I have a city in another world

Chapter 6021 A rare opportunity

Chapter 6021 A rare opportunity

The number of awakened people in Feng'er City is increasing.

When strolling on the streets, you can often see extraordinary people belonging to different forces and organizations.

Under the alliance's deterrent management, the extraordinary people gathered in Feng'er City in an orderly manner, just to get a chance to go further.

Except for Feng'er City, there is no way to improve your strength in other places in the New World.

Excluding Neon City, the transformation base in Fenger City is the place that produces the largest number of awakened people.

Male and female employees of different identities from various major groups achieved a leap in their lives at the transformation training base.

When mortals awaken and become extraordinary, they will develop a mentality of being superior to others and look upon ordinary people as ants.

The longer time passes, the more serious this situation becomes.

This mentality will not last forever. When you reach a higher level, your mentality will gradually reverse and recover.

However, in the early stages of promotion, this arrogant and conceited mentality is indeed quite obvious.

The awakened will attach more importance to status and identity, and their characters will become more selfish and greedy.

If the group cannot meet the demands, the awakened ones will definitely be dissatisfied, resulting in a rift in the relationship between the two sides.

If the group is strong enough to crush the awakened ones, they will do their work honestly.

If it cannot be suppressed, trouble will surely arise in the long run.

The employment contract offered by the alliance is not a deliberate trap, but rather a mutually beneficial one.

The alliance is in urgent need of a large number of manpower, the major groups need training supplies, and the same is true for the awakeners.

The emergence of employment contracts has solved many problems.

Although there are hidden dangers, it is difficult to make everything perfect, and we can only strive for perfection during the implementation process.

I am just afraid that some greedy guys will do something hurtful, such as arbitrarily changing the profit sharing ratio given by the alliance.

If this incident causes the hatred and anger of the awakened ones, it can only be regarded as one's own fault.

After signing the employment contract, the awakened ones from various groups immediately took up their posts and transported various supplies into the black fog.

It seems like a simple task, but it must be completed by an awakened person, as ordinary people simply cannot withstand the invasion of dark energy.

Otherwise, within half an hour, serious alienation symptoms will appear, and may even endanger life.

The awakened ones were all surprised by the alliance's arrangement. They didn't expect that after being promoted to the extraordinary level, they would actually be doing the job of porters.

The Alliance's actions made the awakened ones feel unappreciated, and they inevitably felt resentful.

But it didn't take long for the awakened ones to realize that things were not that simple at all.

What on earth is the purpose of sending so many special materials into the depths of the black fog by the golden train?
Apparently, there is a big secret hidden deep in the black fog, but they are not qualified to access it at the moment.

It could be due to identity restrictions, or it could be due to too shallow a cultivation level, or it could be other unknown reasons.

The awakened ones became more and more curious and wanted to know what secrets were hidden in the depths of the black fog.

There are also awakened ones who secretly inform their group of the news.

As an employee of the group, it is only natural to report such important incidents secretly.

The Awakened realized that the Alliance did not prevent them from leaking information, otherwise it would not have given them time to act.

The secrets hidden in the black fog may not be afraid of being known by others.

After realizing this, the awakened ones felt relieved and continued to do their respective jobs while searching for and discovering more intelligence information.

The major groups that received the intelligence immediately analyzed the matter and did not miss any important details.

Combining the orders given by the alliance with the intelligence previously brought out by the group's agents, the major groups came to a shocking conclusion.

A war is unfolding in the black fog of the alliance.

The existence of monsters in the black fog was something that all the major groups had long known, but due to fear of strong light and flames, the monsters in the black fog did not dare to leave easily. Even at night, when it was pitch dark, the dark monsters did not dare to leave the black fog.

In theory, as long as they stay away from the black fog, they can be safe. The Alliance should be more aware of this.

Today's alliance monks have taken the initiative to enter the depths of the black fog, showing obvious signs of war.

There is no need to make such a big fuss to clear out the monsters in the black fog.

Thinking about the origin of the alliance and the mysterious unknown vortex in the information provided by the alliance agents, speculation about war naturally arises.

Inside the black fog of the void, there should be an entrance to another world, which is of the same nature as the passage connecting the Lost Land to the new world.

If this is true, it means that the current alliance is waging war against a new world.

That unknown new world is likely related to the void black fog, and the dark monsters may also come from there.

After this idea came up, the group's top executives were extremely excited and felt an urgent desire in their hearts.

A brand new and different world represents infinite possibilities and contains countless exciting treasures.

If there were no benefits, the alliance would never do this. It must be driven by interests.

If there are real benefits, can they share some of the profits?
Previously, the major groups launched a war, trying to seize the entrance to the alliance's passage and then take the Lost Land for themselves.

The scene described by the traitor did not conceal the misery of the Lost Land, but the group's top management only saw wealth and treasure.

The spiritual stones that fell from the sky and various magical instruments are all good things that cannot be bought with money.

If you can get it, you can dominate the world and become the master of this world.

But the brutal war woke up these greedy group leaders and made them realize that the alliance was not easy to mess with.

Anyone who covets the alliance's base will inevitably be counterattacked and end up in a miserable defeat.

Now, in the black fog, a new world has emerged, and it is very likely that it does not belong to the alliance.

So this time, do the major groups have a chance to get a piece of the pie?

Once this thought came to mind, it became uncontrollable. The top management of the group was like a fly that smelled blood, and there was no way they could give it up easily.

They issued orders to make every effort to collect relevant information and to send core personnel to contact the alliance.

Try to gain trust, strive to participate, and share the benefits of the new world.

Although there is enough evidence that the alliance is now at war, it is dangerous to join the cooperation.

But only in this case can a higher chance of success be achieved. Otherwise, if there are only benefits and no risks, why would the alliance share it with others?
The last order cooperation made all the major groups taste the sweetness and realize that they have to race against time in everything.

If you slow down a bit, the opportunity will fall into the hands of your competitors.

The group representative stationed in Feng'er City took immediate action after receiving the order and expressed their attitude to the alliance monks.

If necessary, the group can provide assistance and even send people directly to participate in the war.

While expressing the attitude, it is also a secret test to see what the current situation of the alliance is.

If the alliance agrees to cooperate and makes various demands, it proves that the situation on the battlefield is not ideal.

If this is true, the group must seize the opportunity and strive to gain more benefits.

Bargaining and obtaining maximum benefits are one of the methods that major groups are best at.

Faced with the group representative's temptation, the alliance monks remained indifferent. They just politely expressed their gratitude but did not reveal any information.

The group representatives returned empty-handed, but were not disappointed. Instead, their previous speculation was confirmed.

The alliance does have big plans and ideas for working with major groups, but it doesn’t want to go too deep.

Issuing orders to major groups is actually a shallow level of cooperation, the purpose of which is to resolve logistical pressures.

If we seize the opportunity and keep working hard, there is a great possibility that we can go a step further and cooperate with the alliance to participate in the war.

Once victory is achieved in the war, rich rewards will surely be repaid, and the group will gradually transform into a behemoth similar to the Alliance.

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