I have a city in another world

Chapter 5004 Tang Zhen God of War Beast

Chapter 5004 Tang Zhen God of War Beast

The giant palm of the beauty on all sides fell like the sky falling, seemingly slow but extremely fast.

Under the giant palm, Tang Zhen had nowhere to escape and seemed to have no choice but to bear the consequences.

Like a weak animal, when it encounters a ferocious giant beast, its legs and feet are so weak and trembling.

There is no way to escape at all, only waiting to die in fear.

The emergence of such a situation is actually related to the ability of the ancient beast, not only because of its own deterrent effect, but also because of the power of rules.

Under the power of rules, the prey is simply irresistible.

But this ancient divine beast is still a corpse after all, and it no longer possesses the powerful ability it had when it was alive.

Although Yu Wei is terrifying, it is not impossible to crack it.

In Tang Zhen's hands, there is a rare talisman specially designed to resolve the rules, which has powerful effects.

It's like when the enemy punches you, you also kick yourself. Through head-to-head confrontation, the influence of the power of rules is resolved.

Tang Zhen carried quite a few stacks of regular runes like this, so he could use them freely.

He dared to break through and challenge, so he naturally had enough hole cards, and he would definitely not make fun of his own life.

When the palm of the beauty's palm fell, Tang Zhen activated a rule talisman, and the power that restrained him disappeared instantly.

Relying on the power of the rule talisman, Tang Zhen can easily get rid of the restrictions of the rules and get out of the attack range of the ancient gods and beasts.

Another teleportation talisman appeared in Tang Zhen's hand, and it was activated the next moment.

A wave flashed, and Tang Zhen's figure suddenly disappeared.

When the spectators in the distance saw this, they immediately showed a trace of surprise. They didn't expect Tang Zhen to be able to escape the control of the beast.

This method alone is enough to prove that Tang Zhen's methods are extraordinary.

Their previous caution was obviously very reasonable. Fortunately, they did not negotiate with Tang Zhen, otherwise they would probably suffer a big loss.

Seeing this, the beauties on all sides were secretly happy. With Tang Zhen's means, the chances of clearing the level would undoubtedly be greatly increased.

As a result, at this moment, I heard a roar from the ancient beast.

Tang Zhen fled out of control, making him feel very angry, and launched his big move without hesitation.

This remains of an ancient divine beast is now like a puppet machine, without its own independent thinking, it just does things according to the set procedures.

When one wave of attacks fails, a second wave of attacks will follow, and the intensity will continue to escalate.

The purpose is to kill Tang Zhen and prevent him from breaking through this level.

Now it's the final checkpoint, and it is absolutely impossible for the gatekeepers to release water. If they are not strong enough, they can only suffer death obediently.

With the roar, the area affected by the rule power expanded again, and Tang Zhen, who was teleporting, was surrounded within it.

Under the influence of the power of the rules, Tang Zhen was no longer able to teleport, and suddenly revealed his figure.

The mountain-like ancient beast, waiting for this moment, once again waved to Tang Zhen.

This time, the speed was faster, obviously activating some kind of magical power, so that countless afterimages were dragged out.

When the ancient mythical beast attacked, the attack had already come to its head.

However, Tang Zhen was well prepared to activate the rule talisman again, and the whole process was seamlessly connected.


The palms of the beauties on all sides slapped hard on the ground, making a deep pit.

But that ancient divine beast roared again, with anger and unwillingness in his voice.

At the same time, Tang Zhen's figure appeared from a distance, explaining the reason for the anger of the ancient beast.

Such a sharp blow was unexpectedly avoided by Tang Zhen again.

Fortunately, this ancient divine beast died, and now it can only rely on instinct to act, otherwise it would definitely be extremely angry.

A small ants, even avoiding the killing of the ancient beasts continuously, is simply a blatant slap in the face.

In this situation, the ancient divine beasts will definitely attack with all their strength in order to protect their face.

If the furious divine beast attacked with all its strength, Tang Zhen would not be able to escape the pursuit of the ancient divine beast no matter how many means he had.

Fortunately, the gatekeeper in front of him is just the corpse of a fallen divine beast, and now he can only act on instinct.

When Tang Zhen escaped the second wave of attacks, it only roared symbolically, and then continued to upgrade its attack methods according to the procedure.

This orderly upgrade mode is exactly the opportunity Tang Zhen has been dreaming of, and it can help him pass the level smoothly.

Above the heads of the four-faced beauties, the huge red rune giant umbrella finally reacted at this moment.

Tang Zhen has already discovered that the giant umbrella is not a real umbrella, but a strange organ growing from the body.

It looks like a huge skeleton covered with a layer of rune skin, like a huge bright mushroom.

The spirit of the beauty on all sides does not have such an organ at all, so it can only imitate it with a big umbrella.

At this moment, countless smooth tentacles were seen extending out from under the big umbrella, some of which were heading straight towards Tang Zhen.

But in the blink of an eye, it was inserted in Tang Zhen's position, leaving terrifying deep holes.

The mucus around the hole kept emitting black smoke.

The moment he was attacked, Tang Zhen had successfully dodged and teleported to another place.

He wanted to enter the palace, but found that the gate was tightly closed, obviously failing to meet the conditions for entry.

Faced with this situation, Tang Zhen could only continue to swim, slowly waiting for the palace to open.

Seeing Tang Zhen dodging the attack, the tentacles under the umbrella seemed to twitch, attacking in all directions.

The tentacles continuously ejected, piercing the surrounding ground, leaving deep holes without bottom.

Such a dense attack was like pouring rain, leaving almost no gaps.

Tang Zhen was within the attack range. If he wanted to ensure that he was not damaged, the difficulty of evading it would be hellish.

All the spectators thought that Tang Zhen would die in this round.

The two divine beast monks, as well as the abyssal demon god, all smiled proudly at this moment.

Tang Zhen can be killed, they are naturally very happy, this is equivalent to losing a strong competitor.

The Demon City monks were killed, which was originally a happy thing. If it spread, it would definitely boost the morale of the army.

However, the attack of the ancient beast also made them very worried, knowing that they could not get through on their own.

We must continue to wait until reinforcements arrive.

When they were secretly planning and studying how to act next, they heard the ancient beast roar again.

There was a lot of anger in this roar.

The spectators were taken aback when they heard the sound, and hurriedly watched the battlefield carefully, only to be shocked by the sight in front of them.

Above the head of the ancient divine beast, there was a small figure standing tall, it was Tang Zhen who they thought would die.

Compared with this ancient beast, Tang Zhen's figure is really small, but no one watching the battle dare to underestimate it.

They were all shocked at this moment, and they couldn't understand what methods Tang Zhen used to survive such a terrible attack.

If it were them, it would be absolutely impossible for them to be safe and sound when they encountered the scene just now.

But looking at Tang Zhen at this moment, he was obviously safe and sound, and even controlled the overall situation of the battlefield.

Such strength and means were enough to shock and frighten them.

Originally still in his heart, he hated Tang Zhen very much, and wanted to kill him wholeheartedly.

But at this moment, they secretly made up their mind not to personally participate in killing Tang Zhen.

Even if you take action, you must let others do it, so that you can ensure your own safety.

Even if they belong to the same camp, there are still conspiracy and calculations. This is the most ruthless reality.

While deeply apprehensive, there is also deep worry.

Once Tang Zhen passed smoothly, the inheritance of the beasts of the Beauties on all sides would basically have nothing to do with them.

He wanted to stop it, but he didn't have the courage, so he could only worry secretly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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