I have a city in another world

Chapter 6023: Exploring the Void World Again

Chapter 6023: Exploring the Void World Again
With the overtime construction of the Alliance monks, the appearance of the entrance base has changed greatly, and three solid golden walls have been erected.

The inner golden wall is the highest, and the outer wall is the shortest, but it is still nearly thirty meters high.

There are monks stationed at the top, large-caliber weapons are mounted, and there are special pipes for spraying fuel.

The fuel can spray hundreds of meters, and once it lands on a monster, it will be burned to charcoal in no time.

Most dark monsters cannot easily cross a golden wall of this height.

The defending Alliance monks would also not allow the monsters to approach, but would kill them as soon as possible.

Even if the monsters break through the blockade and get close to the golden wall, they have no way to climb over this high barrier.

Three circular protective walls occupy a large area of ​​land, allowing the entrance base to have more space.

Various weapons and equipment were deployed in an orderly manner inside the base, most of which were spirit stone rockets.

The large-scale deployment of Lingshi rockets can launch covering strikes at critical moments and directly reverse the situation on the battlefield.

After the joint efforts of the alliance monks, the initial construction of the entrance base has been completed, which is sufficient to cope with the large-scale attacks of dark monsters.

As for ordinary dark monsters, no matter how many come, they will be killed to ensure that they will not cause any damage to the entrance base.

In the coming days, the construction of the entrance base will continue, making it a real iron wall.

With the ability to protect yourself, the next step is to explore the void world and strive to obtain more void ore.

The purpose of spending such a huge price is to obtain void ore, not simply to build a foothold in the void world.

Tang Zhen will still accompany the team throughout this trip, and Bai Lu, as the only eyes of the team, is also on the travel list.

Tang Zhen has been studying Bai Lu's innate abilities and has refined a portable auxiliary magical weapon.

When using this magic weapon, it still cannot be separated from the assistance of the egret, and cannot be used independently in the void world.

In order to solve this drawback, Tang Zhen tried a new method, which is currently being tested.

If the experiment is successful, the alliance monks will be able to travel freely into the void world in the future.

Kant and others who participated in the operation arrived at the base within the specified time, but did not directly launch the operation.

Kant and others arrived for the first time and needed a day to adapt to the best condition.

During this period, they watched the assembly of the Golden Train and were very curious about this large vehicle.

The monks were naturally familiar with the golden train as they had ridden it many times, but the golden train before them was obviously different.

It is larger in size and has higher configuration, like a giant golden monster.

When approaching the golden train, one can clearly feel the aura of a ferocious beast, which makes people feel terrified.

Fortunately, after getting used to it, the feeling of palpitations will disappear.

For dark monsters, this aura of oppression is comparable to a weapon and can cause considerable damage.

A fragile and timid monster might even be frightened to death when faced with such strong mental pressure.

When they saw the front of the golden train, the monks were finally able to confirm that this means of transportation did indeed have intelligence.

It has a pair of sharp eyes that sparkle with wisdom. Its shape is like a golden dragon head, and it even has two thick horns extending forward.

This new type of golden train should be an extra-large magic weapon, and its value is inestimable.

Unless one has spiritual mines at home, one cannot afford to maintain such a magic weapon. Only a huge force like the Alliance can manufacture and use it.

Magical weapons are also divided into different grades. Special magic weapons like the Golden Train are definitely top-notch.

If ordinary magic weapons were used to fight against the golden train, it would probably be smashed into pieces in an instant.

The mouse and the elephant are both flesh and blood creatures, but the difference in strength between them is as great as the difference between heaven and earth.

When fighting with the enemy, he controls the golden train and charges forward recklessly. Few enemies would be able to resist him.

The more people looked at it, the more envious they became. They longed to own this super magic weapon, to use it as a vehicle in normal times and to fight against the enemy in battle. It was truly extremely majestic.

It was a pity that such a magical weapon could only be looked at, and ordinary monks simply could not possess it. After waiting for a day, Kant and others had adapted to the environment of the void world, and the golden train was successfully assembled.

A total of one hundred practitioners participated in this expedition, and each one was a selected elite.

Tang Zhen’s goal is very clear, which is to train a group of high-level practitioners who will be responsible for leading the team when they explore the void world in the future.

As the action order was given, the eyes of the golden train suddenly opened, like a sleeping beast waking up instantly.

With a roar, scorching flames shot up into the sky, and the sound of metal and stone rubbing against each other was deafening.

The surface of the golden train was emitting dazzling rays of light, which was extremely dazzling in the dim environment.

Under the gaze of thousands of monks, the golden train rushed out of the entrance base and sped towards the distance.

Not long after, everyone saw sparks flying and heard the monster's wailing.

The monsters lingering near the base blocked the golden train's path and were smashed to pieces.

The moment the monster flew up, its entire body was covered in flames, and it turned into ashes after landing.

The temperature of the golden train is truly terrifying. Ordinary dark monsters will die if they touch it.


A melodious horn sounded, the tone was desolate and distant, making people feel indescribable sadness.

This is a custom in the Lost Land. Whenever a team sets out on a long journey, their companions will blow this farewell horn.

Pray for God's blessing and hope that your companions can return safely.


The golden train left the base and rushed forward, encountering dark monsters along the way.

They were attracted by the passage, lingered nearby and refused to leave, silently waiting for the opportunity to attack.

These greedy dark monsters, even without the monster leader to drive them, are still eager to attack the entrance base.

Dark monsters will attack as soon as they get the chance.

When it is confirmed that the monster leader is involved and has set his eyes on this piece of fat meat, the dark monsters will automatically follow and take a sip of the soup.

Don’t feel pity for the cannon fodder monsters. They are actually more greedy and despicable, and will not hesitate at all when devouring the flesh and blood of their prey.

Sitting in the running golden train, speeding through the pitch-black environment, no scenery can be seen on either side of the window.

From time to time, some monsters would suddenly rush to the vicinity of the Golden Train. They would crash and scratch violently, but could not hurt the passengers at all.

While the train is running, it will occasionally spread out its wing-like blades to cut the bodies of monsters that are close to it.

The first carriage of the Golden Train has a special area responsible for operation and observation.

The egret sat here, constantly observing the surrounding environment and setting the route for the golden train.

In addition to Bai Lu, there are some high-level monks who serve as advisors. They have rich experience and can make up for many of Bai Lu's shortcomings.

Things like expedition and warfare are originally a kind of teamwork, not a show of bravery.

With the help of the egret vision, Tang Zhen was also looking around, searching for places where void ore might exist.

The city ruins I encountered last time have long since disappeared without a trace, and no one knows where they have drifted to.

If Tang Zhen had the ability at that time to use boundary stakes to fix the city ruins, he could have directly obtained a mining area.

However, such a good thing is just a thought at the moment, and there are no conditions to occupy it at all.

Apart from anything else, the land reclamation ritual requires a large number of bones, and the alliance's current stock is almost zero.

Although using strong light and flames to kill monsters is extremely effective, it often results in no trace of the monster left.

If you want to expand your territory, you must solve this problem. Otherwise, when you encounter ruins at your doorstep again, you can only watch them drift away.

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