I have a city in another world

Chapter 5002 Exposure of identity and fear

Chapter 5002 Exposure of identity and fear

When the mythical beast cultivator revealed himself, Tang Zhen immediately took action.

Following his operation, a huge vortex appeared above the fierce battle ocean.

Behind the terrifying whirlpool is an unknown space.

The function of this round of vortex is to extract soul and blood essence for Tang Zhen to use at any time.

Tang Zhen was so anxious because he was afraid of something unexpected happening.

Once the opportunity arises, he will make a decisive move without any hesitation.

After all, the soul of the beast is a real tonic, and anyone who gets it can benefit endlessly.

Tang Zhen's snatching behavior is equivalent to taking food from the sea monster's mouth, which will inevitably arouse the hatred of the other party.

The four testers teamed up, but none of them could defeat this terrifying sea monster, and Tang Zhen was even less likely to be an opponent.

This kind of behavior of snatching food from the tiger's mouth must be extremely dangerous, and it is very likely to be retaliated by the sea monster.

If his robbing behavior was known to the mythical beast clan, they would also form a deadly feud.

However, Tang Zhen and the beast clan had dealt with each other several times, and the enmity between them could not be resolved.

Even if it is known by the other party, he will not care at all, this is the so-called no worries about debts.

However, with the appearance of the whirlpool, his identity will not be hidden.

Demon City is the target of public criticism, and is hated by the beast clan and the abyss demon god. If they know the news of his appearance, they will definitely take action immediately.

Even if he didn't get the inheritance, he still had to launch an attack on the Demon City.

Moreover, attacking Tang Zhen will not affect the acquisition of inheritance.

The enemy is not like Tang Zhen, who is weak and fighting alone, but has a large number of people and a deep foundation.

Although this move has many disadvantages, Tang Zhen must take action. After all, wealth can be found in danger.

Sure enough, as the whirlpool appeared, the souls of death were sucked into the sky one after another, including fallen practitioners and sea monsters that were killed.

Both sides in the fierce battle were attracted by the sudden change, and looked up at the sky.

When they saw clearly the shape of the vortex and the many spirits that had been sucked away, the expressions of the three testers changed at the same time.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a bastard from the Demon City!"

Although the two divine beast monks belonged to different camps, their attitudes toward the Demon City were highly consistent.

I hated it so much in my heart that I wished I could destroy it completely.

It was not expected before that this troublemaker was actually a practitioner from the Demon City.

Mocheng participated in the competition, and the situation became more and more complicated.

After confirming Tang Zhen's identity, the two mythical beast monks immediately used their bloodline magical powers to send a message without any hesitation.

Practitioners of mythical beasts and alien races all have the ability to sense bloodlines, and can transmit some simple information regardless of distance.

Through this method, even within the magic city, they can keep in touch.

There was not much difference in the content of the messages they sent, and they all truthfully told what happened at the moment.

I hope to send monks to enter the inheritance channel of the beauties on all sides, and try my best to kill Tang Zhen.

Once the hunting operation is successful, it can deal a blow to the magic city.

There is no need to rush to obtain the inheritance of the four-sided beauty. It doesn't matter even if you don't want it.

There are hundreds of inheritances in the tomb of the gods, and it is impossible to get all of them. The competitors are very clear about this.

Giving up the inheritance of the Four-Way Beauty and giving priority to killing Tang Zhen is completely acceptable to the mythical beast monk.

At this moment, the Abyssal Demon God had no intention of revenge, but felt terrified and disturbed.

Compared to the beast monks, the Abyss Demon God knows the Demon City better and knows that there is a powerful background behind it.

Before the demon city chased and killed, the group of demons dodged one after another. This incident shocked the entire abyss.

All kinds of information are enough to prove that there is a big backer behind the magic city, and ordinary monsters cannot offend it at all.

Otherwise, if you are hated by the Demon City, you will definitely be brutally hunted down.

He is just an ordinary abyssal demon god. Although he has a backer behind him, he is not considered powerful at all.

If it is not necessary, I don't want to offend Demon City at all, otherwise the backing will not be able to provide protection.

