I have a city in another world

Chapter 5001 No way to escape

Chapter 5001 No way to escape

The appearance of a giant sea monster completely disrupted the situation of the battle, making the four testers extremely flustered.

They have no confidence to defeat such a powerful sea monster, so their only option is to cooperate and escape.

Tang Zhen was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be such a huge monster in this deep sea.

Compared with this giant monster, those fierce and crazy sea monsters are just like their descendants.

Such a tyrannical monster made it easier for Tang Zhen's plan to succeed, and perhaps he would receive results soon.

Looking at the four testers again, each one is in a state of distress, and may die from the giant mouth of the sea monster at any time.

Once the sea monster is successfully hunted, Tang Zhen will immediately take action to obtain the complete soul of the beast.

But he also knew that it was not easy to kill the demonic monks.

Don't look at the precarious posture of the four testers in front of them, but it's not really the end of the mountain.

At the critical moment, Tang Zhen still needs to provide a helping hand to help the four testers go directly to the sky.

Having already attacked half-crossed before, naturally I don't mind adding insult to injury.

If they didn't die, Tang Zhen would die.

When dealing with the enemy, you must use everything to the extreme.

After all, the enemy is too powerful, and his strength far exceeds that of Tang Zhen. If the opponent is given a chance to succeed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

For his own safety, Tang Zhen would not give the other party any chance.

Seeing that the four trainees actually chose to form a group to break through, Tang Zhen knew that the critical moment had come.

It may be possible to break through, but it will definitely require sacrifice.

As Tang Zhen took action, a rule talisman was activated, and the sea surface changed instantly.

Sharp water arrows were shot out from the sea and headed straight towards the four testers.

Like a violent storm, there are too many to count.

The power of the water arrow is extraordinary, it can easily penetrate gold and iron, and with the strange characteristics of sea water, the power immediately increases several steps.

The overwhelming water arrows did not do much harm to the water monster, but they caused a group of practitioners to complain endlessly.

He must allocate half of his energy to deal with the attacks of these water arrows, making his situation more and more difficult.

They originally expected to cooperate with each other and get rid of the control of the sea monster, but now they find that hope is getting slimmer.

They guessed that these water arrows should be released by Tang Zhen, and the hatred in their hearts became stronger.

"If I get a chance, I will definitely kill this thief!"

I swore secretly in my heart and finally made up my mind.

They cast their life-saving cards one after another and used the method of burning their souls in order to escape from the hands of the terrifying sea monster.

Although in this way, the strength will be seriously damaged, but at this moment, there is not much to worry about.

"Burning blood, erupt!"

"The demon disintegrates!"

Accompanied by roars, the four testers were all wrapped in blood mist, and time also froze slightly at this moment.

This method really worked, breaking through the tentacles in an instant, rushing towards the shore.

Seeing this, the four trialists accelerated the burning of their essence and blood, and the distance between them and the sea monster continued to widen.

If he keeps it up, he will definitely be able to escape and ascend to heaven.

Before they could rejoice, they heard an ear-shattering roar from the bottom of the sea, and then a giant mouth like a flower petal emerged from the sea.

Inside this huge mouth, there are layers of sharp teeth and fangs, which make people feel scalp numb at a glance.

The extremely deep throat, like a bottomless whirlpool, seems to be able to swallow everything in the world.

Behind this huge mouth, there is actually a neck like a snake's neck, which can move freely after leaving the sea.

Like a shadow, chasing after the four testers, the petal-like mouth kept closing.


Seeing this, the four experimenters were terrified and ran forward with all their might.

They knew in their hearts that once they were swallowed by this sea monster, they would no longer be able to survive.

Fortunately, after breaking out of the encirclement, the land is not far away, and with a little more effort, we can get out of the crisis.

Afraid to be afraid...

As soon as the thought came up, they saw Tang Zhen on the shore, and once again stretched out his hand and waved it lightly.

The expression on his face seemed to be ridiculed.

Such a simple action gave the tester a chill, and a premonition of death arose in his heart.

Practitioners' premonitions of death are, in fact, mostly based on the feeling of the scene, and they can get reminders when they see every flower and grass.

At this moment, they sensed the breath of death from Tang Zhen's movements.

This happened because Tang Zhen's strength was too weak. If he was stronger, he would be able to block the enemy's death reminder.

At this moment, the four testers became desperate and crazy, and their hearts were filled with deep unwillingness.

They had tried their best, but they did not expect that they still could not get rid of the death crisis, and they were probably about to die due to the enemy's conspiracy.

If they could choose again, they would definitely kill Tang Zhen when they first met him to avoid future troubles.

He wouldn't have fallen into Tang Zhen's plan from the beginning.

The four testers took action at the same time. No matter how strong Tang Zhen was, he would inevitably die.

After killing Tang Zhen, they don't have to suffer this calamity.

There was a lot of remorse in their hearts, but they couldn't change the facts that had happened. Soon they knew Tang Zhen's methods.

An invisible barrier appeared out of thin air, blocking their escape route.

Like a galloping train, encountered a roadblock and blocked, there is no way to move forward.

Even with all his strength, there was no way to break through the invisible barrier, and he could only watch the giant mouth of the sea monster pounce on him.

"It's over..."

A mythical beast monk who changed his heavenly alliance showed a desperate expression, and he was destined to be doomed to this day.

But in the next moment, his expression became extremely ferocious again.

"If you want my life, you have to pay the price!"

As soon as the words fell, his body swelled wildly, becoming a Dharma body as high as a thousand feet.

Although there is still a big gap compared with the sea monster, it is not as humble and insignificant as before.

The reason why he didn't condense the Dharma body before was because it affected the speed of escape. Now that there is no way to escape, it is natural to choose to give it a go.

The same is true for the other three testers. Since there is no way out, they can only give it a go.

Accompanied by roars, they also transformed into thousand-foot dharma bodies, showing a ferocious fighting posture.

A life and death battle officially begins at this moment.

The four testers who had no way out really had no reservations at this moment, and all kinds of methods were used at the same time.

If you don't work hard, you will die.

The tester at this moment is just trying to survive from death, after all, there is no way out.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the sea was turbulent, and it was difficult to achieve results in a short period of time.

Tang Zhen stood on the shore and watched, his eyes were cold and quiet, and he kept a close eye on the changes on the battlefield.

At the same time, in his hand, he held a simple rune spear, faintly exuding an extraordinary aura.

The rune spear comes from the cornerstone platform, possesses terrifying power, and has been placed in the treasure house since it was obtained.

This time the war was quite dangerous, and Tang Zhen could be said to have used all his cards just to win the final victory.

In addition to this ancient spear, Tang Zhen has many items in his hand, all of which are his trump cards to save his life and kill the enemy.

What we have to do now is to wait for the outcome of the war and harvest in time.

The methods of these four immortal and demon monks are indeed very simple, and they are actually able to persist for such a long time in a desperate situation.

But there is no way to change their fate.

Sure enough, just a few seconds later, there was a shrill howl, and a beast monk from the Changtian League was swallowed by a huge mouth.

He struggled desperately, but could not get rid of it, and in the end he could only let out a desperate cry.

But at the last moment, this cultivator with the blood of a divine beast still chose to expose himself, the cruelest way of death.

His own destiny must be controlled by himself. Even if he dies, he cannot take advantage of this sea monster.

"If you can live, remember to avenge me!"


Hearing the sound of self-destruction and watching the thousand-foot Dharma Body turn into pieces of flesh, the other three monks also looked gloomy.

They can think that they may not escape such a tragic ending.

(End of this chapter)

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