stop it.

Besides, there is definitely more than one monster in the sea.

Tang Zhen was aware of this, and had no intention of confronting the sea monster head-on, as that would only be a suicide attempt.

He was ready to use his trump card to cross this vast ocean.

When the black shadow appeared, Tang Zhen immediately commanded the monster to throw some corpses on the raft into the water.

The corpse had been processed by him, and it contained medicine obtained from the Cornerstone Platform. The effect was unexpectedly good.

Of course, Tang Zhen hadn't used it before, and he didn't know the actual effect.

But Tang Zhen has absolute trust in the cornerstone platform, and knows that he will never let himself down.

After the body entered the water, it emitted a strange smell, which quickly attracted the attention of the water monster.

It gave up tracking the raft, quickly approached the poison bait corpses, and quickly swallowed them.

"Go all out."

At this moment, Tang Zhen commanded a group of monsters on the raft to paddle forward continuously.

The monster beast acted as the boatman, and performed quite well, using various methods to make the raft fly as fast as it could.

Looking at the huge black shadow under the water, after swallowing the flesh and blood thrown by Tang Zhen, it stopped chasing for some reason.

Quietly stopped in place, occasionally moved, but soon there was no movement.

"What's going on? Why doesn't the water monster move?"

The practitioners watching from the shore were slightly taken aback when they saw this, and vaguely thought of a possibility.

"Is this guy using poison?"

Changing to the beast cultivator of the Tianmeng, he asked his accomplice in a surprised tone.

"Maybe so, let's see again!"

Another cultivator of the Changtian League also had bright eyes, faintly seeing the hope of crossing the sea.

The Abyssal Demon God and another beast cultivator were also staring intently at the moment, locked on to the shadow and Tang Zhen who was going away.

In their hearts, a thought is being generated.

Is it possible to follow Tang Zhen and let him lead the way while I cross the sea closely behind?
If it were as expected and the water monster was controlled or poisoned, there would be no problem in following him across the sea together.

You can easily pass the level without breaking a sweat.

Be afraid, be afraid, things are different from what you imagined, and if you encounter any danger on the way, wouldn't it be regrettable.

They had not come into contact with Tang Zhen, and they did not know whether this human monk would plot against them secretly.

While hesitating, the tester sent his monks to fly into the ocean to investigate.

The monk in charge of the investigation approached the monster tremblingly, fearing that it would be swallowed by one bite.

As a result, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the giant water monster did not react at all, and it really seemed to be dead.

In order to determine the specific situation, the investigating monks also launched an attack, but the water monster still made no movement.

The inspector monk was pleasantly surprised, and went directly into the water to investigate, but only saw a cloud of cloudy water mist.

It turns out that underwater monsters have no entities at all.

But before that, they witnessed with their own eyes that the black shadow broke through the water, revealing its terrifying mouth and devouring its accomplices.

Presumably this is the form of a monster. It is a chaos underwater, and it becomes a reality after it emerges from the water.

The damage from the water surface can be easily resolved by the water monster.

In order to verify this, the scout monk took out a large amount of sewage and brought it above the water.

Sure enough, as expected, but in an instant, this sewage turned into strange flesh and blood.

Put it in the water again, and it turned into sewage slime again.

After figuring out the specific situation, the investigating monk immediately returned and informed him of the specific situation in detail.

The four trialists were observing secretly. They had already seen the specific situation clearly and had made up their minds at this moment.

The opportunity is right in front of you and you need to give it a try.

They issued orders one after another to chop down trees and build boats as quickly as possible, trying to get into the water in the shortest time.

After receiving the order, the monks acted at an extremely fast speed, and soon giant rafts were built.

Compared with the raft made by Tang Zhen, the things built in a hurry must be inferior, but it should not be a problem for crossing the sea.

After all, the raft's drivers are a group of powerful monks who only need a foothold on the sea.

The practitioners' various methods also came in handy at this moment, and the raft was reinforced in multiple ways.

Just so that it can last longer when used.

During this period of shipbuilding, the four experimenters were constantly observing, and even went into the ocean to test it out personally.

They were finally able to confirm that the monster had been dealt with by Tang Zhen.

The results of such an investigation also shocked the four trainees, and they became more and more afraid of Tang Zhen who did not know his origin.

What kind of method can poison the water monster? The whole process is silent.

It is a simple thing to say, but it is quite difficult to do it. You must have extraordinary means to do it.

When dealing with such enemies, one must be extra careful to avoid being poisoned silently.

Compared with violent fighting methods, this invisible and highly poisonous poison really makes the enemy feel fear.

The fierce and weird water monsters were all easily killed by poison, and they may not be able to withstand this terrible poison.

Next time you have contact with Tang Zhen, you must be extra careful to avoid being poisoned by him.

The raft that was urgently built quickly entered the water smoothly. Under the operation of a group of monks, it cut through the waves at an extremely fast speed.

Although it could become faster, the four groups of trainees did not pursue it tacitly, but kept a certain distance from Tang Zhen in front of him.

To avoid being noticed by Tang Zhen and being targeted again.

During this period, they also saw groups of black shadows under the water, which must have been water monsters killed by poisonous baits.

The motionless water monster made them feel frightened.

Going all the way like this, after about half a day, the coast appeared faintly ahead.

Seeing this, all the monks were overjoyed.

If we move forward at this speed, it won't take long to successfully cross this strange sea.

As a result, at this moment, they suddenly discovered that Tang Zhen in front of him suddenly accelerated.

It seems that there is an invisible force that is pushing the giant raft so that it can travel quickly in the water.

Like a sharp arrow, it shot rapidly towards the shore.

The sudden acceleration immediately aroused the vigilance of the testers behind, always feeling that something was going to happen.

"Let's speed up too! Let me catch up!"

The Abyssal Demon God reacted the fastest, and immediately drove his servants to move forward at the fastest speed.

At this moment, there were bursts of coldness in his eyes, realizing that he had still fallen into Tang Zhen's trap.

But it doesn't matter, he is sure enough to get rid of the pursuit of the water monster.

After going ashore, he must come back with revenge and let Tang Zhen know the price of plotting against the Abyssal Demon God.

The other three divine beast monks also reacted all the time, and gave orders to speed up.

They also took action and were ready to fight.

As long as they go ashore smoothly, there is no possibility for any conspiracy to be carried out smoothly.

As soon as the order to advance was given, black shadows were seen rushing towards them under the surrounding sea.

They are all terrifying water monsters, rushing straight towards them.

This terrifying scene surprised the four testers, and their mood became more and more tense.

They didn't know how Tang Zhen did this, but they knew that if they couldn't resolve it, they might lose their lives.

The hatred in my heart was so intense that I wished I could shatter Tang into pieces.

It's a pity that such things can only be thought about in the mind. The first thing now is to get out of danger.

If you slow down, you may become food for water monsters.

As for the other monks, they are just cannon fodder and do not need to be paid much attention to.

This kind of dangerous juncture just needs their sacrifices to give themselves a chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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