Although the Abyss Demon hated Tang Zhen extremely much at this moment, his hatred would not affect his actions.

Fighting and finding ways to calculate the enemy during competition is a matter of course.

If the roles of both parties are reversed, he will only become more ferocious.

At this moment, the Abyssal Demon God only wanted to escape from the battlefield as soon as possible, and not to provoke Tang Zhen, a cultivator in the Demon City.

It is completely acceptable to give up the inheritance of divine beasts.

It is too worthless to pay a terrible price for a piece of divine beast inheritance.

Of course, if there is an opportunity, He will still fight for it.

The Abyssal Demon God made up his mind and went straight into the sea water, his body melting into a ball of mucus in a short time.

After the body dissolved, it turned into a dragon again, advancing rapidly in the ocean.

In desperation, the seabed became the only way out, and only two sea monsters tried to intercept it.

But it was flashed by the Abyss Demon God and rushed to the edge of the coast smoothly.

After landing successfully, he rushed madly into the depths of the land like an out-of-control wild boar.

In the process of escaping, the Abyss Demon God could sense that there was a cold gaze staring at him.

Fortunately, from the beginning to the end, the watchers did not attack, which made the Abyss Demon God secretly relieved.

When he landed, he saw the rune spear in Tang Zhen's hand, releasing an astonishing aura of destruction.

If you are hit by a spear, you must die.

This rune spear of unknown origin is enough to prove the previous speculation that there is indeed a powerful backer behind the magic city.

Otherwise, a monk like Tang Zhen is not worthy of possessing such a powerful artifact.

For practitioners, realm and equipment are status symbols, and it is impossible to have them without sufficient strength background.

Many things in the practice world cannot be bought with money.

At this moment, Tang Zhen watched the Abyssal Demon God escape, but he was secretly relieved.

He knew very well in his heart that he was able to frighten off the Abyssal Demon God thanks to the rune spear in his hand.

Otherwise, the first thing the trialist will do when he lands is to attack him with all his strength.

But with the deterrence of the artifact, the Abyssal Demon God did not dare to act rashly, and finally chose to avoid and escape.

For Tang Zhen, this is the best outcome.

He deliberately held the artifact spear, which actually had the purpose of intimidating him. It would be better to scare away the enemy, but if it didn't work, he could also activate it to kill the enemy.

If you really want to kill the enemy, it is better to hide the weapon.

Looking at the top of the ocean at this moment, the vortex is still running crazily, allowing those undead souls to continuously suck it into it.

The god beast monk who blew himself up and died, his soul was also drawn out, and at this moment he was desperately trying to escape from the vortex extraction.

Although his body no longer exists, his soul is still intact and there is still the possibility of rebirth.

But that terrifying sea monster obviously wanted to eat it all, and the spirit entangled in his spirit tentacles refused to let go.

This powerful deep-sea monster also has special abilities, which can launch double attacks of body and soul.

Just as the divine beast cultivator was panicking, a huge vortex appeared in the sky, and it was crazily drawn for the divine soul.

The entanglement of the sea monster's tentacles was unable to resist the vortex, and he flew into the sky in a blink of an eye.

The sea monster's tentacles entangled desperately, not wanting to give up its prey easily, but in the end it was gradually pulled away from its body.

Several tentacles were torn off and sucked into the vortex.

It turns out that this weird vortex can not only extract the souls of undead, but also the souls of living creatures.

If it is allowed to spin, it may not take long before the souls of the monks and sea monsters will be taken away.

The sea monster sensed the crisis, and finally chose to let go helplessly, while letting out an angry roar.

It knew that the whirlpool was released by Tang Zhen, and immediately released a strong murderous intent. It locked onto Tang Zhen on the shore and sprayed out a stream of sewage.

Encountering an invisible barrier halfway, he was stopped abruptly, without causing any harm to Tang Zhen.

The invisible barrier had been running for a long time, and at this moment it was hit hard again, and it shattered after a few seconds.

The two dying beast monks were ecstatic when they saw this, and rushed to the shore with all their strength.

The fallen cultivator finally lost to the extraction of the vortex, and was sucked into the terrifying black hole screaming.

(End of this chapter)

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