I have a city in another world

Chapter 6053: Laying the formation and waiting for the enemy to tire out

Chapter 6053: Laying the formation and waiting for the enemy to tire out

A valley in the wilderness, covered with gravel and occasionally some weeds.

It is so barren that there is no sign of animals and even insects are rarely seen.

But from this place, bursts of noisy and shouting sounds were heard, and it was obvious that a lot of people had gathered here.

If you look over the hillside, you can see a group of people gathered in the ravine, running around in confusion and panic.

The strange thing is that when these people walked, they were always circling in the valley. Even though the hillside was right in front of them, no one ever stepped on it.

It seemed as if their vision and perception were affected by some force, so they could only wander around in the valley.

When an experienced cultivator saw this scene, he could immediately judge that this group of people were trapped in the formation and unable to escape.

Only by breaking the rune array can one successfully get out of the ravine.

To break the rune array is not as simple as pulling out the flag and cutting off the energy circulation circuit.

If people who don't understand operate it without authorization, they will inevitably be counterattacked by the magic circle and face fatal danger.

It is like an ordinary person who does not understand the principles of electrical engineering and wants to cut a million-volt high-voltage line that is like a fence with his bare hands when he cannot find a switch.

There is no way it will succeed and it will be blown to pieces.

If another illusion array is set up, the situation of the person who breaks the array will be even more dangerous, and he will be trapped in it if he is not careful.

The outside of the formation is so dangerous, and the inside is even more terrifying. Those trapped inside will suffer all kinds of torture and destruction.

A cultivator who controls the formation can kill high-level cultivators without any effort.

By utilizing the power of the formation, a cultivator can defeat a hundred enemies at once, or even kill a thousand times more enemies.

This group of people in the valley are the monks from the Mountain Tower City. The purpose of this trip is to raze the Immortal Tower City.

They came with great momentum, but they couldn't find the Immortal Tower City at all, and were trapped in the formation in a daze.

The monks in the Mountain Tower City have been trapped for a long time and are now extremely panicked, trying their best to find a way to escape.

But no matter what they did, they kept going around in circles in the valley, and their condition became worse and worse.

The weaker monks had collapsed to the ground, unable to move freely.

At this moment, the valley was filled with figures lying all over the place, like dead bodies.

The monk from Loucheng who was in charge of leading the team was extremely terrified, not knowing what would happen next.

The only hope now is the accomplice who escaped. We hope he can bring the news back to Loucheng.

The arrival of a master from the city might be able to break the formation and help everyone escape the crisis.

But there was still a hint of worry in the leader's heart. He was sure that the Immortal Tower City that suddenly appeared was definitely not simple.

Before the two sides officially came into contact, the Immortal Tower City had already deployed a powerful formation, which was definitely not something that an ordinary cultivator could do.

No one knows whether the Immortal Tower City has other means.

The unknown is the most frightening thing, especially when you are in a desperate situation and despair keeps coming like a tide.

The trapped monks in the mountain tower city could not see that there was a group of monks driving off-road vehicles watching silently on the hillside not far away.

The formation was set up by Tang Zhen, and the monks in Loucheng were only responsible for controlling it to ensure that no one could break out of the formation.

If an outsider breaks into the formation, you can also manipulate the formation to resist and attack the enemy from the inside.

The people in Shanlinglou City are numerous and powerful. If Tang Zhen and his gang engage in a head-on confrontation with them, they will definitely suffer.

In fact, from the very beginning, Tang Zhen had formulated a strategy not to fight head-on with these local tyrants.

Using formations and other means to launch deterrent attacks on the enemy might have a better effect.

Through this method of fighting, the enemy will understand the strength of the Immortal Tower City and will not dare to provoke or offend us easily.

If the enemy is sensible, Tang Zhen can show mercy, otherwise he will definitely make the enemy learn a painful lesson.

Tang Zhen set up several hidden rune arrays in a short period of time, and anyone who dared to offend would surely suffer.

After discovering an intruder, he could be led into the magic circle and his life and death could be controlled freely.

Don't underestimate the power of the formation. A truly powerful formation master can use the formation to refine an entire planet.

With Tang Zhen's strength and means, it is not difficult to deal with the practitioners in the mountain tower city. Tang Zhen went to the nearby tower city for reconnaissance and left the randomly generated mark of the immortal tower city, not only to deter the opponent.

It is also a way to lure out the real hostile person and let him learn a painful lesson.

Tang Zhen actually had no idea how many tower cities he could intimidate and how many tower cities he could attract.

This is not a problem, we can deal with as many people as they come.

The fish that escaped the net in Shanlinglou City were actually released intentionally by Tang Zhen in order to attract more prey.

On the route that the opponent must take, Tang Zhen set up a large formation that can be activated at any time.

In the following period of time, you just need to wait for the other party to come.

When Shanlinglou City sent troops again and headed straight for the desert sea, Tang Zhen received the news at the first time.

Shanlinglou City was indeed enraged and rushed over aggressively, obviously intending to launch an act of revenge.

The two places are not close, and the march will take some time.

The next morning, a large team appeared and marched in an orderly manner.

There were monks scouting in front of the team, and there were teams coordinating on both wings. The main body on the march was divided into three parts.

If you encounter an unexpected situation, you can counterattack at any time.

Looking at the marching deployment of the mountain tower city, you can tell that they have experienced large-scale wars and conducted special drills.

The commander is very capable and can advance and retreat in unison during the operation, thus maximizing the advantages of the army.

After a night of marching, the morale of the army in Shanlinglou City was stable and they were ready to engage in battle at any time.

Since the other party already knew that the first wave of monks were trapped in the formation, they were very careful as they moved forward.

There is also a high-level cultivator who holds a magic detection weapon that can detect hidden formation fluctuations.

In order to avoid falling into a trap, Shanlinglou City changed its route several times after entering the wilderness.

There are no roads in the wilderness, so changing the route will not have much impact. As long as safety can be guaranteed, it doesn't matter if some time is wasted.

But in Tang Zhen's opinion, this is just a waste of time.

If it is an ordinary formation trap, this method can have a certain effect, and the reconnaissance monks also have a certain chance of discovering clues.

Tang Zhen's method of setting up formations is not something that ordinary cultivators can understand, but is the inheritance of a higher-level formation school.

Using ordinary detection methods to search for the rune formation set up by Tang Zhen would not produce any results at all.

The monks from the Mountain Tower City who were moving felt that everything around them was normal, but they did not know that they had already stepped into the range of the formation.

The formation arranged by Tang Zhen can move with the target and complete the arrangement silently.

By the time the abnormality was discovered, the formation had already been quietly set up, leaving almost no possibility of breaking through and escaping.

In the center of the Shanling Tower City team, the city lord is responsible for command and control, and receives intelligence information reported from all directions.

But at this moment, the Lord of Mountain City frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

He sent out a large number of monks to search this wasteland, trying to find targets related to the Immortal Tower City.

But so far, no clues have been found, only some traces of vehicle movement.

All traces of the Immortal Tower City and the trapped monks in the Mountain Tower City seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

This situation is extremely abnormal. Either the enemy has fled, or there is a bigger conspiracy.

The latter is more likely, so you must be extra careful not to fall into the enemy's conspiracy trap.

At this moment, the Lord of Mountain City actually felt a little regretful that he should not have launched the attack impulsively.

We should wait a little longer and figure out the specific situation before taking action.

Once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. Having come this far, we must return victorious.

Just as the Lord of Mountain City was gaining confidence, he discovered that fog was rising all around him, surrounding the marching team.

He was startled and his face turned extremely ugly.

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