I have a city in another world

Chapter 6022 Mission Restart

Chapter 6022 Mission Restart
As the teleportation array operated, figures continued to walk out, many of whom were monks who were fully armed.

They are all Alliance monks from Neon City, who have come here to support construction on a mission.

The construction of the base in the void world has now reached a critical stage and urgently needs a large amount of supplies and personnel.

With more and more outsiders, the pressure on the operation of the city is increasing, and a lot of manpower is also needed to participate in the management.

Although the alliance had dispatched a large number of personnel before this, it still failed to meet the demand.

Tang Zhen gave orders and dispatched another group of reinforcements, including both elite monks and many rookie newcomers.

In today's Neon City, there are tens of thousands of awakened people, but most of them are useless.

You must continue to study and receive various professional training until you pass the assessment.

The situation is urgent now, so there is no need to stick to the rules. We can directly transfer personnel to provide support.

These rookies are not needed for combat, but to perform logistics and construction work to ensure that the construction of Feng'er City and the Void World is not affected.

Kant was also among them, and held an important position, leading and commanding more than a thousand beginner monks.

As the teleportation array continued to operate, subordinates continued to arrive, and someone was responsible for registration and confirmation.

But when the transmission was over, unexpected situations still occurred.

The two beginner monks did not successfully reach Feng'er City during the teleportation, and there is a 90% chance that they got lost in the space-time rift.

Long-distance teleportation is risky, and occasionally the teleporter may go missing, but this is considered normal in the spiritual community.

When Kant heard the news, his brows frowned slightly. This was the last thing he wanted to see.

The operation had just begun when an unexpected situation occurred, which was bound to affect the morale and military spirit.

Although it is possible to conceal the news, it is not the best solution. Once the news is leaked, it may cause more trouble.

"Go to the barracks to rest and wait for further instructions."

Kant gave the order and then returned to the teleportation array, soon disappearing into the vortex.

When everyone saw this scene, they were slightly shocked, and some monks had already guessed his purpose.

It was obvious that he wanted to enter the teleportation array, find the two missing alliance monks, and then bring them out again.

This operation is indeed possible, but it is extremely dangerous. If you make a mistake, you will be trapped and there is a high possibility that you will lose your life.

The principle of the teleportation array is to open portals on the cracks in time and space, and users can travel between the two worlds through the portals.

The lost will be trapped in the rifts, wandering around aimlessly.

If during this period, the lost person accidentally enters other cracks, the situation will be extremely dangerous.

Even if there are high-level monks to rescue, they will eventually return empty-handed when faced with lost people who have gone astray.

From this we can see how difficult this matter is.

If ordinary monks encountered this situation, they would not dare to rescue easily and could only let the other party get lost.

If you are lucky enough, you may be able to return someday, but if you are unlucky, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck.

Kant moved as fast as the wind and entered the teleportation array directly, leaving no time to stop him.

His companions could only pray secretly, hoping that he would be able to return safely and not get themselves involved.

Perhaps the prayers worked, and just ten minutes later, two figures appeared in front of the teleportation array.

When everyone looked closely, they saw that it was the two junior monks who had just disappeared, with expressions of fear and surprise on their faces.

At this moment, they truly escaped death.

Then another figure walked out of the teleportation array and kicked the two alliance monks aside.

"Go back and write a self-criticism, then be put in solitary confinement for another seven days, and the training content will be doubled!"

Kant came out and cursed with a gloomy face.

Upon hearing this, the two alliance monks quickly nodded in agreement, revealing expressions of shame and regret.

If they follow the rules, nothing can happen to them.

If you fall into a space-time rift, not only will your life be threatened, but it will also implicate others.

Too many troubles and accidents are caused by one's own fault. If one abides by the rules and does not make trouble, many dangers can be avoided. The crowds watching and waiting applauded to show their admiration, but not everyone can be like Kant.

All personnel arrived safely. Kant contacted the allied monks in Feng'er City and was quickly assigned several tasks.

Some people entered the black fog area to assist in transporting various supplies, some entered the city to be responsible for security patrols, and some were assigned to different departments to fill in the gaps in manpower.

For beginners who are not strong and not good at fighting, this arrangement is the best.

It won’t be too late to entrust you with important tasks once you have grown up.

Kant is not in a good mood at work. He prefers to hone himself in battle rather than spend time in a comfortable environment.

Asking him to lead a group of rookies and arrange all kinds of trivial tasks is really like chewing wax.

The alliance's arrangement has its own reasons. It mainly values ​​his experience and ability. While his subordinates follow him to do things, they can learn something from him.

Kant knew this, but that didn't mean he was willing to do it.

He was even more envious of his apprentice, who was able to stay in the void world for a long time and participate in battles from time to time.

Perhaps because he knew Kant's character and knew that he did not like the comfortable management work, a week after arriving in Feng'er City, Kant received a new task assignment.

Follow an alliance expedition team into the void world to search for and collect void ores.

Kant was extremely happy when he received the task and completed the handover as quickly as possible.

After packing up, Kant will take the golden train and head straight to the entrance base of the void world.

Kant had been looking forward to the void world for a long time, but he never had the chance to go there.

Now that I have finally got what I wanted, my heart is naturally full of anticipation.

Most of the time, the Golden Train is responsible for transporting supplies, and sometimes it also transports Alliance monks.

If you are in a hurry to go to the void world, you can choose to walk, which will take at least half a day.

Kant is no stranger to the Golden Train, which is the main means of transportation to leave the Neon City.

The difference is that the golden train in Feng'er City runs at high speed in a dedicated tunnel and will not be intercepted or harassed by monsters.

There is no need to worry about monsters charging at you, or corpses flying everywhere, and the only thing you'll see the entire time is a depressing tunnel.

Kant was not the only traveler heading to the void world. All seven passenger carriages were packed.

There were quite a few monks among them, and Kant thought they looked familiar. They should all be elite personnel.

Their arrival together means that something important is about to happen.

Thinking about his mission, Kant was certain that the Alliance attached great importance to this mining mission.

If it were just an ordinary operation, the Alliance would not be able to gather elite troops and go to the void world together.

It didn't take too long for the golden train to arrive at the station smoothly, and Kant and a group of other passengers got off one after another.

Standing on the long platform, Kant looked around and saw the strange giant tree at a glance.

The trees were unusually tall, with glowing branches hanging down, emitting a strange rhythm.

The monks of the alliance did not know why Tang Zhen planted a big tree next to the passage, they only knew that there were many incredible things about this tree.

Kant also didn't know the reason, but he could feel waves of strange fluctuations, surging and spreading like ocean waves.

Following the signs, everyone moved forward quickly, passing through the whirlpools in the passage one after another.

The moment he successfully crossed over, Kant felt a heavy pressure and smelled an extremely strange smell.

It smells like rotten earth, mixed with burnt flesh, and the smell of exploding and burning weapons.

If your concentration isn't strong, you'll probably vomit on the spot.

Kant was not affected, but stared straight ahead, his eyes gradually becoming hot.

He saw a giant honeycomb-shaped mirror showing a distant scene, with strange monsters wandering around.

Most of the dark monsters are blind and have no eyes, but Kant can feel their greedy gazes.

Like a hungry wolf, once it seizes an opportunity, it will attack without hesitation.

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