I have a city in another world

Chapter 6020: An increasingly lively city

Chapter 6020: An increasingly lively city

On the road leading to Feng'er City, all kinds of vehicles are constantly shuttling back and forth, and the newly built spacecraft landing and take-off site outside the city is also extremely busy.

The eyes of the whole world have been cast on Feng'er City, making this city more and more lively.

When outsiders arrive, they can't help but look around, wondering what's so special about this city.

Why did the alliance choose this place as a channel to communicate with the outside world instead of changing to other places?

Unfortunately, after looking for a long time, I didn't figure out anything. I only noticed that the flowers, plants and trees became more lush.

Ducks are the first to know when the river water warms in spring. Plants such as flowers, grass and trees have a far greater sense of energy than humans.

After absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy, the grass and trees began to grow wildly, showing an unprecedented vigor.

This kind of scene has never been seen anywhere else in the New World, and it amazes outsiders.

When outsiders arrive in Feng'er City, they must enter through designated passages, rather than simply finding a place in the wilderness to enter as in the past.

Before the alliance was transformed, it was indeed very easy to sneak into Feng'er City.

However, after entering the city, they will have to face inspections and interrogations by monks. If they cannot provide valid evidence, they will be thrown directly into prison.

Over the past period of time, the alliance has caught thousands of violators, who are now moving stones on construction sites.

Feng'er City is not a den of dragons or tigers. Everyone can enter it without any restrictions on identity.

However, most people in the world are afraid of Feng'er City. Even if the opportunity to awaken is right in front of them, they will not try it easily.

On the contrary, those who are powerful and influential have taken the initiative to go to Feng'er City, for fear that they will miss the opportunity because they are too slow.

There is indeed a difference in attitude between the powerful and ordinary people when facing opportunities.

When opportunities arise, the powerful and wealthy often strive for them actively, even by any means necessary.

The attitude of ordinary people is often fearful and uneasy, and they try to avoid it as much as possible.

When the opportunity comes and they find a place to belong, they start to complain and lament the unfairness of fate, wondering why good things never happen to them.

In fact, ordinary people cannot be blamed for this situation. After all, they have limited knowledge and do not have many opportunities to try and make mistakes.

Once you make a choice, you may never be able to change it.

In Feng'er City today, there are not many ordinary people except the indigenous people.

If you ask carefully, almost everyone has a background.

The city that was destroyed by the war has now become extremely lively, which has also led to a shortage of residential housing.

Since the alliance came to power, it has been constantly repairing and building new houses, but it still cannot meet the demand.

To solve this problem, the alliance relaxed construction permissions, allowing residents and outsiders to solve their own housing problems.

However, in a short period of time, all kinds of houses appeared, and many of the buildings were very distinctive.

Most of the newly built houses are simple prefabricated houses in various shapes.

On both sides of the clean road, the houses are located among the flowers and plants, which looks quite beautiful and exquisite.

Some houses were built using local materials by digging pits directly under the hillsides.

Use foam waterproof material to shape the pit in a short time, and then install doors, windows and other components.

After it solidifies, use soil to backfill, and then mix the soil with the selected grass seeds and spread it.

It only takes three to five days for the backfilled soil to be covered with green grass, completely covering the dirt on top of the house.

This semi-underground house blends in with the surrounding environment and is loved by many people.

Some people build tree houses and use pipes to build houses. The unique shapes are very creative.

The housing problem in Feng'er City was soon alleviated, but it also gave rise to a number of unique landscapes.

There are also some brave guys who come to Fenger City to broadcast live and show the scenery here to the outside world.

Through various media publicity, people have a better understanding of Feng'er City, and fears and misunderstandings are gradually eliminated.

Some groups that control the media have previously slandered the alliance in every possible way, and all kinds of demonization propaganda have emerged one after another.

The world is full of fear of the Alliance and regards the extraordinary as demons. In fact, this is influenced by the propaganda of the group. Now the situation has reversed, and those group companies that control the media dare not continue to slander and defame them openly.

Things are different now than in the past. Anyone who dares to throw mud at others and affect the reputation of the alliance will be severely punished.

The Alliance is not like other groups. It possesses extraordinary means and the ability to take action at any time.

The alliance’s past record is enough to frighten the top executives of major groups and make them dare not gamble with their lives.

At least on the surface, they are no longer confronting the alliance, and at most they are secretly making trouble in secret.

According to the intelligence received, many groups hostile to the alliance have also sent a large number of personnel into Feng'er City.

These people disguised their identities and also signed up to participate in the transformation, hoping to awaken their extraordinary abilities.

Using enemy resources to enhance one's own strength is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

However, who will gain and who will lose depends on how the situation develops, and we cannot rush to make a judgment.

The Alliance was well aware of the enemy group's actions, but did not arrest or expel the group's employees.

As long as you don't cause trouble, you can stay in Feng'er City and sign up for extraordinary transformation.

The hostile group thought that they were taking advantage of the group and could take the opportunity to improve their own strength.

Little do they know that the entire world is a delicacy in the Alliance's mouth, and has already been swallowed up.

Just like a frog in boiling water, it swallows and digests food silently, using the nutrients it obtains to strengthen itself.

No group is immune unless they flee this world.

The square in front of the transformation base is now crowded with people, and there are as many as seven or eight thousand people queuing up to register.

This is just one batch of people. As time goes by, more people will arrive and sign up.

The transformation requires points, but the applicants have no shortage of this money.

The alliance launched a large amount of manufacturing and acquired rare metals and gold, which were all channels for exchanging points.

For major groups, collecting points is no longer difficult.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can always find a way.

The last thing group companies lack is money, and in order to exchange for sufficient points, they really spend money like water.

The registration process is very simple. It only takes ten minutes at most to get your own identity certificate.

There is also a set of training clothes, a set of training instructions, and you need to log in and register on the communication device.

After completing the above operations, you can return to your resting place and wait for notification to participate in training.

Employees of the reformed group do not need to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation, as they have already been arranged by dedicated personnel.

There are also some corporate groups that directly bought half of the street and made all the necessary arrangements for food and accommodation.

New people continued to arrive, and old students began to graduate one after another, and the number of promoted awakeners increased more and more.

The transformers should be thankful that they encountered the peak period of spiritual energy explosion. Not only is the energy of heaven and earth abundant, but the alliance is also fully assisting in awakening.

The support of the alliance is particularly important, otherwise there would never be such a high awakening probability, and it would be quite remarkable to reach one tenth.

This was one of Tang Zhen’s plans, relying on the method of using chickens and eggs to obtain resources, and in the end both ends would benefit.

The newly awakened ones all received an employment contract and could work in the alliance to earn resources for cultivation.

The first batch of awakened people who obtained employment contracts have now had results. Three of them returned to the group for special reasons, and the rest all accepted the employment.

There was a problem with the commission distribution. The group was not satisfied with a 50-50 split, but directly asked for three quarters.

The excess portion of the group will be used as compensation in the form of money as a consolation to the awakened ones.

There is no problem with doing this, as all the points spent on the Awakener's transformation are provided by the group.

Now that the transformers have successfully awakened, they should give back to the group they belong to, and it is also reasonable to reduce the distribution ratio.

Not to mention that the major groups provide compensation, the salary is much higher than before the promotion, and the position level also rises accordingly.

Whether the group's arrangement satisfies the awakened ones, only they themselves know.

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