I have a city in another world

Chapter 5003 4-faced beauty

Chapter 5003
After completely absorbing the soul of the divine beast and confirming that there were no problems, Tang Zhen's purpose of this trip had been achieved.

In the next time, what he has to do is to protect himself and find a way to evacuate from the tomb of the god.

Tang Zhen has only completed one-third of the entire action plan so far, and a smooth evacuation is the real key.

The only way to evacuate is to obtain the inheritance of ancient mythical beasts.

Whether others get it or Tang Zhen gets it, as long as they get it, they can leave.

However, Tang Zhen had made an agreement with the Four Faces Beauty before that to help it obtain the inheritance of the ancient beasts.

A person must keep his word, not to mention that after receiving the inheritance, it has more advantages than disadvantages for Tang Zhen.

However, the difficulty of obtaining it is indeed astonishingly high, and even Tang Zhen has no confidence in winning.

Not only does he have to deal with other competitors, but he also has to face the inheritance trial and the pursuit from the mythical beast clan.

Those abyssal demon gods may also be involved.

Of course, there is also the deep sea giant monster. This guy has a deep hatred for Tang Zhen and must be eager to kill him quickly.

I don't know whether to teleport or go back the same way when I can leave. If I go back the same way, the deep sea monster will definitely retaliate against Tang Zhen.

In the following time, it can be said that every step is dangerous, Tang Zhen must be extremely careful.

Seeing the two mythical beast monks separated from each other as they approached the shore, Tang Zhen had no intention of attacking.

The two mythical beast monks escaped death, probably because they were worried that Tang Zhen would attack, so they landed separately on the left and right.

Obviously they were making a bet, and whoever was unlucky would be attacked by Tang Zhen.

How did they know that Tang Zhen had no intention of attacking, but was preparing to let them leave.

The goal has been achieved, Tang Zhen now seeks stability in everything and tries not to attack as much as possible.

Not to mention that he is of a low level and is not equipped to deal with such a high-level war. Although he possesses a large number of artifacts and rules and talismans, he may not be an opponent of these down-and-out immortals and demons.

Even if you win, you have to pay a huge price.

Just pretend, try not to intensify the conflict, after all, this trip is not to kill the enemy.

Of course, Tang Zhen is also very clear that in the eyes of the enemy at this moment, his image is quite hideous and terrifying.

I don't want to fight with it, but avoid it as much as possible.

The trials and competitions in the God's Tomb are a matter of life and death, and no one is willing to make fun of their own lives.

The first thing to do is to save your life, the inheritance you get is only valuable, otherwise you will just take advantage of others for nothing.

Seeing the two divine beast monks leave, Tang Zhen immediately turned around and went straight to the next trial level ahead.

In the coming time, he can no longer sit back and watch, but must actively participate in breaking through the levels.

Use the fastest speed to break through the level, obtain the inheritance of ancient mythical beasts, and then get the qualification to leave this place.

After some deductions, he confirmed that after obtaining the inheritance, his chances of safe evacuation would be greatly increased.

With such a result, Tang Zhen naturally had to do his best.

Soon he saw that there was a huge figure at the end of his line of sight, probably at a height of more than ten thousand feet.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the floating white clouds became the background.

Looking at the image of this figure, it is clear that it is the original form of the beauty on all sides, which is the remains placed in the tomb.

If you observe carefully, you can see that there are countless scars on the surface of this remains.

One of the scars, which seemed to be the most fatal, actually penetrated the head of the beauty on all sides.

Such a majestic image, under the influence of various wounds, turned out to be a bit weird and sinister.

The beauties on all sides who followed Tang Zhen's actions looked at the huge remains in front of them, with deep anticipation in their eyes.

But at the same time, it also became more and more worried, for fear that Tang Zhen would not be able to pass this hurdle.

I wanted to help, but there was nothing I could do.

It is just a small spirit. In terms of closeness, it may not be as good as those parasites of mythical beasts.

The closer it gets to the final level, the less capable it is of providing help, and it can only pin all its hopes on Tang Zhen.

Although it has seen before that Tang Zhen's performance is indeed extraordinary, it does not mean that he can pass the trial level in front of him.

It's just that the guardians of this pass are the true remains of ancient beasts, powerful beings that once dominated the ancient world.

The prestige of the tiger's death is still there, let alone this ancient beast, even after thousands of years of death, it is still daunting.

"You have to be careful, if you can't do it, just wait and see."

The beauty on all sides reminded Tang Zhen that it was rare to show a trace of concern.

However, it does this for its own consideration, fearing that its only hope will fail.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Tang Zhen said in a calm tone without turning his head.

At this moment, Tang Zhen already knew how to get through the current hurdle, that is, to avoid the attacks of the four-faced demon gods.

Enter the palace behind it to reach the final level.

The content of the trial is very simple, but it is very difficult to pass the level. Even a strong person at the level of a fairy god will have a narrow escape after entering this level.

Tang Zhen, who arrived last, became the first triggerer, because the enemy did not dare to try easily.

They chose to wait for a peep. After all, there is still enough time. Not only can they get more assistance, but they may even have a bargain.

But they are also very clear that unless someone defeats the real beauty of the four faces, every passerby will not be able to avoid the attack.

The advantage of making a move later is that you can know the attack routines of the ancient beasts, so you can prepare more adequately.

But having said that, in the face of absolute power, no matter how much preparation you make, it is just a mantis.

The inheritance of ancient mythical beasts cannot be obtained casually. You really have to use your life to gain a chance.

Tang Zhen had no choice, otherwise he would not take risks easily, but chose to wait like other trialists.

After observing carefully, Tang Zhen stepped forward and walked straight towards the terrifying figure.

At the same time, in addition to the beauties on all sides, there were three other eyes staring at Tang Zhen.

It was the abyssal demon god and the two beast monks who escaped by chance. They hid in the dark and looked at Tang Zi with cold and shocked eyes.

Facing the terrifying ancient mythical beasts, they had no chance of winning at all, so naturally they didn't dare to jump out easily to die.

Not to mention Tang Zhen, who was enough to pose a fatal threat, making them dare not act rashly.

Seeing Tang Zhen make a move at this moment, they also suddenly regained their spirits, wondering how he got through this test.

If they can pass through smoothly, it will not be too late for them to act, and maybe they can learn a lot of customs clearance experience.

If Tang Zhen failed to break through and was in danger, they could also attack.

It would be much easier to kill Tang Zhen at this time.

Although he knew that Tang Zhen was strong, he didn't have the slightest discount in his intention to kill Tang Zhen.

On the contrary, the longer the time, the more intense the killing intent.

After all, Tang Zhen is a competitor, and the two sides have already formed a deadly feud, so there is no possibility of resolving it.

At this moment, they were all praying and cursing in their hearts, hoping that Tang Zhen would be killed quickly.

Under the watchful eyes of the bystanders, Tang Zhen came to the ancient beast and entered the area where the battle was triggered.

The beauties around who had been sitting cross-legged for an unknown amount of time also moved at this moment, and slowly opened their cold eyes.

Its eyes were full of lifelessness, with endless vicissitudes of indifference, staring at the little ant in front of it.

After observing for a few breaths, the ancient divine beast, which had been down for an unknown period of time, slowly raised one of its palms.

Aiming at Tang Zhen in front of him, his palms pressed down like the sky was falling.

(End of this chapter)

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