I have a city in another world

Chapter 6052: Crisis of Mountain Tower City

Chapter 6052: Crisis of Mountain Tower City

Inside the Mountain Tower City, a group of senior executives were in mixed emotions, as if they had been slapped hard in the face.

My cheeks were burning and my heart was also burning with anger.

The Loucheng mark left by Tang Zhen indeed achieved the expected effect, causing a group of Loucheng monks to be shocked and angry.

They had never thought that they would encounter such a thing. They were truly arrogant to the extreme.

Damn bastard, what do you think Shanlinglou City is? Is he really not afraid of death?
The first thought that came to the minds of several senior executives was to launch a fierce revenge against this incident.

Whoever dares to do this will bear the wrath of the Mountain Tower City.

A newly established Tower City actually dared to take the initiative to come to the door for provocation and leave the Tower City symbol on the table of the Mountain City Lord, which is not much different from directly issuing tactics.

Mountains and towers are never afraid of war!
Although before this, Mountain Tower City was preparing to attack Immortal Tower City and eliminate this neighbor that suddenly appeared.

Without any background or support, how can he survive in the area? It is only natural that he is eliminated.

For the Mountain Tower City, although the barren sea area near the sea is useless, it will not allow it to be occupied by others to avoid posing a threat to itself.

That area was deserted, which was actually a deliberate arrangement by the mountain city to block the threat from the ocean.

There are towers and cities on land and in the ocean as well, and they occasionally approach the coast.

There are also some marine creatures that will also come onto the coast to prey and attack people living on the coast.

A barren, uninhabited area makes it impossible for the enemy to hide and survive, so they will not pose a threat to the mountain towers and cities.

Given a choice, no one would go there to build a city tower, as doing so would be like throwing themselves into a fire pit.

Once the tower city is built, all kinds of troubles will follow, which will definitely make people unbearable.

Although it is a little confusing as to why someone would build a city in the wilderness, it does not affect the actions of the city on the top of the mountain.

Within the scope permitted by the rules, no matter how many tower cities are built, the tower city on the top of the mountain must be completely eradicated.

When everyone was very angry, someone expressed his concerns and speculated that there was a backer behind the Immortal Tower City.

Without powerful means, it would be impossible to embed it into the mountain tower city and leave a heraldic mark unique to the tower city.

The other party's strength is likely to be no weaker than that of everyone present, or even higher.

Being able to sneak in silently is a proof of strength. If the target is someone present, it would be difficult to guarantee that he will not be hurt.

If the enemy sneaks in again and really launches an assassination, it is very likely that someone will lose his life.

The more they thought about it, the more frightened they became. The murderous intent in their hearts grew stronger and stronger, and they wished they could kill the intruder immediately.

But they also have to consider whether they will be retaliated against and cause losses to the mountain tower city.

The mayor of Shanlinglou City looked at the paper in his hand with a gloomy expression, obviously thinking about how to deal with this matter.

From this piece of paper, he felt a slight energy fluctuation. Although it was shallow and weak, it had a power that made people's heart palpitate.

It is like a ball of thunder, which will affect itself once it touches it, causing fatal damage.

Such an obvious warning demonstration made the Lord of Mountain City secretly angry and many doubts followed.

He knew about the existence of the Immortal Tower City, but he didn't take it seriously at all, and made the decision the moment he knew about it.

The Immortal Tower City cannot be left here, it must be eradicated completely without leaving any trouble behind.

After expressing his attitude, the Lord of Mountain City no longer paid attention to the matter.

I thought it was a small matter that would be solved quickly and would never affect me again.

However, he never dreamed that before his monks could take any action, the warning from the Immortal Tower City arrived first.

While the Lord of Mountain City was angry, he also had some concerns in his heart. The newly built tower city, which was originally insignificant, now had become threatening.

If you want to eradicate it again, you will need to take certain risks.

If you don't fight back and you can't vent your anger, it will get out and you'll be laughed at, and the enemy may become more aggressive.

As the overlord of this area, the dignity of Mountain Tower City cannot be offended, and a counterattack must be launched immediately. "Immediately send a team to the area where Immortal Tower City is located and control all suspicious targets.

If there are any resistance, they can be killed directly!"

When the Lord of Mountain City gives an order, his subordinates must naturally carry it out resolutely. They also want to vent their anger.

As the overlords of this place, they have never encountered such a thing before and it is impossible for them to give up easily.

Not long after, a cavalry team from Loucheng gathered and marched out of the city, followed by dozens of large troop transport vehicles.

The troop carriers pulled by heavy military horses not only had soldiers following them, but were also loaded with heavy war weapons.

Conquer cities and seize territories, invincible.

This huge team crossed the streets under the gaze of passers-by and moved quickly towards the coastline.

This kind of scene was not common, and it caused people in the city to talk about it and wonder what had happened.

Only a very few people know the news of the establishment of the Immortal Tower City now. Otherwise, one can guess from the direction that an action is to be taken against the Immortal Tower City.

There were some people on the roadside who told their accomplices about this incident and then followed quietly.

The sudden dispatch of troops from Shanlinglou City is indeed a matter that requires high vigilance, especially for some hostile forces who are very concerned about this matter.

If it is aimed at you, you must prepare in advance to avoid being at a loss when the time comes.

The news spread quickly and people from all walks of life began to pay attention to the matter, but the more they looked at it, the more confused they became.

This team from Shanlinglou City actually went to the wasteland sea, a barren place where no birds even shit.

Could it be that a giant monster or a wild building appeared in that place, which caused the mountain city to mobilize such a large number of troops?
Sending out such a team is definitely not to deal with a trivial matter, and it is even less likely to be a show of force.

Obviously, something must have happened in that desolate sea area, but it has not been spread yet.

Realizing this possibility, all major forces immediately headed to the desert sea area to investigate as quickly as possible.

Not long after, a piece of news spread.

A tower city was actually built in that desolate place, and somehow it offended the mountain tower city.

The two tower cities are neighbors, and the Mountain Tower City is the largest force in the vicinity. Now that the two sides have a conflict, the situation of the newly built tower city is worrying.

After learning the truth, many people secretly sighed that the Immortal Tower City was really unlucky.

It was built near the Mountain Tower City. Isn't it destined to be bullied? Even if it did nothing wrong, it would be destroyed by the Mountain Tower City sooner or later.

In the eyes of many people, Shanlinglou City’s action this time was actually just to cause trouble.

Saying that the Immortal Tower City provoked first and then the Mountain Tower City took action is nothing but a deceptive excuse.

They simply didn't believe that a newly established small tower city would have the courage to challenge the mountain tower city.

After knowing the truth, many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it was not directed at them.

In the view of these forces and organizations, since the Mountain Tower City has targeted it, the newly established Small Tower City will be doomed.

It is estimated that it won’t be long before news of the demise of the Immortal Tower City arrives.

After a while, news came again, but it was not the answer everyone had imagined.

The army sent by Shanlinglou City was ambushed and is now trapped in the wilderness.

A monk managed to escape by chance and fled back to the mountain tower city in a panic. Many people on the roadside witnessed it.

With such a major incident happening, Shanlinglou City must take action and absolutely cannot sit idly by.

Sure enough, not long after, the silent alarm bell sounded in the mountain tower city.

A large number of monks left the tower city, followed by a security force, and headed straight towards the wasteland sea.

Such a big event was bound to attract onlookers from all directions, and the originally deserted area immediately became lively.

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