I have a city in another world

Chapter 5000 Fierce Sea Monster

Chapter 5000 Fierce Sea Monster

The sea monster attacked, and those who crossed the sea fell into hell.

At this moment, the four trainees were all extremely nervous, directing their monks to continuously attack.

But those attacks fell into the water without causing any movement at all. Obviously, monsters in the water are immune to physical attacks.

Softness can overcome hardness, and water can overcome all things.

Switching to a spell attack, it also has little effect. It melts quickly after entering the sea water.

Sure enough, these fierce water monsters can only cause damage when their bodies are out of the water.

If you want to prevent many water monsters from approaching by means of attack, the effect can be said to be minimal.

But at this moment, they can only act like this, delaying the time as much as possible.

But at the same time, we still need to strive to move forward, and no slack is allowed.

It's not that there is no way out, but it is right in front of us.

If you follow the route opened by Tang Zhen and move forward as quickly as possible, you will have a chance to escape the siege of the sea monster.

But in the blink of an eye, many monsters rushed in front of them and attacked the raft and the practitioners.

Huge tentacles, covered with terrifying barbs, burst out of the water in an instant and whipped towards them.

The moment the water monster surfaced, its ugly body quickly transformed into a solid body, and at the same time, the practitioners' intensive blows followed.

Their combat experience is very rich, and they can seize the fleeting opportunity to kill giant monsters that are immune to attack.

However, these monsters must be converted into entities if they want to cause harm to those crossing the sea.

There is always a road ahead, and this is actually a glimmer of hope.

Both sides launched attacks on their respective enemies in an instant, and the battle became extremely fierce for a while.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the many water monsters gathered are obviously more crazy and fierce.

The cultivators seriously suspected that Tang Zhen used some terrible means to make the monster so crazy.

When he escapes danger later and finds an opportunity, he will definitely take revenge ruthlessly.

Of course, the premise of revenge is to be able to land on land alive.

Along with the sound of destruction, the raft continued to be damaged and soon became in pieces.

There are also many monks who were swallowed by water monsters, or accidentally fell into the sea.

The monks were shocked to find that after being contaminated with sea water, their bodies would become heavy and slippery.

Unable to stand still, he kept sliding into the water.

Wanting to fly in the air, but encountering huge resistance, can be said to be a dilemma.

Facing the frantic attack of sea monsters, practitioners are in an extremely difficult situation, and their hearts are full of deep despair.

Looking at the four testers, they had already voluntarily left the raft, obviously preparing to rush out of the encirclement alone.

The target of the water monster is very clear, that is, the many practitioners on the raft, so the trialists must naturally stay away as soon as possible.

With these monks as bait, the pressure on the trialists was greatly reduced.

Seize the rare opportunity and rush to the land quickly, so that you can pass the level smoothly.

The tester doesn't care at all about the life or death of the cannon fodder monk.

Tang Zhen in the distance saw that the four trainees were each stepping on a giant log, and they were breaking through the waves at this moment.

With ferocious expressions on their faces, they continued to use their methods to block the water monsters that were trying to get closer.

The powerful men at the level of immortals and gods have really extraordinary methods, and ordinary water monsters cannot get close to them at all.

If this situation develops, it won't take long for the trialists to break through the blockade and successfully land ashore.

But such a result was definitely not what Tang Zhen wanted.

He raised his hand and waved lightly, and several pills fell into the sea water in front of him like flying bullets.

When the four testers saw this, they suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Asshole, I will kill you!"

A monk from the Changing Heaven Alliance issued a death threat to Tang Zhen, and the hatred in his heart was like a volcano erupting.

The state of hitting halfway is the most dangerous and difficult, making people feel desperate and indignant.

I can't wait to do my best to tear the enemy against me into pieces.

The other three testers also looked gloomy, looking at the water ahead vigilantly.

Just a few seconds after the elixir fell into the water, roars were heard, and all the water monsters went into a violent state.

At this moment, the water monster no longer hides at the bottom of the water like before, looking for a suitable opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

But in the blink of an eye, water monsters rushed out of the water, their huge bodies like mountains and forests.

They twisted crazily and approached, launching attacks on the four trialists. Even when they were attacked, they did not retreat.

The average strength of the water monster far exceeds that of the monks who have crossed the catastrophe, and is comparable to some practitioners at the level of true immortals.

The water monster responsible for guarding the level is naturally gifted with magical powers, and the black water it sprays is incorruptible.

The trialists tried their best to block it, and the process was extremely dangerous. If they were not careful, they would suffer heavy losses.

Facing these crazy water monsters, the four testers secretly groaned in their hearts, but they could only bite the bullet and break through.

When they tried their best to get out of the predicament, there was another wave in the distant ocean.

A sound like muffled thunder came faintly from the depths of the seabed, and the water surface became like a boiling pot.

There was no such a big movement when the group of monsters attacked just now.

The four experimenters' hearts sank, and they immediately realized that a more terrifying monster might appear.

As soon as the thought came up, I saw giant tentacles emerging from the water in all directions.

The tentacles are like giant pillars, thousands of meters high, and look no different from majestic mountains.

At the same time, on the surface of the water below, an extremely huge black shadow appeared, which made one feel frightened just by looking at it.

The heart-stopping oppressive aura also rose from the depths of the ocean and enveloped the four trialists.

"Damn, what is this!"

The four testers were keenly aware of the danger of death, and felt extremely flustered in their hearts.

At this moment, they had nothing else to think about, but tried their best to escape.

As a result, at this moment, terrifying mountain-like tentacles struck one after another.

It seemed to be very slow, but in fact it was extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, those tentacles had already arrived in front of them.


The four trialists had no choice but to resist with all their strength, roaring in anger.

With a muffled sound, the four testers were whipped around, looking extremely embarrassed.

When he was about to approach the water surface, he tried his best to stabilize his body, not daring to fall into the sea water.

It was already in a difficult situation, and if it was contaminated with sea water, it would be difficult to successfully land on land.

When the tester desperately avoided to prevent himself from being contaminated by the sea water, the huge tentacles swung at him again.

The tentacles didn't dance randomly, but were extremely organized, coordinating with continuous attacks.

Before the wave of attacks ended, another wave of attacks followed, not giving the four testers a chance to breathe.

They were like rubber balls, being whipped back and forth and flying around on the sea.

But in a short period of time, his body was covered in bruises, and his image was even more embarrassing.

Of course, at this moment, the trialist no longer cares about the image problem and just wants to get rid of the attack as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if it continues, it will be inevitable to die in the end.

But this deep-sea monster was truly terrifying and extremely powerful, and they had no way of defeating it.

Even if he wanted to escape, he was unable to do so.

"We must cooperate, or we will all die here!"

A cultivator of the mythical beast who changed the Heavenly Alliance took the initiative to contact other trialists. Looking at his extremely embarrassed posture, you knew that there was nothing you could do at this moment.

Faced with a life-or-death crisis, face is not important at all, and there is no shame in actively seeking cooperation.

As long as you can live, no matter how humble you are, after all, the loser will lose everything.

The other three trialists were in the same situation as him, and their current situation was also extremely dangerous.

Their thoughts at the moment should be the same as mine, they all want to get rid of the attack of this terrifying monster.

Sure enough, in the next moment, he received responses from three parties, expressing their willingness to cooperate to break out.

The trialists who were originally on guard and wanted to kill each other finally began to cooperate sincerely at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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